Friday, September 18, 2009

How to put the racism issue to bed once and for all

Elect a black conservative president next time, say Clarence Thomas or Thomas Sowell. If we still hate the nigger then ok.


  1. Good idea, can we make the switch immediately PLEASE??

  2. Dunno....probably during his address to a joint session, Barney Frank would yell "you lie!"

  3. You can't change a Moron's mind. They love to place that race card as it's the only card they have.

  4. But I'm surprised they used it so quickly, that card is getting all dog-eared by now.

    I can't resist this Beth BUT if I posted this exact same thread over at Hannityland with n-word intact (or even saying "n-word" is a filter-bypass you know) Lee wouldn't allow it, would probably have a baby. I'd be reported, hell I'd be on the News and a cop would show up at my door. You see over there context and parody mean nothing. OH GOD TO HAVE THE FREEDOM TO BLOG!! (excuse me a moment)...

  5. Yes, the First Amendment is alive and well in the blogosphere (for the time being at least)!

  6. Free speech is freest here which is why they hate us the most.

  7. Fuck 'em. We hate them too.


    Carry on.

  8. Some folks are threatened by pure free speech and that's what the blogosphere is, the purest form of free speech going. Oh no they'll tell you they don't like the blogosphere because of occasional inaccuracies, slanders, rumors etc. but that ain't really it at all, they're actually threatened by free speech. It's a control issue as I blogged about a while back.
