Friday, June 15, 2012

Thuganomics and the psychology of organized crime

With the passing at 69 of mob turncoat Henry Hill there have been some positive things to say about the fellow from people who should know better.  His main claim to fame/celebrityhood is that he was the main inspiration for the mob classic Goodfellas and the Ray Liotta character yada yada and the eulogies go on.  Hill was a drug trafficker among other things and was involved in the infamous Lufthansa heist at JFK.  You know the rest and I think it's a fair social comment to make that we've romanticized, glorified the life of the gangster and this probably goes back to Mario Puzo and The Godfather book and movie.  By all accounts The Godfather (Parts I and II, forget the 3rd) is a superb film from a cinematic standpoint but my friend had a rather oblique take when he said how many lives taken is the movie responsible for? by which he meant how many joined the Club because the life portrayed in the movie inspired them to?  Actually this may not be that far off the mark as a key member of the now defunct young gangsters known as the Tanglewood Boys in Yonkers admitted to the late NY Daily News columnist Mike McAlary that they watched Goodfellas a number of times and it was sort of their inspiration.  Here's the deal for me though, take any level gangster or thug and let's say he led an independent life of crime, killings, robberies, general mayhem Society would level at him that he's a bad dude, a psycho, a criminal, a mutant, a deviant and needs to be taken off the streets pronto and go to the Big House for a long long time BUT take the same psycho and have him working as part of a GROUP operating in concert for some unified ends, a hierarchy, a criminal bureaucracy so to speak and it's somehow respectable, even glamorous.  Read two cases in the paper recently of a Mafia member putting out a hit on an average non-criminal man for the sole reason of going out with or marrying the mobster's ex-wife, this was two separate situations and let's say he wasn't a member of Cosa Nostra and did the same thing he'd be universally condemned as an obsessed psycho, a stalker yada yada but because he's a member of organized crime there really isn't the usual social and reportorial commentary you'd expect in such a case because hey that's what gangsters do.  Organized psychos is another way of putting it and the usual psycho/anti-social labels are dropped because it's an organization, a group, a conspiracy, a secret society and so it's somehow rational, none of the member's self-esteem will suffer because we're in this thing together and hey we're selective, we ain't bumping off old ladies crossing the street.  Serial killers and rapists bad, gangsters good, that's our social mindset/collective moral philosophy and we simply don't know Right from Wrong anymore, never really did.  The media wants to keep the theme going though with more books from former mob wives down the pike and some new tv shows with mob themes even though it's a passe genre by now, bloodsuckers is where it's at.  We love the desperado but hate the psycho even though they may be one and the same:)


  1. You have probably touched on something..members of legitimate
    society that admire the element
    that bucks the system (as long as they haven't been personally robbed, gyped or assaulted). May
    we call it the Robin Hood effect, based on historical example?

  2. There's truth in your theory but as applied to the mob it's difficult to say how they help society exactly, quite the contrary. The social psychology problem is this as I've said, clearly we don't like serial killers and rapists and robbers of gas stations who kill the clerk at 3AM but somehow the mobster, organized crime is different. Another interesting psychiatric angle is obviously mobsters don't think of themselves in quite the same way as the just-mentioned serial killers, rapists and gas station robbers, their self-esteem seems to be ok so they obviously know they're in a life of crime but it's like respectable crime because they go to church and baptisms and give to the monsignor and provide fireworks displays for the's an interesting psychological puzzle for them and for us.

  3. " organization, a group, a conspiracy, a secret society.."
    ..a business. There is a customer
    base for prostitution, extortion,
    money-laundering, drug-running and
    loan-sharking. We note as well the
    French, Irish, Serbian, Polish, Russian...and even Norwegian mafias. Pretty much the same set up, with the French mafia doing
    dirty work for the French gov't at times. While I see no romance in it, I suspect more involvement besides Vegas real estate and Wisconin pizza cheese....who owns that restaurant where you check

  4. Never in the history of the United States has naked political ambition trumped the Constitution! As what he has done today with the more than six million illegal immigrants from Mexico!
    .This is an Executive Branch on steroids that is over-reaching their authority over Congress just to win an election by pandering to the Latino's! Another desperate attempt to destroy America.
    This is blanket amnesty, and it's an open invitation to everyone in Mexico and Latin America and everywhere else to walk in here
    Obama wants to rule not govern and he will stop at NOTHING to do so!
    One more example of what zero and his DemocRAT regime thinks of the Constitution of the United States and federal laws. If the Constitution or laws don't say what they want them to, THEN, the Constitution, the laws and the American People can just go to Hell.

  5. I'm wondering if God Forbid, and Obama gets re-elected, will he blame the last 4 years on himself?
    Being that our delusional president has blamed his failures in the past on George Bush, such as the U.S. economy, China’s economy, the Middle East, the Japanese tsunami, President Bush, Racial tension, all of his false promised like promising to close Gitmo and failing to do so, the unemployment numbers, gas prices, soaring energy costs, the Republican Congress, the Arab spring, the naming of Communists/Socialists/Progressives to his various Czar positions, the Bowing to Arabs, and now the amnesty for illegal aliens to increase his chances for re-election. … the list goes on and on.

  6. One can only hope that the American public will do their job and protect America from a repressive dictatorial regime taking over in American AND to protect the constitution, will do their job in November and throw this Dictator out.

    America is being take over by Marxists/Communists,, and Socialists ... there is no question about it.

    The question is ... when will wake up up and take it back. It has happened in many countries in he past, It can happen here.

    This election os going to be stolen by Obama with his dictatorial antics such as declaring an amnesty to 800 thousand illegal Mexicans in America. That is only the beginning. Obama must be stopped from this sort of thing, he has by passed Congress too many times and enough is enough..
    The sooner we get rid of this Muslim Socialist Dictator the better our country will be. If he can make laws without congress, then he can make a law declaring himself Dictator-in Chief. He's not too dam far from it right now. I'm tired of the arrogant purple lipped fuck wiping his ass on our constitution, and equally tired of congress, them spineless flakes, of letting him getting away with it. Maybe we should throw'em all out!
    Sorry, just a little rant because I'm tired of watching this country go down the toilet.

  7. The question for today is, how long do you think it will be before we have a Rodney King Day?

  8. But BB re the Mafia where most of the time they wind up killing each other I've always asked this one simple question because I just don't get it:


    ..doesn't appeal to me. You suppose that the system is a game of grown-up teen gang types; beats
    working...sort of a civilian version of 'Band Of Brothers'?

  10. Interested in 2 things here, why would you decide to become a mobster and why is Society ok with you? To my knowledge a mobster has never been given the death penalty or rather nobody ever really talks about giving them death but mention your serial killers your rapists and your robbers/killers of gas station attendants at 3 in the morning...I think you hit upon something else here, they never grew up.

  11. Then there is the excitement of waking in the morning with a severed horse head. Quite popular, they are still available .

  12. My father has always had a problem with that part, his position is the horse didn't do anything. Have all the violence in a movie you want just lay off the critters.

  13. Just read your link BB, slightly sick but I see it as just more clutter around the house. Our parish just held a clothing & everything else drive and it's nice to get rid of some stuff. The horse head pillow reminds me of Mickie D's Frankie the Singing Fish, amusing at first but after awhile it just goes in the trash. I'm trying to rid my life of junk not increase it.
