Monday, August 17, 2009

Obama is in deep denial

Even many Democrats have turned against the public option and so the best analogy I can use is that Obama is like some man who has so much to offer and yet he's being rejected and so the initial stage is denial, it ain't happening, people don't understand, maybe I need to 'splain better. I said this over at Pamela Hart's blog but Obama putting out a government website to "correct" all the "misinformation" about health-care reform would be like to expect a bunch of JFK conspiracy theorists to consult the Warren Commission Report. Hey dude you need to get over yourself, you ARE being rejected and that cute little tv spot of a bunch of cars cutting off the ambulance (i.e. those special interests blocking much-needed health-care reform) well it was clever but it ain't gonna change anyone's minds. Obama has to know in the back of his head that this is soon gonna be the first major failure of his presidency, no amount of shucking it up at those townhallers is gonna help and he's like some guy coming out of the local porn emporium with his little care package and the pastor sees him, the town widow, the postman, Brian with his yo-yo and the wind opens up his trenchcoat and what comes flopping out but it says SOCIALIST all over it. No man public option wasn't a make or break deal, I got these here for a friend and ah fuck it man, I'm more liberal than my own Congress. I got my Harvard cred, I thought you were with me on this. Nothing personal about your Grandma but that AARP crowd, they're what's known in the game as a bunch of useful idiots. I had the msm on my side all along and even they couldn't help me now how depressing is that?


  1. Poor bastard is kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place isn't he? Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy! HA, about time!

  2. I had to laugh when he began to backtrack and say that the public option was only a small sliver of the total plan. HAH, that was the total plan, that was the whole point to get the government involved and now the way the msm is spinning it is libs are pissed at the guy, the moderate Obama when the truth is Obama is a true lib socialist who merely saw the handwriting on the wall. It ain't gonna happen folks, forget it. Health-care "reform" is history.

  3. Thank goodness for that!

  4. Joe's prescription for reform is the best one, use a scalpel instead of the old sledge but one of Joe's pillars, tort reform ain't gonna happen with a Democratic Congress. The chances are better for Richard Simmons going out with J-Lo.
