Sunday, December 12, 2010

Conservatives who know more about porn than you do

L. Brent Bozell III in yesterday's NY Post writes about some porn actor who got AIDS on the set and is upset, makes the point that folks don't like to see condoms used in these films and so they really don't care as much as they should. Says Vivid Entertainment had a mandatory condom policy for seven years and saw a 20% drop in sales.

I didn't know that.

I'll betcha porno pete didn't know that either. Anytime I gotta do a research paper on the topic I'm gonna go to my man Brent.


  1. Hmm, didn't know that either. Yanna bet the
    Trojan Pope is checking it out?

  2. So my question would be, did they tell him he had to go without a condom? Or did they encourage him to use one and he chose on his own not to?

    If the first, then the company is at fault.

    If the second, it's all on him.

    My job has plenty of occupational hazards. If you have a patient with tuberculosis, all the protective equipment you need is right there, and you're required to use it. If you fail to use it and you get tuberculosis, it's your own fault.

    If the equipment isn't there to start with then the hospital will be faulted.

    This isn't any different really in my opinion. These porn folk have got to know what their risks are, don't you think?

  3. Conservatives who know more about rock music than you do. As a yoot I was fairly hip or considered myself to be but I never knew there was a song out there called "Cold Ethyl" by Alice Cooper until a socially-conservative newsletter I got in the mail informed me of such. Who knew?

  4. Same thing as your average atheist being able to quote the Bible better than your average Baptist.

    Remember the PMRC? They combed through every frickin lyric from every frickin metal band just LOOKING for things to nail them over. That's how they knew more than other people.

    Only the PMRC thought Judas Priest was singing about bad stuff. The rest of us were just enjoying the music.

  5. I actually can relate to some of this. There have been times when I posted stuff and you'll get other interpretations of what I just posted, some find it offensive on some level and I feel like, oh I don't know, OZZY?

  6. Every once in a while you'll read about some obscenity prosecution and just imagine you're a juror taking time off from work for 5 bucks a day and you and the other jurors, a mixed group have to sit there in some room and watch a porno, that's kinda weird:)
