Tuesday, January 03, 2012

It's not so much the Republican candidates I hate...

...it's the conservative political commentators. These movie critics of the political scene who have to overinterpret every daily up-to-the-minute pollette or subpoll and who dismiss various surges as the flavor of the week (as a group they heavily tend to lean towards Romney for some reason), these union commentators who tell you how to vote, who tell you Ron Paul is a system-hater when maybe all he wants to do is return to the Original System, these self-important chuckleheads who tweet and blog and pontificate and opine which leads me to a very important political maxim here you would do well to heed:

By all means know a candidate's political positions, study his or her belief system, judge their sincerity for yourself and how they'll impact on your life personally but you're perfectly capable of doing that already aren't you average American that you are. DO NOT however read the political commentary, do not allow it as a critical mass to influence the way you vote or think. If Newt tweaked another woman's nipple not his wife's, well you already knew that didn't you? You don't need me or some other pundicrat to tell you that's baggage, you don't need to read George Will's petulant commentary on Newt's view of the judges in this country just 'cause his wife is advising the Rick Perry campaign (look Will has a frenulum too). John Podhoretz, Michael Goodwin, David Brooks, Jonah Goldberg, Peggy Noonan, Carlmax Newsmax or whatever the hell it's called and so on down the list, just don't read 'em. I'd rather read soap's take on the ethanol subsidies situation anyway:)


  1. You don't even have cable TV that has them on 24/7!

  2. My Congratulations to Rick Santorum, for a job well done. Maybe a Romney and Santorum ticket would work. And just how long will it be before the Dems go to work destroying him! They already did it to Romney for his religion.Meanwhile, Obie is sitting on his ass, taking credit for everything but the victory over Japan.
    And whats with that half-wit Ron Paul? Is he going to be like like Ross Perot who took the presidency away from George Bush 41 and handed it to BJ Willie Clinton. Most conservatives feel the same way about Ron Paul, regarding his domestic policy. And his foreign policy is even worse. It is filled with a outcome of horror. But have no worries, if Paul wins the nomination or if he loses and follows through on his threats to run as an independent, he would be deliberately throwing the election to Barack Obama out of spite. And Obama must not be re-elected. If Paul hands Obama the four more years needed to finish his treacherous agenda of transforming the USA into a 3rd world Socialist state, and he (Ron Paul) will go down as one of the most hated person in our history. Paul is even more dangerous than Ross Perot was, Paul wants isolation as a US policy, Paul is a Conspiracy Nut, a certified KOOK, and a Anti-Semite. And anyone that denies that is simply fooling themselves. He scares me more than Barack Obama does.
    As for me, I'll fight tooth and nail I'll fight for any one over Obama.

  3. "soap?"


    Sun cracked soul has been trolling since Oct. 2011.

    You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. You can give a man a brain but you cannot make him think.

  4. Gee, Soap, that's like practically a political haiku.

    Rearrange your syllables.

  5. And, I would add, you can lead a Libertarian to evidence, but the odds are he's still not going to see it.

  6. Evidence? All I see is a bucket full of ad hominem.

  7. It's sad in a way but conservatives are really the most disunified movement out there (e.g. how they feel about Ron Paul, the Santorum/Romney divide etc.). Now Newt and George Will would probably find a few things to actually agree upon but what does Will do in his columns? he attacks Newt. A divided movement will not make much progress, just sayin'.

  8. I disagree. It makes progress with respect to weeding the garden. For far too long the GOP has neglected to weed the garden and now the weeds have taken over and choked the life out of the viable food.

    I think you get the metaphor.

  9. But that's my whole point, the conservative elite considers Paul the weed. They'd agree with your statement but in a different way soap.

  10. Oh I know it all too well.
