Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The true test of a retired conservative

Return all your Social Security checks.


  1. You only need to return beyond what you paid in.

  2. That's a Fairly Good Answer, Soap, and it Addresses what I was Going to say about the Fact that Social Security is NOT a Government Hand Out because of the Fact that we Pay into it.

    You Forgot One Detail, though. Social Security is Like an Insurance Policy and in Insurance Policies, what is Paid In and what is Paid Out are not Required to be Equal because Insurance is Based on Statistical Risk.

    Personally, though, I Think that the Republicans are being a little Extreme Right Now in their Refusal to Compromise in Relation to Taxes. A Few Additional Taxes on the Richest of the Rich may not be a Bad Idea Right Now.

    I was Surprised when someone Pointed Out to me that even Reagan did Raise some Taxes. Turns Out that it's True.

  3. Raise taxes on the rich? Seriously...have you no morality?

  4. I guess returning a SS check would be like paying more taxes? From the May 2011 data, about 55 million are getting SS in the following categories:
    Old Age- 64% retired
    4% spouses
    Survivor- 8% widows
    3.6% children
    Disabled- 15.2 %
    3.6% (children of)
    Of these millions, we can only guess the breakout of lib/con,
    but I know of one case that intrigues me. Hard-working guy
    from where I worked. Fought back
    problems for years. Ran into him
    awhile back and he was ecstatic:
    he finally was getting disability
    (SSDI)...and he now could spend
    ALL his time working with the
    Tea Party. Go figure....

  5. Oh for Petes Sake, BB, the Tea Party is not Anti-Social Security. If they were, I wouldn't be Supporting them. And Social Security is NOT a Hand Out.

  6. You must be using the same categorically false statistics that Michelle Bachmann is.

  7. Shouldn't we privatize Social Security, let folks invest some of that money?

  8. I don't Know, Z, I'll Leave that up to the Voters and I May even Vote for that Option. Obviously Trusting the Government has not been the Best Thing. They seem to Mess things Up.

  9. The hell with privatization. Just give me my money and I will best determine what to do with it.

  10. Soap,
    Since things that are Privatized are Generally Optional, rather than Mandatory, that is essentially the Same as what you just Said.

  11. The Republican plans that were talked about with respect to privatazing social security were nothing of the sort. Do you research Lista.

    It was a half baked pan of shit that they cooked up and slapped the word privatization on to drum up support.

    It's the same thing as this idiotic attempt at school vouchers instead of just providing tax credits to parents who seek other education alternatives outside of the cookie cutter one size fits all Federal government model.

  12. Retirement age is currently 62. Repubs always want to raise it but I say lower it to at least 60 (do I hear 55?). Keep raising the age and you're likely to retire with a hernia or a bad back or saggy breasts or whatever and I'm including guys here. Now you have all the time in the world and you have a wet noodle. I'd like to retire in the best of health thank you. Talking at work and I said when it comes my time I ain't going back into the workforce at all like some retirees and she goes you never know. Actually I do know I said and I'll eat sardines everyday if I have to. Most every day of your worklife you put up with endless bullshit, mindgames, manipulation, stress, anxiety etc. etc. so why in hell would I go back?
