Thursday, August 13, 2009

The msm really really really really wants health-care reform

I wish they'd just go back to reporting the news instead of giving opinions. Hey Charlie Gibson pal, if it bothers you that much write an Op-Ed and oh, those Fact Checks they can shove up their ass. Funny how the "facts" always seem to go against the critics. I don't want some government bureaucrat sticking his finger up my rear, I have my own doctor to do that thank you. Better yet since Obama's so worried about little old me maybe he can put on the latex himself. Hillary seems a little testy of late. I don't think she's happy as Secretary of State, I think she really wanted his job, the bitch wanted the whole enchilada. Maybe they can have a Cash for Clunkers program where you can turn in your fat wife.


  1. So much for having an advocate in the media.

  2. Obama has everything going for him INCLUDING the media and he still can't get health-care passed and I don't think he's going to. It's gonna be the first major failure of his presidency (that is if you don't count the 400+ deaths from H1N1 in this country which the media seems to be ignoring).

  3. 400 deaths from H1N1 isn't worth reporting anyway. Consider how many people everyday from car accidents. We don't get a daily report on that.

    Besides, most of the deaths I've heard regarding H1N1 have been old people or infants and young children (many of which had other attributable factors involved).

    I still shake my head everytime I walk around the office and see the "anti-bacterial germ stations" they've set up where you can get a squirt of that hand cleaner crap.

    Seriously??? These people like to get themselves whipped up over spilt milk for crying out loud.

  4. Well my whole point about H1N1 is that Obama should have closed off the Mexican border during the earliest stages and is political correctness costing lives? I don't get this OCD clean kick we're on. I have to laugh, everyone's so clean these days like if your deodorant wore off just a tad some busybody feels it's his obligation to politely inform you and I'm thinking do these people even have sex? Last I checked it was kind of a messy activity. I mean I don't get it, seems kinda contradictory.

  5. Obama has everything going for him INCLUDING the media and he still can't get health-care passed

    He still may get it passed, but what angers me is that those of us who exercise our 1st amendment right to speak out against it are being made into enemies of the state, THAT is the real problem here.

  6. Well this particular ball got rolling when George Tiller was murdered and they said O'Reilly shouldn't have said what he said about the guy. This free speech thing really really bothers me, can't criticize late-term abortionists, can't criticize the push for socialized medicine, what's next?

  7. See what I mean about other things the Obama administration is doing that is similar to Nazi Germany?

  8. Well Matt Rose just the other day brought up that angle. Whatever label we affix to it, I personally like pc, it's a control issue and I said this elsewhere when soapie and I were having our deep discussion. So what's behind the desire to control? they feel threatened by something, in this case freedom?

  9. Now this latest town-haller, where was it again Montana? and the msm kept saying "the conservative town of..." and yet it was a real friendly kind of get-together, well even a reporter on The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric said it was because Democratic supporters gobbled up the tickets early on and so you were left with an older NRA gentleman who politely said bull alot.
