Saturday, June 23, 2012

I think the election of the first African-American president was a great historical moment

Too bad he sucks.  Is this a racist statement? I don't think so because I honestly think the election of the first black president was a great historical moment but it's like Tiger Woods the first in his game too, he let us down and deep down it always pains us.  IMO liberals' great great unabated love for Obama goes beyond simply that he's a good liberal Democrat in the best progressive mold, they're still nostalgic for the sheer historicity of that moment so I get it, like Tiger they want to see him make that comeback.  The historical importance of that moment, put it this way unemployment could jump to 20 or even 30% and he could pardon Sandusky and you'd still have the same folks defending him (be honest).  Jimmy Carter isn't black so it's easy for everyone across-the-political-board to render the historical verdict that he sucked whereas in Obama's case I sense some reluctance to do so.  Political Psychoanalysis, I think in this case most of it hinges on Race which is why Cindy Sheehan could protest the Obama White House and the msm won't cover it which is why I learned it from BB in a reply to the Dude, it sure as hell wasn't Brian Williams.  Frank Robinson became the first black Major League Baseball manager, not that long after he was fired.  So yes it's important to make History, I'm kind of a progressive conservative in this regard but it's also important just as or more so to make an objecive analysis, an impartial and fair evaluation after a time and in this regard he suffers.  FDR was handicapped although at the time it was kinda downplayed, been there done that so now I say let's elect the first woman president, then the first gay president (they can be one and the same) but here's a minor sticking point for me, can they at least be good?  Don't just make History, give us a good historical product.   


  1. Could we have a Mormon president...
    and could he suck?

  2. BB-Idaho said...
    Could we have a Mormon president...and could he suck?

    It's people like this who make me sick! People like this and those other cowardly leftist gutless wonders not only agree, but support every damned thing that Barack Obama does and stands for, they are a bunch of limp-wristed surrender monkeys the very people who put Obama into office. It’s DISGRACEFUL.
    We the people have reaped the seeds we have sown.. The leftist, Progressive movement like our leftist friends Shaw their ilk elected a president who was not vetted properly, if he was at all, they were not critical of a media that is on a road to socialism; listening to the generalities of Congress with no specific policy just good politics but bad policy, and enslaving a nation into debt through reckless spending. So now we have it. So now we are stuck with a Socialistic idiot and the lefties don’t give a crap about it, in fact they support him. All I hear about his "trampling the constitution" seems to come from the Right.. The Progressives couldn’t care less about it. As I said, they even support it! Just read what these Lib's here say, they refuses to recognize what’s going on. These rabid, brain-dead Progressive morons particularly the one with the progressive blog can't seem to see the big picture. Her blog seems to slant from the truth. All of these little gnat-like creatures are screwing up our country. These people turn to blogging, because they failed at their other professions. The bloggers mentioned above, Tweedle-dumb does nothing but insult every republican she can, and these are the ones responsible for putting the Chief of Kenya into our White House! And that the real problem we have to deal with, the little pea brain just can't grasp the fact that we are dealing with a Socialist who is hell bent on destroying America.

  3. RE: "..the msm won't cover it which is why I learned it from BB.." Z-man, very few people
    bother to read links, but many
    ask for them. I appreciate your
    interest in digging deeper into
    things; adds some depth to our
    understanding and meaning to our dialogue.

  4. "Could we have a Mormon president...and could he suck?"

    BB we could have a gay president and he could suck...big-time.

  5. Hey B so who is Michael Fumento going to vote for?

  6. Whether a president breaks some mold, then 'sucks' is no more racist than my pondering about
    Romney; if he turns out to suck,
    at least he's broken the non-Mormon
    president situation. In either event, probably about 50% of the population divide on the suck
    issue. Fumento? Vote? dunno...
    I'm guessing he was a Jon Huntsman type.

  7. The libral messiha ruined this country and that Progressive hyena has contributed the most. Gary F. is right, she's done the most damage with her suckup blog worshipping Zero.

  8. BB-Idaho said...

    " Romney; if he turns out to suck,"

    He can''t "Suck" as much as this Guy!

  9. Suckiness does not discriminate by race, creed or gender, anyone can suck. Admitting it is the first step in stopping it.

  10. Sounds like a good PSA. My theory is also Michael Barone's, that it was great historically to elect the nation's first black president but for liberals it would only logically follow that to vote out of office the country's first black president would be a bad thing. In other words make history but let him finish out his second term even if he does suck.
