Saturday, July 28, 2012

Another drummed up controversy - Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A, maybe I need to get out more and stop reading my field guides but I never heard of the place.  Don't recall them around these parts and sorry I spent so long on the gun post 'cause I didn't have anything else but this is kinda right up the alley.  Chick-fil-A, 1,608 chicken restaurants across the country whose president is Dan Cathy some Christian guy opposed to gay marriage.  All told his chain rakes in more than $4 billion a year and they say they run their business on Christian principles and teach their employees to do the same.  Not sure what this means exactly, are their workers forbidden to gossip and use cuss words but to each his own.  So a new report from the LGBT group Equality Matters says Chick-fil-A gave more than $3 million to Christian groups opposing the gay agenda and the timeframe here is from 2003-09.  In 2010 according to the report the company gave about a cool $2 mil to such causes.


Did Dan come in with his boyfriend and did they refuse to serve them?  You know the thought occured that indeed Dan can come in with his boyfriend and they could order a nice chicken-lickin' sandwich or two and take it home later and incorporate it into a sex act.  UMMM the boycott thing is cool and if it bothers you that much SO DON'T EAT THERE!  Kraft not that long ago posted a photo of a new Oreo cookie with a nice rainbow filling inside, didn't know that, I looked it up.  JC Penney recently hired Ellen DeGeneris as its spokesperson before dehiring her so it cuts both ways and I'm like I don't care if DeGeneris is JC's spokeswoman and it's fine that the chicken company supports the traditional family but the Oreo thing I don't think is good for your diet.  Look no laws were broken in any of these cases and I'm labeling this under the gay agenda, yes the gay agenda.  As far as I'm concerned everyone can have a POV on the ole Hershey Highway, you can't force me to drive on it just like I can't tell you not to take that route.  Seems the LGBTers want you right there in the room with Ranger Rick getting right on up in there and anything short of clapping and applause will get you in trouble with the Nanny State.  That last point is a metaphorical one of course but look folks are entitled to each their own ickiness.  All I knows is that when you're driving along and you pass a Kennedy Fried Chicken you're in the ghetto:)


  1. No Chick-Fil-A's out this way either, but I checked their locations and they are thick around Salt Lake City; whether a mkt scheme or friendly Mormon
    theology is anyone's guess. First
    I ever heard of the chain was when they began sponsoring college bowl games (and then for a few years I
    though they were Chick-A-Fil)
    I must be one of the 0.05% that doesn't like chicken, so just an interested by stander, ya know?

  2. We have them here.

    Like I said in the other thread: they are free to support whomever they choose.. equally, consumers are free to eat wherever they choose and for whatever reason.

    If Chick Fil A wants to make its disapproval of the gay lifestyle known then they best be prepared for the backlash.

    If they're committed to their principles then they'll stand firm....until they lose enough money, then they'll cave like jellyfish.

    Either way, it's all about everyone being free to do what it is they want to do, and for whatever reason that may be.

  3. I could also say equally that those who are offended by CFA's anti-gay-politics-policies will have to decide whether they love their chikn more than they hate CFA's political stance, and act accordingly.

    Ah, it's all about free choice in the end.

    I'm a vegetarian. Screw CFA and their anti-gay-ness. I've always thought that 'eat more chkn' marketing thing with the cows was barbaric anyway.


    We just became the proud parents of a 2012 Victory Crossroads LE. OMG it is so much more gorgeous than any picture you could see of it. This is Vic #4 for us; he had a 2001 V92C deluxe, a 2003 V92C Touring Cruiser and a 2008 Kingpin. This thing kicks the pants off all of them. I had no idea what it was going to look like til he rolled it in the garage.

  4. Z-man, Chik Fil-A (or Chic Fil-A, not sure how they spell it) they actually are CLOSED on Sundays because it is a day of rest. I really applaud the company for following their religious beliefs. Problem for us is that they cook in peanut oil and with my daughter's allergy we need to avoid that place as a family. She was, however, at a friend's for dinner last night and so we took the opportunity to dine there.

    If people want to boycott them because of something the CEO said, they have that right, but they're missing out on some tasty food.

  5. Although it's not like me boycotting the Susan G. Komen foundation, because some of their funding goes to Planned Parenthood, since I don't want any of my money going to PP then I cannot in good conscience give to a group that could funnel my money to PP. But buying food at Chic Fil-A is not putting money into an organization that actively is trying to stop gay marriage.

  6. The Government Should Not Have the Power to Discriminate Against Any Business Based on the Owner's Religious Beliefs..

    Sounds like the tittle of the post I just put up on my blog.

  7. I have never eaten at a Chick-Fil-A….but I will now….Yes..without a doubt…I intend on making it a priority to patronize a Chick-Fil-A establishment on a regular basis.….

  8. What I find appalling is that individuals and groups are now posting lists of “conservative” corporations on a certain social media site and demanding that people boycott them. Additionally, they’re posting lists of “pro”-gay corporations and demanding that people support them. Politics has infiltrated everything!

    What I find funny is that many Occupy types who are supposed to be so very anti-corporation have no qualms about buying goods and services from these huge, evil corporations they’re supposed to hate AS LONG AS those companies support the gay community (or at least don’t show signs of being, gasp, conservative).

    The last time I checked we are all free to buy what we wish, reject what we don’t, and leave others to do as they wish as well. I can only hope that this jumping-on-the-bandwagon-of-politically-correct- consumerism is simply a fad, a trendy way of saying, “Hey, look at me! I’m not a hater! I fit in with society!” But, I fear it’s here to stay.

    As for myself, I plan to continue to dine at Chik-Fil-A simply because I want to. Chik-Fil-A are just people who know and exercise their Constitutional rights. If anyone wants to boycott them, fine. Just stay out of my way when I pull up to the Chik-Fil-A’ drive-through.

    If I could speak directly to those who are perpetrating this PC line, I’d say, “Don’t cram your own intolerance down my throat, hypocrites. I’m just here to buy a sandwich, some waffle fries, and an iced tea and it’s still my right to do so as much as it’s their right to sell them to me!
    And as for libtards crying out for the boycott and banning of Chik-Fil-A, maybe they’re just mad because Chik-Fil-A doesn’t take food stamps!

  9. Chick-Fil-A will survive without the help of these Chicago thugs. Rahm Emanuel is a stark-raving idiot. He and Screwy Louie Jew hater Farrakhan make a good pair. And these two Crooks are going to fight Crime?

  10. Just as many conservatives call for boycotts as do liberals. Or do you miss the annual 'don't shop at places that say Happy Holidays because saying Happy Holidays is an attack on Christianity' boycotts? How about the recent Kraft boycott? I could come up with more. Boycotts are a way for people to make an impression on a business or company. This is what Beth calls 'voting with your dollars' and it's the free market in action.

    People can patronize whomever they like for whatever reasons they like.

    I don't eat at Chick Fil A. Never have, never will. Hasn't got anything to do with their political beliefs, has plenty to do with their moral values, all those reasons are mine alone.

  11. I for one have NOT seen or heard of ONE Conservitive who has said that thy agree with this stupid boycott, stop making up your own poll results. And go drink you Kool-aide

  12. First of all, I never said that I was against people shopping where they please. What I said is that nobody should prevent anyone from opening up a business, anywhere in America if they want to for their political beliefs!!!

  13. Open it up if you like.. whether anyone comes to buy from you is a whole other story.

  14. You haven't seen any conservatives who approve of boycotts?

    Ever hear of the Million Moms?

    They're like the Queens of Millions of Boycotts, and they're all every last one of them diehard conservatives.

    Please, Darth. Do just a little bit of research before you make it so painfully obvious that you don't know what you're talking about.

    Conservatives AND liberals use the boycott to make an impression on companies. Boycotts are the free market in action.

  15. "First of all, I never said that I was against people shopping where they please. What I said is that nobody should prevent anyone from opening up a business, anywhere in America if they want to for their political beliefs!!!"

    Unless it's a prayer center near ground zero.

  16. Boycotts and all, that's all fine but there are two issues here. Some pols want to drive Chick-fil-A out of business, deny them permits like NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn who talks about the company's "discriminatory views" (yes I read my NY Post yesterday). Now last I checked "views" were still under free speech. In other words I have to serve a tranny as I should but after he/she leaves I can make a funny or two. Hearing the pols speak since when is it illegal to donate to causes others may disagree with? Last I checked that was covered too.

  17. The Gay Movement, political gays that is as a social set, seems to me the movement is fascistic in nature when their Original Purpose if I recall correctly was to leave us alone, to live and let live. The Nanny State, Oh God now Bloomberg's hiding the baby formula in hospitals so as to get new Moms to breastfeed!! Where in hell does it end???

  18. Satyavati devi dasi said...
    Open it up if you like.. whether anyone comes to buy from you is a whole other story.

    Well then that's THEIR choice. Choice is what American Freedom is all about NOT like Z-Man said, :
    A NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn who called for NOT allowing them on NYU's campus or allowing them to open any stores in New York City. What the hell is that about?
    Whatever happened to this country's freedom of speech and choice. Does it only exist if you are a Liberal? Since Obama the US is turning more into socialism every day. And that includes our current mayor Bloomberg.

    This is unheard of,a fast-food chain's top executive opposes gay marriage and the cities want to literately throw him out of business! This is CRAZY!

  19. Like Z-Man said, "if it bothers you that much SO DON'T EAT THERE! "

    If we don't like a store, or a person or if we don't like the product. The don't buy there. A city should not ban a company because of the CEO's personal opinions.

    But don't tell them that they CAN'T DO BUSINESS IN YOUR CITY!!!
    That is as UN-AMERICAN as it gets.

  20. & it's a violation of the First Amendment. When I first came across this story I thought they refused to serve a gay customer or fired a gay employee when it's all about expressing your views and donating to whatever cause you like.

  21. Hmmm... lemme cogitate here a minute. Yes, everyone and anyone is free to donate to whomever they wish. However, when you're a business that ostensibly serves the public, you have to realize that whosoever you donate to, it's gonna piss someone off.

    Let's say that Chick Fil A were diehard atheists and donating to various atheistic groups and donating to causes that support things like getting prayer out of schools and so on. A whole lot of Christians would be mighty offended by that and would choose to take their business elsewhere as well as calling for the entire known Christian world to boycott them and pray away their blasphemy. Or if they were supporting the American Nazi Party, or some other white supremacist group, minorities would be offended. And so on. So the thing is this, when you're a business, and you're dealing with the public, if you have some kind of a personal conviction and you want to involve that in your business, that's all fabulous and good, but chances are you're gonna have to take some repercussions for it. So if you're okay with that, then bully for you, but on the other hand, you shouldn't be all 'oh my gosh I had NO idea' when there's a splattering of feces from the oscillator.

    First Amendment or not, this is the way it works in reality.

  22. I would like to point out that there is no legal way that NYC (or Boston) can prevent CFA from opening a store.

    All these statements from whoever are basically political posturing to prove what side of the coin said politician is on.

    Now, there may be some way that NYU can put it to a student vote and keep CFA off campus, but there's no legal way that I'm aware of for a city to prevent a business from opening.

    Unless, like Chris pointed out, you're a Muslim group that wants to open a prayer center down by the Battery.

    At that point the First Amendment becomes null and void in the name of Patriotism.

  23. Like this bakery I just read about where they refused to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple.

    That's their one hundred percent absolute right.

    But to think that no one will hear about it and make a stink about it is naive. Yes they will and yes they will. That's equally people's right.

    Now the owner of the shop said he'd rather close the store. So toots for him for his convictions, and it may just come to that.

    Such is the price of a free market.

    I understand CFA's sales are down 40%.

  24. Ther was no way Pre Obama, but things have changed
    The socialist have won

  25. Chick Fil-A as I mentioned is a Christian owned company who doesn't open on Sundays for religious reasons. If people boycott them for being closed on Sundays, then they would be discriminating based on religion, right?

    So, Christians believe that gay marriage is wrong, and so the Christian owner having that religious belief and others boycotting his business because of it, wouldn't they be discriminating based on religious beliefs?

  26. It's the free market at work, Beth.

  27. Tis a two-edged sword: Chic-Fil-A
    has increased their business with those that support their
    stance. Most businesses tend to
    avoid controversy on hot-button
    issues-it dorks their marketing

  28. I notice that Palin has said that the boycott has a 'chilling' effect on the First Amendment.

    I don't recall her making any such statement when the Million Moms pitched a fit about Oreo cookies about a month ago.

    I guess when someone's boycotting something you also disapprove of, it's not so 'chilly'.

    Either way, no matter who's doing the boycott, this is how the beloved free market works.

    That's what you want, right? A free market? Isn't that the thing yall keep praising?

  29. Remember this: freedom of speech does not mean you don't have consequences of your speech to deal with. No one has said 'oh, you can't say that'. What HAS happened is 'now that you went on and said it, we're making our reaction to it known.' So you are always free to say what you like but you have to expect and be prepared for the repercussions of you exercising that freedom.

  30. I agree with you, that is what the free market is about.

  31. And now New York's Mayor Michael Bloomberg following right behind, with is banning of Big Gulp drinks and now with Mothers who wish to feed their Newborn's Baby Formula. Oh you haven't head that yet? Well it's true.
    How do yours Socialist friends feel about that?

    1. Have you run out of arguments pertaining to the topic at hand, DD? Is that why you choose to bring in something unrelated?

  32. @Satyavati devi dasi said...

    Have you run out of arguments pertaining to the topic at hand, DD? Is that why you choose to bring in something unrelated?

    I think that his comment WAS related, it was part and parcel of what's going on today with these banning ot everything that doesn't suit the agenda of these Liberal, Socialists.

  33. In Defense of Eating at Chick-fil-A, They are NOT Anti-Gay? And if you think that they are , then you shouldn't eat there, but they do not deserve to be banned from American Cities

    But they will be, because liberals are moral hypocrites.
    Has it ever occurred to anybody to ask themselves “Why Aren’t Gay Activists Harassing, and picketing Chick-fil-A,?

    We need to understand what is happening in our culture right now today. There is something toxic going on, we are losing our freedoms and our rights to chose.

  34. Saty: "When you're a business that ostensibly serves the public you have to realize that whosoever you donate to it's gonna piss someone off."

    Which is why I didn't get Susan G. Komen giving money to Planned Parenthood (charity/business, whatever). Personally speaking maybe businesses should get out of donating to causes entirely just like I feel newspapers don't need to be editorializing every single day.

    "I understand CFA's sales are down 40%."

    I'd have to look that one up. I read just the opposite this morning, that people are flocking to CFA out of a sense of the free speech involved. 40%? dunno, that'd be an awful lot of gays out there demographically to do that or people sympathetic to their cause. Put it this way, I know of people who are tolerant of gays but who would still eat at CFA, it's like you're hungry you're hungry.

  35. Although I do agree with alot you've said. DD sees a thread here having to do with the Nanny State we're in and I thought his comment relevant.

  36. Chicks sales reached record proportions yesterday , they beat every day on the companies history.

  37. Satyavati devi dasi said...
    Free market at work.

    And socialist's boycotts don't. work.

  38. When are you going to understand that both sides of the coin use boycotts and that boycotts ARE the free market in action?

    Boycotts are not 'socialist'. They are the epitome of a free market.

    PLEASE do a little research, will you, because otherwise you look like a complete idiot, and I just hate that for you.

  39. "Boycotts are not 'socialist'. They are the epitome of a free market."

    LMAO. Oh really?
    When did you ever see or hear of a Conservative Boycotting ANYTHING?

    Boycotts are the Leftist's way of getting their way.

  40. (sigh)

    Shall we begin with the Million Moms?
    From their website:

    UPDATE: Keep up the great work! Every single sponsor that OMM contacted decided not to sponsor this past week's episode of "The Soul Man." M & M's (Mars, Inc.), Red Lobster, Dairy Queen, Big Lots, Inc., and Geico have pulled their ads from the Christian-bashing TV Land program. Their ads were not present in the most recent episode(s).

    From their boycott against Kraft:

    Kraft needs to hear from you.
    Supporting the homosexual agenda verses remaining neutral in the cultural war is just bad business. If Christians cannot find corporate neutrality with Kraft then they will vote with their pocketbook and support companies that are neutral.

    Million Moms boycott of JC Penney:

    OMM will continue to avoid shopping at JCP until they take a neutral stand. If you receive their advertising booklets or catalogs in the mail, OMM recommends you write "REFUSED...RETURN TO SENDER" on your JCPenney catalog and try sending them back. If they receive an onslaught of their returned magazines, they will take notice. Also, you may email, call, or use their contact form on their website to unsubscribe from their mailers so you will no longer have these delivered to your home. If you have a store credit card, you can close your account, if you have not already done so, to help get the message across that you have no plans to shop with them in the future. Be sure to tell them why you are unsubscribing and canceling your credit card.

    American Family Association's boycott against Home Depot:

    Take Action!

    Sign the Boycott Pledge.
    Call your local store manager. Let the manager know that you will not be shopping at The Home Depot until the company stops supporting the homosexual agenda. You can find his number here (Click "Store Finder").
    Print the AFA Pass Along Sheet for friends and neighbors.
    Print the paper petition and distribute it at Sunday School and church.
    NEW! Promote the boycott on your website! Scroll down for download instructions. It's easy!

    Extremely important! Regularly post this to your Facebook page and encourage others to join the boycott!

    I could sit here all day and continue to cut and paste these things but I have been up for the past 41 hours continuously because of work and I need to call my mom before I go to sleep.

    You know, all you have to do is google 'conservative boycott'. You could have taken ten seconds to do that. But no, instead you made yourself look like an idiot. Why do you DO this to yourself when it's so easily preventable? Just do the research before you shoot your mouth off. Please. I'm trying to help you here.

  41. Maybe it's because people love to push your bottoms, and get your combat boots tight

  42. Occam's Razor would posit that it's because people don't know wtf they're talking about and think they can just say any nonsense and not get their ignorance put back in their faces.

    I'm seriously trying to help yall not look quite so stupid. But no, you just keep on trucking with it.

    I mean, if yall bound and determined to expose yourself as foolishness, I guess no matter how much I encourage you to do some research and get your facts straight BEFORE you speak, you're still gonna wanna look like an idiot.

    Well, not for lack of me trying to help you fix that.

  43. Foolishness? Humm!

  44. "Let the manager know that you will not be shopping at the Home Depot until the company stops supporting the homosexual agenda."

    You see this is what I mean, why should Home Depot be taking a stand on homosexuality or any lifestyle really or hot-button social issue when they're into fences and cement and gardening and overall home improvement??? Take the most mundane company, let's say the Acme Shower Ring and Curtain Company and they start giving to Planned Parenthood or the Tranny Foundation, I don't get it.

    Occam's Razor, for that really close shave.

  45. I think maybe it depends by what you mean when you say 'supporting the homosexual agenda'. If having two guys or two girls together in a commercial is 'supporting the homosexual agenda'... personally, I think that's a bit of a stretch. But people will make of this stuff what they will.

    Companies have to balance on that tripwire between being perceived as opening and welcome to all, whilst still letting those who discriminate believe that the company also discriminates against whoever they do. It's one of those impossible things, and when you're a national type chain, eventually someone's going to get a bee in their bonnet over something.

  46. Used to be the call was for tolerance, now it seems to be you have to be approving otherwise you're a hateful bigot so that's where we're at. This is the most horrible summer for me, first off it's unbearably hot but I'm getting literally attacked by mosquitoes every single day and then there's work...

  47. And Darth:

    People (well, particular persons) DO love to 'push my bottoms' and get my combat boots tied, but that's not a topic for polite blog conversation.

    Not that this place is the height of decorum, but you know what I mean.


  48. Where do you draw the line between 'tolerance' and 'approval'? That's a mighty blurry place.

    Mosquitoes no.. chiggers yes. I have been made a mess of this year.

    I finally went to sleep and only slept for 30 minutes before I bounced out of bed.

    Of course this is my weekend to work.

    And I have registered to enter my Argonauts in the NC State Fair.

  49. Oh speaking of sleep the other night I woke up around 2 and then eventually got back to sleep only to have to go to work at 7AM and felt like shit all day so the bad sleep thing is maybe worse than what you have. I'm kinda changing the topic around, evolving since the ground's been covered unless you want to discuss today's gay kiss-in.

  50. Oh I would definitely say crappy sleep is worse than no sleep. I am back to feeling fab now that I have this 30 minute nap in.. I was really hoping to sleep for a couple hours but apparently not. Or maybe I will once I get something to eat (it's cooking).

    Also today I have filled out all the paperwork to get my birth certificate corrected so I can get a passport. I changed my name in 2003 but just never bothered getting the birth certificate corrected cause why? But it has to be so before I can get a passport. I have been going back and forth on whether I'm going ANYWHERE next year (this is a product of my mood) but my original plan was to do a Tex Mex thing. SO.. if I decide to do that, at least I'll have everything in place.

    I haven't been up on the news recently because of being at work so many freakin hours. My mother was going on and on and ON about the Olympics, I haven't watched the first minute nor read the first word about it.

  51. I browse through the Olympics at night as I'm a heavy channel-surfer. WORK is wearing me down and it'll be awhile before I can retire. Sounds contradictory but lately I'd rather have less hours than more. Of course if the Republicans have their way they'll be raising the retirement age...

  52. I think I'm going to cut back a little on the overtime maybe for the rest of this month. I mean I say that now but when the phone rings will I be jumping for it? Probably. But my mood has been so unstable and then this end of life care thing and then the I killed the patient thing and really I think I'm kinda tired.

    But no tellin what will happen when the phone rings. I have a couple of days off next week because of Janmastami. Any recipes you wanna impart (obviously veg)? I am going to try to work some on my fruit carving skills.

  53. My session's almost over and I've other things to do as it's my day off. Carry on and I hope I don't get this West Nile thing.

  54. You really need to spring for at least a netbook or something. You can get them cheap and then you can go to McD and do the free wifi thing.

  55. PS Somewhere in my blog archives I have a post about roasted veggies or something. Guy came in the other day and said he's a vegetarian and then proceeded to buy some salmon so I guess he means no meat and I thought it was an ethical thing for him.

  56. I see people at Mickie D's using laptops all the time. They really need to start a tofu-burger.

  57. There is a company in NY called May Wah Vegetarian Foods. They make all kinds of kickass vegan meat substitutes. I had a 'salmon' sandwich the other day. It rocked.

    I think they might be in Brooklyn or way downtown.

  58. Did you know BK has a vegie burger?

  59. I wonder of Chick FilA has a tufu Chicken?

  60. Not that I know of. At Denny's you can replace the regular burger in any of their burger meals with a vegie burger. I do it all the time.

  61. I say, good for Chik-Fil-A! Since when do we not allow, or even encourage, differing views on things?
    Yes, I'm a conservative, but however for as long as we remain "free" in this country, I say keep your politics at home, don't interfere with anyone's right to conduct their business where they want to. If you don't like them, then don't patronize them, but don't ban them. Their opinions are their business, not yours. .

  62. God Bless Chick-fil-A,. To be able to think freely, and speak freely is a great human right.

  63. The left gets pretty unhinged when we on the right don't roll over and play dead every time they throw their stupid and childish insults at us don’t they! These creations who are Obama fanatics not only drink his koolaide and believe his lies, but they attack you if you don’t. And this is exactly why we have this controversy over at Chick-Fil-A. It’s the same mentality. If you don’t believe their crapola, then ban it, boycotting them or destroy them!
    What happened to free speech in America? I know that Obama is trying his damnest to destroy the Constitution, has he already destroyed the First Amendment?
    I still can remember the days in America when you were able to speak your mind, have those days gone as well? Sorry, but I’m not ready to just ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD for this bunch.

  64. So I suppose you would say the same thing to the conservatives at the American Family Association and to the conservative Million Moms, right, because they run boycotts too?

  65. Saty, Saty, Saty, I gotta say that you come up with the damnest things'

  66. It's a valid question, which is why I'm sure someone is going to try to distract, avoid, ad hominem or otherwise find a way to not answer it.

    Because if the answer is no, you're a hypocrite.

    And if you say yes, then you're admitting that conservatives and liberals use the same methods to impact the market, and that negates your entire rant.

  67. There are of course two parts of this story, the private citizens exercising their right to boycott or to show their support for a company. The other part is public politicians expressing that they want to discriminate a business based on their religious beliefs, which is completely wrong.

  68. Which is not what DD was speaking about.

    And as I said, that's all political posturing. No one is banning anyone (except perhaps NYU, which would have the right to choose who does and does not open a business on their campus). What all that talk is, is basically politicians making known where their alignment lies, and like all politics, it is what it is.

    However, what DD is having such difficulties with is the idea of the boycott, which he somehow believes is only used by the left, which illustrates the breadth of his understanding of basic free market economics.

    But I appreciate your trying to help a fellow right winger out of the hole he dug himself.

  69. expressing that they want to discriminate a business based on their religious beliefs, which is completely wrong.

    And this would explain why you were so supportive of the Muslims who wanted to open a center at Ground Zero, right?

    Sometimes you folks make this stuff so easy.

  70. Lets see if I understand this..
    Obviously we don't all agree with you. Yes a person has their rights to open a business wherever he pleases too his or her beliefs should not dictate how they run their business. And you do not have a right to force your beliefs over other people. And you have the right to decide where and how to spend your money. So far there's no problem here. To say it’s the same a opening a I find it quite hypocritical of the author of this piece, a member of a group that has sponsored many boycotts of businesses based on their policies that don't fall in line with.
    CEO Cathy didn't try to influence his beliefs on anyone, or pass judgment on anyone.. He never stated his beliefs would influence who they hire or who they allow into their restaurants. Cathy the CEO of Chick-fil-A is entitled to his opinion. And yet his restaurants are being banned from select cities
    To relate this mans freedoms of choice to a bunch of Muslims Terrorists insulting us is insane. No one wanted to stop them from building a Masque, they just didn’t want it 2 blocks away from the sight that was DESTROYED and where so many people were slaughtered by Muslims Terrorists. Not only was the proposed location exactly the wrong place, right at ground zero, but it’s a mosque supported by an imam who has a record of support for causes that were sympathetic with terrorism.
    The building of THIS mosque wass not an issue of religious freedom, but of an effort to insult the victims of 9/11 and to establish a beachhead for political Islam and Islamic supremacist in New York. And if you recall, or want to recall, the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is an stanch proponent of Sharia, Islamic law, a system that DENIES THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. So where is the issue related? I can’t see any relationship, or so called” discrimination anywhere . I think that you are misrepresenting the facts. CEO Dan Cathy expressed his opinion which should be a non-issue. His views was NOT the policy of Chick-Fil-A, but his own.
    The way that I see it, it's all about the freedom of speech, and of choice.. Socialist and communists hate it and want to suppress it.
    And as for Rahm Emmanuel, it’s no question at all in my mind that this phoney crook is just trying to divert attention away from Chicago being the newest world murder capital. Especially since murders are up 36% since he got elected.

  71. Very good reply DD, you are right when you said to have a 13-story building “so called” Islamic Community Center, which is just another term for a Mosque, (used as a distraction) built right near Ground Zero, so close that parts of the Jets that crashed into the World Trade Center crashed into part of this location as well, that's how close it is! And to have it open the wounds and would be incredibly insensitive of the families and the fellow workers who escaped from the horror and put salt in the wounds.
    This place about 500 feet from where 3,000 people were blown up and torn to pieces by Islamic extremists. I cannot imagine that the Muslims can’t find a place to put their mosque other than on this particular site where the corpses of 3,000 US citizens, who were buried alive by people chanting God is Great.

    Satyavati devi dasi makes answering this stuff so easy.

  72. On this note, read what another "Tolerant Bleeding Heart Liberal" has to say on this subject:


    Another anal diatribe from a washed up Has Been.

    The Democrats ought to make Roseanne the official spokesperson for their party. She seems to harbor the required hatred. They could even use the photograph of her grabbing her crotch while making a mockery of America's National Anthem.

  73. Who gives a sh!t what that FAT ASSED puke sandwich has to say? And you can add or Michael Moore to that description as well.

    It's bad enough that we have to listen to what Obambo,, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, says.
    But can you imagine what these Liberals would be saying if a Conservative had said this.

  74. & that's the point Jarhead, RUSH couldn't get away with saying anything like this. Roseanne Barr says this and it doesn't go on for days on end.

  75. Saty the people protesting the placement of the Islamic center (just the location not the idea of the building of it) are expressing their opinions just like the boycotters are doing to Chick Fil-A. The location is not cool kinda like putting an adult book store next to a school.

  76. One more time. No one is banning anyone from opening a store. They may SAY they're going to or they want to but they can't. Now, NYU may very well be able to ban them from opening a store on their campus, since they own the property. Apart from that, it's all politics. Is that part simple enough? So we can get past that.

    Next. There is no difference in telling CFA that they can't put their business in X location and telling another group that they can't put their Islamic center in X location. It is exactly the same. It's about locations. And really, Beth, can someone protest an adult book store next to a school? Can that be banned? I don't think so. It's all the same thing.

    DD still doesn't understand that both conservatives and liberals use boycotts to influence the free market. I'm not sure what group he thinks I'm part of that runs boycotts, but I have certainly boycotted things on my own accord and have for as long as I've been old enough to understand the concept. A boycott is a way for individuals to influence the free market. Either you get that concept or you don't. It has nothing to do with conservative or liberal, unless you also take issue with the Million Moms and the AFA.

    It's all about discrimination. But you see, it all depends on whose freedoms are being trampled upon.

  77. Sorry Saty, but I understand very well, I think that it's you who just don't understand what I and so many others have been saying... But c'est la vive, thats the difference between you and me.... Besides so many other differences.

  78. If you understand very well then I think you should at least go ahead and admit that boycotts are used by conservatives as well as liberals and are not some kind of evil, first-amendment-killing plot. They're the epitome of the free market (which conservatives adore) in action, and they work.

  79. Give me and the rest of us a break and stop Playing the blame game

  80. True that a city can't legally and constitutionally stop a business from opening just because of the owner's religious beliefs but I'm not sure that Christine Quinn, Rahm and Tom Menino and other assorted opinionated pols quite grasp that yet. I think you can ban an adult bookstore next to a school, it's known as zoning but in my travels of late I've noticed more adult establishments rather close to schools, churches and playgrounds which kinda surprises me. The Islamic Center near GZ, I don't think it's quite that simple.

  81. I mean why not build the thing in the actual crater itself? it's kinda boinking the collective eyeball of Society. Sensitivities are high, I mean why not open up a new gun shop and sporting goods store right next to the exact memorialized spot in Aurora CO where those 12 folks were killed? Now no one disputes the right of a gun shop to at least apply for opening there but it would seem a rather gauche thing to do...other examples come to mind.


  83. I didn't say it was in good taste. I said it was the same thing in terms of legality.

  84. Time for a new subject Zman, Saty 's excises are getting pretty lame.

    How about the subject of Obama and his education records?

    You know, the ones they’ve never released. Hmmm….I wonder what they’re hiding over there, huh? I wonder if Dingy Harry McMoron Reid knows an unnamed source about that!

  85. ..then the odd plethora of white
    power rock bands ..good ol amendment#1

  86. We silent Conservative Americans need to support those who have been shamelessly harmed by the few ugly liberal philosophy . It;s always the perverts who get the media's attention.. And the honest law abiding citizens who get hurt from these crazies.

  87. Obama's educational records?

    How about Romney's tax returns?

  88. Why did it take almost 4 years to get a PHONEY birth record? Why did it takt almost 4 years and STILL NO education record?
    And why is it that his so called university comrades never heard of him?

  89. Personally, I'd rather see Romney's tax records.

    He certainly isn't living up to the precedent his own father set.

  90. With all respecr, I have to laugh at your comment:
    What would be the point of releasing the tax returns. We all know he is rich. Romney is a man who values morals, honesty and principle.. Obama is just the opposite. What he did in business was all within the laws of this nation at the time.. Since when is there a problem with being successful in America? Why can't we talk about the issues instead of this petty crap. Obama proved with the Health Care Bill that he did not care what the majority of the Americans or want.
    Let's face facts here,"It's the Economy STUPID" maybe Mitt Romney has the answers, and maybe he doesn't, BUT we know for sure that Obama hasn't got a clue!

  91. His "you didn't build that" is false and you proved it

    Maybe it was really the Tooth Fairy that built everything!.

  92. What's so special about Romney that precedents set for decades by both Republican and Democrat Presidential candidates don't apply to him? What makes him so exceptional that he shouldn't stand up to even his own father's precedents?

    Why should he be any different? Why wouldn't he want to show everyone how much he values 'morals, honesty and principles'? I think if I were Romney or anyone in his campaign I'd be throwing those 'moral, honest, and principled' tax returns in everyone's faces. It'd be a great campaign tool, wouldn't it? Certainly it would.

    Unless those tax returns aren't as 'moral, honest, and principled' as people so desperately want to believe they are.

    You see, if he brings them out in the light, and it shows everyone that he's really NOT 'moral, honest or princpled' it sure as hell would piss in their cornflakes. Then what would they do? Faced with the reality that their candidate isn't what they want him to be, what do they do then?

    Oh, what a dilemma that would be.

    Better to just keep repeating that mantra: "moral, honest, principled" and maybe you can convince yourself it's true.

  93. And Obama is exempt?
    No in my book he's not!

  94. Obama released his tax records. That's what we're talking about here, not birther nonsense or any other made up right wing lunatic crap. We're talking about Mitt Romney refusing to release his tax records, unlike his father and all Presidential candidates from both sides since then.

    Stick to the issue and stop trying to make distractions.

  95. Right wing lunatic crap?
    If that ain't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is!

  96. Once again Satyavati devi dasi, sorry to be repetitive, but with all due respect, once again I have to laugh at your comment:
    Sure we know that YOU are talking about Mitt Romney refusing to release his tax records, but so what? He has done nothing wrong.
    You are talking about "precedents set for decades by both Republican and Democrat"

    What "precedents" has Obama followed? NONE that I can think of... "Precedents" does not make things so.
    What is being said here is that Mitt Romney should offer to show everything: school records, tax returns, and medical records. He should do this in exchange for the President doing the same thing..
    Challenging Obama's claim that he went to Columbia University before heading over to Harvard Law school is HIS word, nobody, and I repeat NO BODY at either one of those schools remembers ever seeing or knowing him there.
    And that makes it feasible regardless of what you say or what you call it, that he is once again LYING! was born here or not.

    If you want to talk about "Precedents" There has never been such an effort and such an expense made by a sitting President to hide his past. It took years to come up with a birth certificate that is still questionable at best. Now, every effort is being made to keep his educational and health records sealed. If Romney is waiting for the mainstream media to ask the questions, he shouldn’t be holding his breath.

    Remember that old saying, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours".
    I'll reveal my tax filings if you reveal YOUR sealed records.
    It's been the same old story since the first day of his presidency if he cant get it done through the proper channels, look for him to go thru the back door, or bring out his Attack Dogs like Harry Reid to accomplish what he wanted in the first place.

  97. You see? This is called distraction.

    Instead of Mitt Romney doing what presidential candidates have been doing for my entire lifetime, which is release his tax records, you go on about educational records of a man who's already President?

    No one is asking Romney to release anything but his tax records. No birth certificate, no education records, none of the things that no other Presidential candidate or President has ever been asked to do besides Obama.

    No one is asking Romney to do anything extraordinary, anything above-or-beyond.

    Just be like everyone else has for the last 40 years and release your tax records.

    You can distract from this all you like, but it's a bit obvious here. Obama's released his tax records. But Romney won't release his.

    So instead of dealing with your candidate, you go on and on about nonsense to try to make a distraction.

    It would so piss your cornflakes if it turned out that he hasn't paid a time, wouldn't it.

    You're damn right it would. So maybe I do understand you defending him not releasing his tax records.

    You don't want to know what's in there.

    What you don't can pretend doesn't exist, or fantasize it how you'd like it to be.

    Such a shame. Defending that shit.

  98. Satyavati devi dasi said...

    You see? This is called distraction.

    Oh I see, thanks for the education...LMAO.

    "Such a shame. Defending that shit."

  99. The reason presidential candidates release their tax returns is to show
    they have nothing to hide. FDR, for example released 25 years of
    tax returns, Obama 12 years, GW
    Bush, 8 years etc.
    ..a candidate does not have to reveal what he made or paid in taxes, but the public would rightfully be suspicious, should he not.

  100. And those who most vehemently defend his not releasing them would be those most afraid of what releasing them would reveal.

    Hence all the screaming and distraction.

  101. Romney not paying his Taxes for ten years is about as likely as Barack Hussein Obama running his reelection campaign on the record of his achievements in the last three and a half years.
    Slim and none would be the chances Romney did not pay any taxes for a ten year period and while we are talking about "slim". slim is already on his way out of the White House. .
    Anything to divert from the failed Obama economy, you should focus on that!.

  102. With all that said, you can bet your bottom dollar that Obama's thugs over at the IRS have taken a look at Romney's taxes for quite a few years back. If there was any discrepancy in any of his past filings, the IRS would have blown the whistle by now and it would be broadcast on all the major news channels. It's all you would hear about. Right now, a lot of noise is being made about Romney's taxes simply because Obama doesn't have a record that he can run for re-election on and his only chance is to try to make Romney look small so nobody will look closely at his own miserable past records...
    I personally hope that I hope he never ever shows those taxes.

  103. A lot of noise is being made about Romney's taxes because every other Presidential candidate for the past 40 years has put out their tax returns for scrutiny.

    Romney is, apparently, considering himself to be above the precedents set by his own father. He apparently feels that he's too good to do like everyone else has.. or he'd release his taxes.

    No matter who was president right now, this same noise would be made. And unless and until he releases those taxes, accusations and speculations will continue to be made. He could end it all in a moment simply by releasing his taxes. Apparently he must consider the noise better to the alternative.

    This really hasn't got anything to do with Obama. No matter who was the incumbent this noise would still be made because Romney is not even following in Republican footsteps with this. People in his own party have called for him to release the records, if for no other reason than to stop the noise. But to no avail.

    His own party suspects him. Obama doesn't need to do a thing; Romney's own compadres in the Republican camp are suspicious of him now.

  104. Typical socialist Obama lover, if you haven't got a lig argument, repeat you non-issue subject change.
    You are pathetic. In fact you ate kind of sad and pathetic and laughable.

    Obama's socialist experiment has not worked here in America and the bottom line is that he has to go. i'll take the stupid Conservitive party over the evil Socialist party any day

  105. Uh, what's that got to do with Mitt Romney's tax returns?

    THEY are the issue.

  106. And you know, it's so funny to me, I AM a Socialist, and it makes me laugh the way you sling that word around as if you know what it means. Or represents. Or stands for.

    Because if you did, you'd know that in no way, shape or form is our President a Socialist.

    To you it's just another dirty word. You don't know what it means, but you know it MUST be something baaaaaaaaad.

    You'll do about anything to not have to deal with Mitt Romney's tax returns, won't you?

  107. You'll do about anything to not have to deal with Mitt Romney's tax returns, won't you?

    No to be perfectly honest with you, I don't give a rats ass about the tax records,
    But I do think that his records are as straight as an arrow.

    It's Obama that I'm concerned about it's HIS hidden everything that I'm concerned with .

    I don't trust that man (and I use the word "Man" loosely) as far as I can throw him
    Romney's tax records are only a way to show that it's Obama who is the one that has been hiding his records from day one.

    No one can find his school records.
    The Obama team has decided to distract America’s voters by condemning Mitt Romney for not releasing enough years of his tax returns. It’s the perfect cover. Obama knows the best defense is a bold offense. Just keep attacking Mitt and blaming him for secrecy and evasion, while accusing him of having a scandal that doesn’t exist. Then ask his attack dogs like Harry Reid to lead., except Old Harry did a very poor job doing it.

    My advice would be that Romney should call a press conference and issue a challenge in front of the nation. He should agree to release more of his tax returns, only if Obama unseals his college records. Simple and straight-forward. Mitt should ask “What could possibly be so embarrassing in your college records from 29 years ago that you are afraid to let America’s voters see? If it’s THAT bad, maybe it’s something the voters ought to see.” Suddenly the tables are turned. Now Obama is on the defensive.

    My bet is that Obama will never unseal his records because they contain information that could destroy his chances for re-election. Once this challenge is made public, my prediction is you’ll never hear about Mitt’s tax returns ever again. And then his cronies and his followers like you will shut up fast!

  108. If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records I believe you’d find that:

    A) He rarely ever attended class.
    B) His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School.
    C) He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student.
    D) He never paid for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreigner like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia

    And lastly, why do his classmates at Columbia not remember Obama? Was he a ghost? Did he never show up at class? My educated guess is that he was too busy smoking pot, attending Marxist meetings, and plotting the destruction of the U.S. economy and the overthrow of capitalism. Don’t laugh. It’s working.

    If you think I’m “fishing” then prove me wrong. Open up your records Mr. President. What are you afraid of?

    If it’s okay for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to go on a fishing expedition about Romney’s taxes (even though he knows absolutely nothing about them), then I think I can do the same thing. But as Obama’s Columbia Class of ’83 classmate, at least I have more standing to make educated guesses.

    It’s time for Mitt to go on the attack and call Obama’s bluff.

    Oh and one more thing Mitt. Tell Dirty Harry Reid you’ll release all of your tax returns when Harry Reid releases all of his. Inquiring minds want to know how Harry Reid entered the U.S. Senate with no assets and became one of the wealthiest United States Senators?

  109. Man have these comments strayed from the intended topic..

  110. Oh please.

    You're okay with the fact that Mitt Romney is dismissing forty years' of precedents originating with his own father as regards tax returns, and want President Obama to produce records that NO OTHER PRESIDENT has ever been asked to produce?


    Let me get you another roll of tinfoil.

  111. Seems to me if Romney hasn't paid his taxes that the IRS would know where to find him and arrest him, why is it that they haven't? Oh maybe because he HAS paid his taxes.

    What a non-issue and a distraction from a crappy economy and a Congress who cannot figure out how to make a budget.

  112. In my opinion, for what it's worth, maybe the Birthers may or may not have the details right, but they smell something. Could it be that t Obama didn't attend Columbia at all, which would explain why nobody remembers him and why there are no transcripts?
    I think its time we switch from the Tax record questions to making the assertion that Barack Obama WAS a foreign exchange student, and let HIM prove that he wasn't.

  113. Again. Obviously Romney's own compadres think it's a fairly big issue as they keep calling for him to go ahead and release them.

    And obviously he could end the whole issue in a moment simply by doing just that.

    Instead, his refusal is what continues the controversy.

  114. "piss in their cornflakes"

    Is this a Southern expression? My personal fave is soapie's "as useless as tits on a tomcat."

  115. DD: "Man have these comments strayed from the topic."

    Yeah I took yesterday off and look what happened. To help steer it back let's discuss Dan Cathy's tax returns.

  116. Saty: "You'd know that in no way, shape or form is our President a Socialist."

    Hmmmmm...but I think it's an erotic fantasy of his, something he grinds into the bed to at night. Practical reality being what it is he went with the individual mandate like a softcore version with the vase in the way.

  117. When I think of tax returns I think of David Dinkins.

  118. Pissin in cornflakes is Southern yes. We talk about tits too but on a bull or a billygoat, never a tomcat. And things get as hot as either blue blazes or forty hells.
