Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The way I see it

Conservatives, despite believing in smaller government or saying they do actually trust the government more than liberals!!! I'd hazard a guess that the vast majority of mainstream conservatives believe Oswald acted alone, since they don't believe in our government ever having nefarious overtones the various JFK conspiracy theories are loony and paranoid simply because they are metaphysical impossibilities. Take the Vietnam War, to this day your rank-and-file conservative's only problem is that we didn't stick it out long enough to defeat the Communist North Vietnamese. Conservatives positively hated the social and political upheaval of the '60s because the main aim or goal of conservatism is social and political stability. Oh they'll say it's freedom and liberty and to a certain degree that's true but they still trust the government more and so you had people like William F. Buckley Jr. almost single-handedly purging the John Birchers from the mainstream conservative movement, McCarthy is only defended by the likes of Ann Coulter these days and the conservative talk radio host most suspicious and least trusting of the government overall, Michael Savage, is constantly being marginalized by most other conservatives. You might say conservatives like the '50s and liberals love the '60s more, conservatives go with the oatmeal every day whereas liberals prefer the jalapenos. Spike Lee can voice some pretty radical Katrina theories but libs won't dare try to marginalize him and oust him from their movement, Tuskegee opened the door and so while most libs may not agree with Lee they understand and why do they understand? because historically they have trusted the government less. Put another way, who over time has Questioned Things more, liberals or conservatives? WHO are the conformists of the status-quo, of homogenous thought and who see a basic inherent problem with our very institutions (hint: which side of the torture issue are you on? how do you view the CIA?)? Not taking sides here at all but what I like about soapie is he questions things more than your average conservative talking head not in a conspiratorial way but by getting back to First Principles which both sides fail miserably on, a pox on both your houses. If I may put it another way how come Bush never got teabagged?


  1. You should listen to Glenn Beck, he's all about principles and not about party. Or check out

  2. Soapie has always resisted the tug of popular sentiment; concensus and authority without himself being able to verify. In fact, in Soapie's adolescence, he was routinely referred by his parents as "Mouth" and "Yeah but...". I am a skeptic by nature; a curious sort of individual.

  3. "If I may put it another way how come Bush never got teabagged?"
    He DID get a shoe thrown his way and he was picketed a lot, although those folk were mostly kept out of sight. Goes with the territory, where the buck stops, etc. Lincoln had a lot of enemies in the northern voting population.
    Good thing..let folks blow off steam. Nice thing about democracies..can you imagine teabagging Hitler?

  4. You've pretty much sold me on Beck and I'm alot like soapie in some regards. Always held to my own opinion while growing up, twenty people agreeing on something meant nothing to me. Fact is out of all the career choices I've made I don't think I could be a cop or want to, too many niggling laws I'd have to enforce. I respect cops and their bravery on the front lines but in many ways they're upholding a corrupt system, say when they're called upon to arrest peaceful pro-life protestors as used to happen here in Dobbs Ferry. I also don't see the point in arresting a drug user who needs help more than he needs incarceration. There is an old old saying with more than a healthy gram of truth to it: "A conservative is a liberal who was mugged. A liberal is a conservative who was arrested."

  5. I know both Soapie and I were vocal when Bush was bailing out the banks.

  6. Yeah BB but it's not the same. You see Bush is our guy and so while he may have wasted as much of our money as Obama is now doing we kinda overlooked it. Didn't have the organized passion of the teabagging crowd. Maybe that's why politics is so messed up, most of us are fans of one side or the other and don't realize BOTH parties have screwed the country.

  7. Yep Beth but how many others? I don't think I'd give Bush good overall ratings but I was never a Bush guy in the first place. Well maybe because Bush got the ball rolling with the bailouts Obama thought it was the thing to do, ya know?

  8. I would agree there wasn't enough public outrage at Bush, we did cut him too much slack. But Obama is growing the government way more quickly than I ever thought he would, he needs to be stopped!

  9. Well I agree but good luck on that one!

  10. Well it's off to work we go. Bury me in work lady!

  11. "I know both Soapie and I were vocal when Bush was bailing out the banks."Oh hell I was after Bush well before that. But is true.

    People didn't largely oppose Bush's policies until when?? Until he lost the party.

    Proving yet again the "sheeples" subservience, not to an ideology but rather, to a party.

    And sadly, many of them are still subservient to their party much to the detriment of any principle or ideology for which the party is merely a messenger to.

  12. I was pondering this posting today and decided that the Obama people really would like to read what you have written here, because that is exactly what they hope most Americans do, so they can just ram through all the socialistic crap they want.

  13. Call me a party pooper but Bush handed future generations a deficit just like Obama is doing. I could change my mind depending on how Obama governs of course, don't get me wrong but it's not my intention to engage in a collective Obama hatefest for the next four years fueled by the likes of Sean and Rush and Savage. Again that could change but for the moment am rather more concerned with how radical he'll be on the life issues. Bush wasn't a real conservative, 'member his proposals for immigration reform? which I tended to agree with btw yada yada yada...
