Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Newt & Mitt Show

Up until now I have for the most part avoided those endless GOP debates (are there supposed to be so many?) but I mainly tuned in last night at Rock Center on NBC to see if moderator Brian Williams would Go There, you know the Newt marital material which liberals are suddenly interested in but as I watched all I got was Cuba is 90 miles off the coast of Florida. I watched about the first hour off and on, it was fairly exciting to tell the truth with Romney and Gingrich attacking each other. Newt kept saying he wasn't a lobbyist for Freddie Mac, Romney put his tab at about $1M/yr. with Newt giving a much lower figure of course and truth be told I thought Romney's points were relevant and Newt gave off a stink cloud like an octopus obfuscating the issue, reminds me of some of the debates here. Meanwhile over at Bain Capital......Santorum and Paul looked like those Jeopardy contestants who just stand there and never ring the buzzer, Williams seemed to notice and got them in there too. Uncle Paulie thinks there are too many wars we can't afford but it was clear who the night was all about. Obama HHS Sec'y Kathleen Sebelius telling Catholic hospitals they have one year to figure out a way to provide birth control services to women, I would have thought it better for Mitt and Newt to go after Obama who seems to me likes to stoke the Culture Wars - "throw another log on the fire Corey" - but I guess they have to get rid of their respective threats first before they can go to the next level. Gosh man so how many more of these to go? it's becoming a weekly series like American Idol. Maybe Marky Mark can host the next one.


  1. "Uncle Paulie thinks there are too many wars we can't afford..."

    Are you inferring this is a matter of opinion or actually one of fact?

  2. Is Ron Paul a misguided fool who never stands a chance to be president? The answer is a simple one. YES!

  3. "...to see if moderator Brian Williams would Go There, you know the Newt marital material which liberals are suddenly interested in..."

    We are not "suddenly" interested in Newt's marital history. In fact we don't care how many mistresses he shagged while married to his wives.

    Liberals bring up the matter only to point to Newt's gargantuan hypocrisy. While he was shagging Callista [in his Wife No. 2's marital bed], he was also the Panty Sniffer-in-Chief over the Clinton affair. And Newt was also involved in family values organizations while breaking every "family values" tenet of the sanctimonious GOP.

    It is quite apparent that the "family values" party is willing to forgive and forget the biggest of their hypocrites just so they can hear him snarl, like a rabid dog, at the president.

    It apparently plays well in certain areas of the south, but he's not going to come across as a reasonable person anywhere else.

    I doubt very much that audiences in larger states--especially with Independent voters--will warm to his angry, bellicose style while claiming child labor laws are stupid.

  4. Fucking trolls everywhere.

    And yes, Shaw is spot on.

    The problem with so many Republicans is that they run around wearing their family values shit on their sleeves.

    Thus, they should expect to get taken to the wood shed when they screw up.

  5. Like him or not, and I don't, however, Paul is not electable.
    Whether you like him or not, any rationale human being can see this man is not playing with a full deck.Frankly I can't understand how anybody can take this guy seriously.

  6. Ron Paul is consistent in his beliefs and in his adherence to them, unlike the flip-flopping Willard and the sexytime aficianado, Newt.

  7. Consistent indeed. He's the limited Constitutional government candidate that all the other candidates wish they were.

    Further, unless you have zero faith in the electoral process in this country (to which it begs the question of why you would then participate in it) or you concede that state and federal Republican party operatives are fixing and rigging results, Ron Paul is just as electable as any other candidate since he is working in the same political construct.

    For someone that's unelectable, it's a strange thing how he managed to get elected to congress 12 times.

  8. If Ron Paul is crazy what makes him crazy? Is it that he wants to end the fed, that he opposes military adventurism overseas, nation-building? that he wants to return to the Constitution? Is there some lost school paper of his on Bigfoot? I just want specificity here.

  9. You're not likely to get it from the trolls.

  10. Still waiting on an answer from my first question up there too Z.

  11. It's a statement of fact soap, anyone with rudimentary math skills can see that.

  12. They certainly ought to be able too. Glad we're finding common ground here.

  13. I want to like him, but there's just no way I could possibly vote for this man. It's sad how many people he has fooled into thinking he's the man for the job.
    Paul maliciously joked about gay men being "limp wristed." I find these kinds of comments to be offensive. But think about the things that he has advocated like abolishing the IRS!
    Also he sounds very week about national defense.
    I feel like somewhere there's a man with a really big butterfly net looking for Ron Paul.

  14. Devout Catholics and the Catholic Church are a considerable voting bloc. I found this article on a Catholic blog, and thought it would contribute to your post:

    "In an interview in Esquire magazine, Marianne Gingrich (Newt’s second wife) was asked about Newt’s conversion to Catholicism.

    'It has no meaning,” she observed. 'It’s hysterical. I got a notice that they wanted to nullify my marriage. They’re making jokes about it on local radio. The minute he got married, divorced, married, divorced — what does the Catholic Church say about this?'

    Indeed. Let us show the world that we take seriously all the teachings of the Church – even, and perhaps especially, the hard ones."



    And this:

    "Newt began a relationship with his first wife, Jackie, when he was 16 and she was his geometry teacher. He married her after high school, they had children shortly thereafter, and were married for roughly 18 years. During that time Jackie supported Newt while in College and during two unsuccessful Congressional campaigns. His campaign staff has stated that Newt carried out multiple affairs during this time. After a successful 1978 campaign, Congressman Gingrich moved to D.C..

    In 1980, Newt began a relationship with a woman he met at a political fundraiser, Marianne. Newt divorced Jackie in February of 1981and married Marianne in August. Congressman Gingrich was accused of negotiating divorce details while his wife was recovering from surgery, and then refusing to pay child support and alimony to speed up the divorce process.

    Although she was active in his political career, Newt separated from his second wife (Marianne) around 1988 and then reconciled around 1994. At that time, Congressman Gingrich became Speaker of the House and began a relationship with a congressional intern named Calista. After a six year affair, Congressman Gingrich divorced his second wife and months later married Calista in 2000. Newt was 57 and Calista was 34. During the divorce proceedings, Congressman Gingrich refused to participate in the discovery process and finally claimed that he and Marianne had an "understanding" about his affairs. Marianne denied this claim, and in a subsequent interview stated that she could end Newt's political career in a single interview.

    At the end of both his marriages, Congressman Gingrich proposed to his new wife before asking his current wife for a divorce. Marianne stated that this was very telling of Congressman Gingrich's character. Before marrying Calista, Congressman Gingrich asked the Catholic Church to annul his 18 year marriage to Marianne.

    There have been numerous accussations of additional affairs during all phases of Congressman Gingrich's life, including a woman who claimed she had a relationship in the 1970's with Gingrich before he was a Congressman. Strangley enough, this woman states that Gingrich sought oral sex only so that he could later deny sexual relations if they were discovered. This was the same tactic used by President Clinton when he was accused of adultery."



    What I can't stand is the rancid hypocrisy of this couple, especially Newt, who is unyielding about equality for gays and lesbians because of its assault on the sanctity of marriage.

    They apparently never leaned that one should remain silent on an issue that one has serially de-sanctified.

  15. Got a link to support that charge CJ?

    Ron Paul is stronger on National Defense than all the others combined. It's the military adventurism he isn't too keen on.

    He is the only one who seems to understand that the more resources we allocate subsidizing other country's defense the less we have for our own.

    A perfect example of the problem at hand:


  16. Personally I think that C.Johnson nailed it. Ron Paul was never running. He's not a serious candidate, and he never was. He's a old re-tread. He's really just a joke of a candidate, who never stood a chance. . His early rankings in the primaries was just a fluke and somewhat of a rebellion. But as soon things settled down Paul will fade with about the 3% of the voters that he actually represents.

    Remember also, this is the same Ron Paul who describes most Black men as being "semi-criminal or entirely criminal". In his own words. So how in the world does anyone in their right mind think that he actually stands a chance?
    My predictions if anyone cares is as follows: Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum,and Ron Paul a distant last..
    Paul believes we should stop the wars. And I agree with him on that,but that's his only redeeming belief. Otherwise he's a nut case

  17. My prediction:

    Neither Santorum or Gingrich will get more than a handful of delegates from the caucus states as they don't have the ground level organization to pull it off.

    The GOP rules and dynamics have been rewritten regarding delegates and the allocation thereof this election cycle.

    Gingrich will probably get antother blip in Florida but after that there are 4 caucuses immediately thereafter (Nevada, Maine, Colorado, Minnesota).

    Merely winning the presidential preference straw poll in those caucus states doesn't win you any delegates. The selection of delegates is not tied to the preference straw poll.

    The Gingrich and Santorum supporters are going to have a tough time voting their delegates through the caucuses if they're outnumbered by Paul supporters running slates.

  18. Paul wants to abolish the IRS? I'm on board.

  19. Ron Paul doesn't seem to see Iran as a threat. It is idiocy even to take that position. But then again, this is coming from an idiot.

  20. Iran isn't a threat. And if you listened to someone other then the pundits and presstitutes and actually read up on some history you might realize that.

    It's all propaganda just like it was leading up to Iraq.

  21. Iran is a threat to Israel for sure but to US? Could be but it seems in respectable territory to at least argue the opposite. I think what folks are saying is that Israel and the US are mutual allies and America will come to Israel's defense should the need arise so in this light a threat to Israel becomes a threat to us.

  22. And now I hear Newt wants to make a US state ON THE MOON by 2020?!? In fact I hear he's kinda guaranteed it?!

    First of all, I didn't know that the US had residential rights to the moon. Who signed that agreement? And more important: who's going to pay for all that, pray tell? We don't raise taxes on the rich because that's UnAmerican and Socialist, so I guess it's gonna be the poor.

    And after that, there will be some sort of fabulous lunar homesteading program where they give you X number of acres free if you just show up and promise to stay there.... and off go the poor folk who think it might be the chance they've waited for, and when the rich are all that's left they'll congratulate each other on how well the plan worked and make sure NASA gets no more funding.

    Didn't you ever read The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy?

  23. And why is it, actually, that the US has some kind of moral obligation to be defending Israel?

    I'll tell you why.

    It all goes back to the Bible and the Christians read that anyone who crosses Israel gets in a shitload of trouble.

    So they all go fawning over Jerusalem and supporting the Israelis and this and that.

    But they fail to mention to all said Israelis that they believe that come the Rapture/Apocalypse and so forth, that every last one of those Israelis are going to hell for all eternity because they aren't Christians.

    Yep. It's all propaganda.

  24. Satyavati devi dasi said...
    And why is it, actually, that the US has some kind of moral obligation to be defending Israel?

    Why haven't you asked, why have we appropriated $300 million dollars to help fight AIDS in Africa?
    Why did obama send troops to defend Africa and risk getting us involved in yet another war??
    Maybe he should give back his Nobel Peace Prize!

  25. Whenever or wherever the United States sees a threat to the point where the United State's interests are directly affected, we take the appropriate action, that’s what happens when you are a world power and you have a super power’s arsenal.

    And anyone who thinks that the threat of Iran is only propaganda, or that Iran is not a threat to anyone except Israel is a fool. If and when Iran gets the bomb they could and would either use it or give it to any of the many of the America-haters who would use it against the United States. I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist, but I certainly believe that. These people are driven by the desire of power without any responsibility what so ever. Maybe Ron Paul believes that Islam is the religion of peace, but I don not..

  26. Facts:

    2010- estimated Israeli nukes 100-300.


    Nearly 50 US military bases surround Iran at present.


    Iran isn't out to destroy the Jews.


    The U.S. has been meddling in the Middle East for sometime now and specifically in Iran since the '53 coup (please tell me we don't need a link for this).

  27. "United State's interests."

    And what are those?

  28. Facts:

    I found your list above quite interesting. Thanks.

    However, I still don’t see Ron Paul stable enough to be president.
    Ron Paul is just an ignorant nimwit that loves to hear himself talk. Remember ya cant argue with stupidity.
