Friday, May 25, 2012

What this election is NOT about

- Osama bin Laden
- Women's lack of access to birth control
- Mormonism
- gay marriage
- Romney giving a gay kid a haircut
- Trayvon Martin/hoodies
- Stop 'n' Frisk
- Bain Capital

"Throw another log on the fire Cory"


  1. This election is all about getting our country back on the right track. And throwing out the trash..

    And on this Memorial Day weekend let me leave you with this little quote:

    Who are the Veterans?..."Veterans are Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters, Friends and Lovers. They are the elderly people who can barely stand but refuse to sit when old glory passes by. They are the people who sit quietly thinking of a plan when everyone else is panicking; the ones who stand up for somebody’s rights even though they may disagree with them. They are the ones who celebrate Memorial Day and Veterans Day everyday of the year. They are the people who keep going when everybody else gives up. They know the meaning of “The Ultimate Sacrifice” and are willing to make it without a second thought. They do not ask for praise or glory, only that you Honor those who have given their all."

  2. I actually read a commentary on a union website just now that Obama has basically saved the nation and I'm thinking even his most ardent supporters who will vote for him again wouldn't say this not with a still 8+ jobless rate and so much more work to do. Of course you expect this from a union but I must have a cast-iron stomach to be able to read this stuff.

  3. Well then lets put his image on Mount Rushmore! Why not, both he and his supporters already think he's the greatest,

  4. Good ol trickle-down
    worked out pretty good for you?

  5. Please, PLEASE, DO NOT re-elect these assholes in November...

  6. Z-man, i think you are correct in your assessment about Obama...

    While a lot of left leaning bloggers certainly love Obama, as the right did with Bush, they have no problem taking him to task for many of short comings...

    He has not closed GITMO, we are still in Afghanistan, we did not get the health care deal we wanted, we still have the Bush Tax Cuts, etc.

    I am not interested in arguing the effectiveness of any of those, suffice to say that many on the left are not happy with Obama for his meager results with them.

  7. Humm, one big difference, Bush loved and still loves America, and that's more than I could ever say about Obama....

  8. Lets face it, this November’s election might just be the most important election of our lifetimes.. As I’m sure you know already I am far from a fan of the current President and his miserable administration, especially the Vice president, and it irks me to even call him by that tittle. . Why? It’s simple! Let’s start with the rotten economy that we have at the moment, and that we have had for as long as this inept president has been in office. . We have an economy that isn’t going anywhere but down, there has been practically no recovery at all. This president has claimed that he has been successful at creating jobs, but lets face it, he claim that he has been successful at a lot of things. If you listen to him, you’d thing that he was the greatest thing that ever happened since Muhammad Ali.

  9. Dude, you are just factually incorrect...

    Employment is growing, albeit way to slow, but the job loss trend, started in the previous admin, has been reversed.

    The economy is also growing, again way too slowly, but like job loss, the trend that started in the past admin, has been reversed.

    And Jarhead, you give evidence to one of the biggest problems in America today... the belief that anyone who would run for President hates America...

  10. Miller, trust me I'm not as dumb as Obama thinks we Rightwingers are.
    The Unemployment Rate LOOKS as if it is improving because so many people have given up looking for work. It is still at over 8% and in many states it is way over 10% and YOU know it.
    The latest figures show that 342,000 people left the labor market, meaning the BLS had stopped counting them as unemployed. Good trick but no cigar! .
    There are still about 12.and a half million people unemployed, and a RECORD of 88.4 million people are considered NO LONGER IN THE LABOR FORCE!
    When someone spends two years sending out resumes, and hitting the pavement every day with almost no response People get sick and tired of doing so. So they are leaving the labor force because of retirement or to collect Social Security, or disability checks. But most have simply given up looking for work period.
    So don't tell me that I am uninformed just because I won't spin the figures like your party does, and like the crook in the Oval offices wants us to believe.

  11. This election should be about whether we are better off than we were before Obama was elected, which we are not, and so he's had his chance, now let someone else give it a try.

  12. Beth, if that's what is would be about then Obama wouldn't stand a chance.

  13. Let's not sugar coat things here Mr. Miller, we all know that the deficit is at least $16 Trillion and that's what they admit to, so in reality the real deficit must be in excess of $20 Trillion.
    So If you have any doubts that Obama will be sent packing from the White House in November, then think about that.

    "You cannot fool all the people all the time"
    But I'm sure some of those die-hard idiots will still vote for Obama. ..

  14. DD touched a raw nerve with me. Having had two periods myself when I was unemployed let me tell you HOW MUCH POSTAGE YOU WASTE sending those danged resumes out. Of course this was back in the day before you did everything online but the same applies, YOU GET TIRED OF IT!!! and so I eventually found work again but can understand many people bailing out. Saw Newt on "Meet the Press" the other night and he made a good point. Reagan was handed a recession by Jimmy Carter but instead of blaming him turned the economy around about halfway in his first term so to be fair here let's be generous and say it was Bush's fault for the first year of Obama's first term, oh hell let's add another six months if you like but cha'know by now if Obama had the right policies in place it'd be better now no?

  15. I recently saw that Nevada has the highest unemployment rate in the country, Dave, so I am wondering how you can have such a rosey outlook when your state's unemployment is 11%?

  16. They do and the state is loaded with Mexican's crossing the boarder.

    The way I see it, our border agents should be shooting any immigrant caught sneaking across the border, and put an end to it once and for all..

  17. Not only that Beth but in parts of Nevada prostitution is legal and yet the jobless rate is still as you say. Just reading that in the 5 boroughs of NYC it's over 10%.

  18. Dude, employment is growing... we are not losing jobs and people are getting hired. That's a fact. It is also a fact that unemployment is high, both officially and the off book numbers.

    But people are not losing jobs at a higher rate than others are getting hired.

    The economy is growing. Even the GOP admits that. Certainly not fast enough, but it is growing.

    So to answer Beths question, based solely on the economic numbers, we are in fact, better off than we were when President Obama took office.

  19. Hopey... yes the deficit is way too high, but to cut back on government spending will further shrink the economy... there is just not enough demand in the private sector to pull the economy out of the ditch we are in.

    No business, despite peoples hopes, is going to invest until they see demand. Cutting government spending will mean higher unemployment, less money in the economy, and continued slow demand for goods and services.

    How will that grow the economy?

    As for the election, what states that President Obama won in 2008, do you see Romney winning this time around?

    This election is going to be won or lost in only about 7 swing states. Where Beth lives in Ohio and my state of Nevada are two of those.

  20. Eventually a president becomes the steward of the economy, what's taking place economically in his term. Put another way blaming your predecessor in office has a definite expiration date.

  21. Question for Dave, what economic numbers are you looking at? Just look at gas prices and food prices, they are a LOT higher than they were in 2008. How much did your rose colored glasses cost you anyhow?

  22. Beth, a growing economy is one that is expanding. It may have inflated prices, or it may not. By all measures, accepted by the GOP and Dems alike, our economy is expanding at about a 2% rate. Sorry, it's a fact even though for many, myself included, it is not expanding fast enough?

    What rose colored glasses? Just because I voted for Obama does mean I like or approve of all he has or hasn't done.

    I am more of a realist than that.

    And yes Z, at this point, he should be judged on how the economy is doing but he is not the first President to continue to blame a past President for a bad economy. Reagan did that for quite awhile after Carter left office.

  23. "And yes Z at this point he should be judged on how the economy is doing"

    Tell that to Shaw.

  24. Where do you get your news, Dave?

    President Obama telling you things are better doesn't make it true.

  25. Yeah and the market dived after that as I recall. If you notice I let pass commenting on Dave's thesis that increased gov't spending will grow the economy, he'll have to elaborate.

  26. Beth, the blaze are 100% accurate... We added 69000 new jobs in May. That is net growth, which means, as I stated, that employment is in fact growing.

    Almost all of the recent increase in unemployment can be tied to job losses at the government level. That is what happens when government spending is cut.

  27. Z man, doesn't money spent from any quarter help grow the economy?

  28. Yeah Dave but theoretically at least the gov't has a finite amount of the stuff unless you subscribe to money really does grow on trees. If we all balanced our checkbooks the way the government spends money we'd all be up a certain creek w/o a paddle.
