Thursday, August 12, 2010

There's something about Robert Gibbs' comments that have been bothering me

Just because President Obama has apparently managed to piss off the left-wing blogosphere doesn't make him a conservative or even a moderate (Shaw is a notable exception but then again Shaw is Shaw). Gibbs' remarks that they won't be satisfied until we have a Canadian style health care system and Dennis Kucinich as president, well if you deconstruct that that doesn't mean Obama wouldn't prefer to have the public option. Indeed he's on the record as supporting such but basically he saw the political handwriting on the wall and to borrow a page from Patrick M he went with practicality over principle. If I say or do something that pisses off the soapster let's say, I get Mal's knickers in a twist too, hell let's say I got under Beth's skin as well, I just got geeeeeZed and the Zep bloviated on me well that doesn't mean I'm no longer a part of their world. I'm beginning to think this is the whole point and maybe Obama actually welcomes criticism from the left-wing blogosphere as this will make him appear the pragmatic moderate, the realistic centrist by comparison. It's like with the gays, they like him and all but every once in a while they feel he doesn't go far enough. Obama himself likes them but there's always a little pragmatic distance in between, some political breathing room. He's not gonna put the jelly fist in himself or slip on the semen in the boomboom room during a campaign stop. Though he's gotten a 100% positive report card from NARAL on the topic of abortion he's barely spoken and the one time he did he acted the aloof intellectual above it all, maybe even vaguely pro-life in a misty morning sense. I think Gibbs believes his own comments but his boss knows the real deal.


  1. Z Said: "There's something about Robert Gibbs' comments that have been bothering me."

    Bothering? I think it's more like upsetting the crap out of me.

    Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to see this administration screwing up.
    And Robert Gibbs is the Poster Boy for Clowns and Stupidity.
    But, I want Bobby Gibbs to stay! He's doing just what we want him to! Make the Progressives look like a bunch of BOZO'S.
    He represents Jug-ears perfectly!

  2. "I'm beginning to think this is the whole point and maybe Obama actually welcomes criticism from the left-wing blogosphere as this will make him appear the pragmatic moderate, the realistic centrist by comparison."

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but only in this country is Obama's policy anything left of center. "The Left-Wing blogosphere" doesn't have to make Obama look like a centrist at all, he is doing that himself. Look at any country in Europe and you will see that their Right is to left of our Left. Sarkozy is actually considered very conservative in France and in this country he would be a Democrat.

  3. Bill Clinton you could say was a centrist, a triangulator. Obama is not and only compromises with political reality as on the public option when he has no other choice. He still has those ideals floating around in his head which are decidedly leftist.
