Thursday, July 23, 2009

In the East life is cheap, in the West life is expendable

In the East: "Here's a pack of cigarettes, fix my car."
In the West: "Sorry, that cancer drug's not covered."

Maybe the government should fix your car too. Kind of missed Obama's speech last night, didn't know it was even on as no other president has spoken to the nation so often but caught some snippets on PBS after it was all over. With ObamaCare it has become almost impossible to not see Obama as a socialist or having socialist tendencies or at the very least belonging to some variant subspecies of the socialist genus (let me consult my field guide here). He's so convinced his vision is correct, a charge often leveled against us conservatives, his is an almost messianic mission. His rhetorical device of always painting the opposition to whatever he believes in, nay knows to be true as obstructionists to Progress, I know what he's doing the slick SOB. Obama has often been compared to Ronald Reagan but he's the opposite of Reagan in almost every way. He's killing us softly.


  1. now, now, ! think your being a bit hard on the Our Chimp in Chief!

  2. I don't prefer to resort to name calling (didn't care for it when they did it to Bush either) but I saw a report from the AP even a Fact Check on Obama's speech last night and the article pointed out the fallacies in some of Obama's statements. It's better late then never that people are realizing that Obama quick fixes will result in long-term bad things.

  3. Oh, and we should care about what YOU prefer? Who died and made you King?
    Amy way. I'm away to the Highlands this weekend to catch up with my cultural roots, and not a few wee drams. Hopefully the weather will be kind but it's not bloody likely.

    Anyway, I'm outta here now for a wee while so enjoy the peace and quiet, and for heavens sake don't get an abortion while I'm gone...

    Elvis has left the building

  4. hey boss with the sauce
