Monday, April 30, 2012

Obama's OBL playing card

I didn't think he'd do it, I mean even though I'm not surprised.  I'm talking of course about the ad on the one-year anniversary of whatever happened to Osama bin Laden and would Mitt Romney have done the same thing when he's on the record as saying we shouldn't spend billions of dollars and move heaven and earth to find one man.  Yeah that ad touting the fact that President Obama gave the go-ahead to take bin Laden out.  For me that'd be on a par with (dated allusion follows) "I did Marilyn Monroe."*  Sure you're proud of it but true class dictates you don't talk about it, no need to it's on the record and folks can weigh it accordingly and the second thing is for Obama to even play the OBL card means to me his accomplishments during his first term are so weak and/or controversial that he has to fall back on this but again I would have thought ultimately he'd listen to conventional political wisdom which simply dictates Don't Go There.  You know I still have people come up to me saying they don't think bin Laden's really dead and my Dad who served in the Navy during WWII says you don't give the world's most wanted terrorist who was responsible for the loss of almost 3,000 American lives a dignified and solemn burial-at-sea so even his greatest historical accomplishment somehow didn't follow the correct script.

* I wanted to update my point with a more modern celebrity but it's tough, Lindsay Lohan or Lady Gaga?  MM is legendary so the writer has to go with this.  Kardashian?


  1. Politics, IMO; sort of a pre-emptive counter to the age-old
    Dems are weak on
    national security.

  2. Let's face it, if Obama hadn't made the decision to go after Bib-Laden the word would have gotten out eventually one way or another. And that would have put the nail in his coffin as far as the 2012 election was concerned.

  3. Our intelligence agencies starting with Bush's Waterboarding back in 2001 got the original lead and information needed for that raid, and it ended with The Navy Seals doing the job.
    Even that other moron Jimmah Carter would have given the order for the raid!
    All Obama did was take the credit for it.

  4. To all my Republicans and Conservative friends. Think of this! Republicans and Conservatives CANNOT afford to "stay away" from the polls come November, or
    The Dog-Eater WILL be President AGAIN

  5. Some have suggested that the ad shows a bit of desperation on Obama's part. I would have to agree.

  6. There is much more to say here, but the facts are obvious!

  7. Hey Mr. Gutsy! STOP using our troops for your photo OPS, and STOP pronouncing Paaaakistan and Talllllybomb like a Muslim.. Oh I forgot you ARE a Muslim.

  8. Let's just try a little experiment here. John McCain won the presidency instead of Obama, I know it's sci-fi but anyway he gave the go-ahead to take bin Laden out and now McCain is running for reelection against Obama again or maybe some other Democrat. So Mr. McCain runs an online campaign ad bragging about this but at the same time saying Obama or the other Dem running is weak on nat'l security and terror and wouldn't have done the same thing. Now let's be honest here Shaw et al would be having blogathons condemning such actions.

    Am I wrong?
