Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Thoughts on Election Day

Does your vote really count? Sometimes I feel like a drop in the ocean when I go in there, if you don't have a million other drops just like you it's meaningless, a kind of existential politics if you will. What with corruption, voter fraud and the special interests in answer to the question somehow I don't think it really does. In a perfect world.

The theoretical -- What if you had 100% voter turnout? What if everyone eligible to vote in this country did how would it break down? Would Obama even be President? If there's such a groundswell of grass-roots opposition to him now how come this didn't manifest itself in the voting booth then? Are liberals just better organized? Was it corruption or is it simply a case of buyer's remorse? In this case it wouldn't be such a right-wing thing as the msm is making it out to be, a bunch of Glenn Beck podpeople mechanically doing what the Master says but let me not ruin a good story.

"He couldn't be elected dogcatcher." Do we even have dogcatchers anymore?

& Finally Corzine, throw the bum out on his keyster!!


  1. Truthfully the only reason I believe Obama won was because he wasn't Bush, people really didn't know much about him and unfortunately his change is not what people expected I don't think. And if they only listen to the MSM, they still don't really know what's going on!!

  2. So you think most folks took him for a moderate? I kinda agree but doesn't that go to show that the tea partiers and townhallers are a diverse group of people and not the just the right-wing mob made out to be by the msm?

  3. They (the MSM) cannot debate the issues that the tea party-goers have, nor the questions Glenn Beck asks, so the only alternative they have is to discredit Beck and those who agree with him. Sad really.

  4. They paint the tea partiers as a bunch of radicals but really what is so radical about the call for fiscal restraint by our own government?? to not waste money, to let the free market work? you'd think this would cut across the board and be quintessential American dissent but not in msm-land.

  5. Beth is probably right, there was a reaction to Bush's eight years.
    Indeed, since I first voted (Nixon)
    we have had 12 years of Dem presidents and 28 years of GOP presidents. Perhaps the dynasty thing? So, this morning, the Mrs. and me voted for City Council..eight folks for 4 seats.
    The little old ladies that host our precinct have been there for
    thirty years now. Nice ladies...
    out here in the boonies we still put the ballot in a box. heh
