Saturday, June 04, 2011

Politics is alot like cooking

Everyone thinks their way is the way.


  1. Liberalism leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

  2. But is the recipe the same? I've been hearing this alot lately, that liberals and conservatives basically have the same goals. Liberalism gives me agita.

  3. There is no way they have the same goals, the libs want the government to run their lives, conservatives know better. We even think that liberals can take care of themselves, if they just applied themselves! They are fine to not be responsible citizens, or to expect it from the majority. It really is the lazy way.

  4. Liberal - Conservative....meh...

    To infer that "conservatives" no better is bullshit. There were plenty of "conservatives" that were happier than pigs in shit to have their "conservative" representatives/governors sign on to smoking bans, professional sports stadiums, ethanol, global warming cap and trade nonsense, etc.

    The labels are great but at the end of the day the question remains:

    Did you empower the state or did you empower the individual?
