I hadn't actually planned on blogging about it today. I had woken up early, got the percolator going, fed the cats and about 10 after 7 turned on the Today Show and Matt Lauer and saw the Breaking News. We now know about the suspect, 24-year old James Holmes allegedly shot and killed 12 theatergoers and injured more than 50 others at the midnight showing in the town of Aurora, Colorado of the new Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises. Holmes had no criminal history up to that point. OK stunning and sad and tragic news to be sure but my blogpost could wait awhile, there'll be the usual suspects calling for more gun control about which more in a minute but that gestational post could give birth tomorrow or the day after at the latest. So I'm googling this and I'm googling that so I finally say let me go to Drudge to catch the latest and see what we learned, any link to terrorism? and after a few seconds I find this:
ABCNews Already Linking 'Tea Party'? Backtracks...
Breitbart: Shooter May Be Registered Democrat
and I'm thinking what in hell does Politics have to do with any of this??? Now I realize Breitbart (not the ghost of Breitbart but now the generic Breitbart Spirit I guess) was trying to counter the Brian Ross/George Stephanopoulos thesis but C'mon!!! Interesting though that ABC went with this so early, it's like a kind of Rohrshach or Word Association Test - Charlie Sheen/drugs, Mayor Bloomberg/soda, latest tragic shooting massacre somewhere in the country/Tea Party but it's all very disgusting.
Now gun control: I'm not against all gun-control measures, pass them if you like but criminals are not apt to obey them in the first place since criminals by nature don't obey the law. It'd be like saying because money-laundering and extortion are against the law the Mob won't launder money and extort it. I never got this. Gun control at most is only moderately positive, a modest step in the right direction but the way the libs get all worked up over it. Yeah and banning the Big Gulp will makes us a nation of the svelte.
Turns out this James Holmes character was enrolled in the University of Colorado-Denver and just dropped out of some PhD neuroscience program. What's with these eggheads gone psycho? think Ted Kaczynski. These tragedies seem sadly cyclic nowadays, also cyclic is the expected labeling system: Tea Party/gun control/fell through the cracks of the mental health-care system, the usual. I had to use my own label "journalism" to categorize parts of my post here but I use the term loosely, looser than what my cat did on my cedar chest the other night:)
Time will let the facts accumulate.
ReplyDeleteLet's wait for a statement from
Wayne Lapierre...
Get rid of Barack Obama before he does more damage to this country.
ReplyDeleteVote Republican.
This is one reason why I hate liberals. they are blood sucking disgusting animals...they want to be treated with respect and know that even though they are scum most conservatives will treat them that way.
ReplyDeleteThey of course having been raised without manners of even the concept of manners do not have to treat other human beings that way.
It is all part of the liberal zombie agenda.
They are the most vile of humanity. Totally without souls, putrid, evil twisted morons. There simply aren’t enough adjectives to describe slime like this. There is something seriously wrong with them. And as for the the Colorado theater tragedy, Liberals never let a good tragedy or crisis go to waste!
My heart goes out to all the victims of this horrible, senseless tragedy.
That being said, I can hardly wait to see how long it takes these Progressive bloggers, talk-show hosts like Piers Morgan, George Stephanopoulos, or some other POS liberal talking head on CNN or PMSNBC to try to blame this on the TEA party, , or some other Conservative group.
ABC News has suggested that James Holmes -- the suspect in today's shooting in Aurora, Colorado -- may have a connection to the Tea Party.
ABC's Brian Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year.
All these are accusations without and evidence whatsoever.
And they see nothing wrong with Obama Politicizing A Tragedy.. But then again, they'd use anything to change the topic from "you didn’t do it Yourself" speech!
Oh please. And then there's the Republican guy who's blaming this on attacks on Judeo Christian values.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is that this hasn't got a damn thing to do with politics. People are dead and quite honestly when your six year old has been shot dead by a lunatic in riot gear politics are the last thing on your mind.
Anyone, from any corner, that uses this sort of tragedy as a political jumping horse, and there will be some from both sides that do, is flat wrong.
@Anyone, from any corner, that uses this sort of tragedy as a political jumping horse, and there will be some from both sides that do, is flat wrong.
ReplyDeleteTell that to the Leftist MSM Imbeciles. , and the Lefty bloggers.
I don't totally agree when after a tragedy such as this it is said that liberals will use this to exploit the gun control issue. The man used a gun, several and so his weapon of choice was the gun so how can you not talk about guns? Now you may not come down on the side of liberals re guns but it's inherent to the issue as once again the man used a gun so it can and should be on the table. Apparently he bought his stuff at a Gander Mountain least that's what one news station led me to believe and passed the background checks no problem so hey ya wanna know something? it is a problem.
ReplyDeleteRight-O Saty this hasn't got a damn thing to do with politics, tell that to Brian Ross/ABC News and Breitbart. Also the expected and conventional psychobabble provided by assorted experts after such a senseless act. Usual line: he was a loner - hey I have my close circle of friends but I ain't the clubbing type either. Also and get this a couple shrinks said he was striking out at Society because he was failing in Life like how is having a couple degress in neuroscience under your belt exactly failing? Anybody brought up bath salts? first thing I'd do is check his bloodwork up and down and then his piss for all kinds o' substances and take it from there:)
ReplyDeleteIt's about time the disgusting liberal - progressive media whores are held responsible for their incompetent or outright disgusting behavior. They will do and they do anything for ratings and it 's disgusting.
ReplyDeleteThe only people more disgusting than Bill Maher are the disgusting liberals who cheer him on!
And if Trayvon Martin was killed for walking while black (which he wasn’t) , I'd say that Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos are guilty of writing while stupid. I’m really getting sick of these whiny self-absorbed lefty nuts.
ABC news reporter has already reported that a man named James Holmes is listed on a local Tea Party site. "The national Tea Party organization incorrectly linked to the man charged with the Colorado shootings"
So once again, the liberal media looks for any way it can to link any horrible event to conservatives, and once again, they are wrong. It sickens me that people who are supposed to report the truth, and verify their statements, again have used their political leanings to besmirch the name of the innocent and implicate Conservatives, right or wrong. Turns out the shooter was a Occupy Wall Streeter instead, and most likely a Liberal. .
(Nothing like the MSM spreading a stupid rumor) but what else is new?
I guess the MSM standard is if it makes the Tea Party look bad, report the rumor, otherwise don't say anything.
RE: "tell that to Brian Ross/ABC News and Breitbart" ..might as well
ReplyDeleteadd alec jones ...
what a farce this one sided right wing story is.
ReplyDeleteIt only goes to show how Right-wing bloggers, talk radio hosts, and other conservative media outlets distorting the. facts and the truth.
And as for the shooting in Colorado there are millions of people that LEGITIMATELY think the shooter was a right-wing nut job. History has shown that most mass murderers are, especially in heated political climates. Perpetrated by the right-wing lies and propaganda of Fox News, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and other and Hate Radio talk shows. I would like to see a debate about this issue. .
The democrats would wipe the conservatives all over the floor, if such a debate or debates occurred.
psychotic right-wingers are coddled and told that they're normal on Fox News and hate radio DOES NOT mean that the majority of rational Americans sit around and watch and listen to such right-wing propaganda garbage. Yes, the Tea Party IS violent. It makes OWS look like kindergarten. There's no left wing group that even COMPARES to the violence of the Tea Party and its nut job members. And yes, it was a natural assumption that the shooter might have been a Tea Party, right-wing, anti-government psycho. Nut job conservatives have nearly obliterated this nation, fortunately, THEY will be obliterated at the ballot box this November as America prepares for four more years of solid leadership from President Obama.
Certainly the guy had issues. Even his mother said they got the right guy.
ReplyDeleteSo apparently he was quite brilliant, technically brilliant, was in some kind of science program and had dropped out of his phD thing? have I got that right so far? And also from what I understand his record was clean and he didn't have any kind of a psych history.
And all of his guns were purchased legally, as well as the 6,000 rounds of ammunition.
So? Is there a problem in the system? Yes there is.
The question is, what exactly is the problem, and how do we fix it?
On the one hand you have these people who believe that it's okay to own guns that have no useful purpose other than to kill large amounts of other living beings very quickly, and that it's okay to stockpile enough weapons and ammo in your family room to take over a third world country.
On the other hand you have these people here who believe nobody should be allowed to own even a Daisy air rifle.
The answer lies in the middle.
Should there be comprehensive background checks for firearms purchases? Absolutely. Should there be a waiting period? If a woman has to go through a 24 or 48 hour waiting period before she can have a medical procedure, then surely people can wait 24 hours for a check to be done before they bring home an arsenal. Should pure assault weapons be banned? Well, let's think about that. There's plenty of other kinds of guns out there.. why do you need something that's designed for killing large groups of people in just a few moments? Why do you actually need a high-capacity ammo clip thing? Do you have THAT MANY rabbits on your property that you need to be able to fire 100+ rounds in under a minute?
I think where the problem comes is that people think in terms of black and white and no inbetween. The gun fanatics won't give up their AK47s and their Uzzis, and the anti-gun fanatics want to ban water pistols. Both are wrong, and both need to look at situations like this rationally, without all the hyperbole and nonsense (so evident in the above comments), and make some grown-up decisions about things.
EzzZee what happened in Colorado had nothing whatsoever to do with politics. To those people who argue the msm is objective and never slants the news left well that position is harder to defend after what we saw here. Actually from what I've seen and read OWS is rather more unsavory than said Tea Party, Tea Party being more in keeping with traditional American civility. No don't bring up Bachmann and Huma Abedin:)
ReplyDeleteSaty this is a blue moon moment but I actually agree with everything you said about gun control. What in hell is our obsession with Twitter like I'm gonna get my head blown off right now let me tweet about it (little bird symbol comes up...). It could be the End of the World and we'd tweet about it. Our computerized civilization, falling back on technology during tragedy is I guess instinctual right now. Now let me see what BB linked to...
ReplyDeleteStaged terror? well that's possible BB now that they're looking into a second person of interest. That's not my theory, I just assume he totally took over the Joker role and got unhinged from Reality but what did you expect from Alex Jones? You know Savage is on this tear about bbq'ed and grilled foods are bad for you and cause cancer and don't eat sushi because it's raw fish and has bacteria, I'm digressing here but the man is such a killjoy!
ReplyDeleteBut we should not be surprised that the Liberals would blame everyone but the shooter! Are you shocked that the liberal media would do such a thing. They immediately politicized the Gabrielle Giffords shooting claiming that Sarah Palin might somehow be to blame because of her “target list” that she posted to her Facebook, didn’t they! In this case, George Stephanopoulos immediately said “He must be Tea party member”
ReplyDeleteThere is no doubt in my mind, and there shouldn’t be any in yours either that the media and Progressive Democrats was going to shamelessly exploit this and in the end there will be a cry for more gun control and more attempts to tie this to Conservatives and the Tea Party. Let’s not forget that there’s an election coming up and Obambi is going to need all the help he can muster up, So don’t be so surprised. I can remember when people thought that a Communist would never be elected president in America! We have to make a choice, what’s more importing Banning Guns or Obesity? Don’t be a Hog and ask for both.
And PS, somehow Satyavati devi dasi and people like EzzZee, and our old buddy from the left coast, and the Soviet Union lover Dave Miller will find that George Bush, and Dick Cheney are responsible for this as well.
I fail to understand the necessity for someone to own high-capacity magazines and/or weapons that have no purpose whatsoever apart from killing large numbers of living beings in a very small amount of time. Unless, of course, their intention is to kill large numbers of living beings in a very small amount of time. And no one has SO MANY rabbits on their property that they require the ability to shoot 60+ rounds a minute.
ReplyDeleteTo paraphrase Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park: 'You were so concerned about whether you COULD that you didn't stop to think about whether you SHOULD.'
To paraphrase Jerry Steinfirld yada,yada,yada
ReplyDeleteIt was Rahm Emanuel who said "You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste" and so it is rather predictable that all sorts of political arguments in favor or against certain things is cropping up because of this horrific tragedy, or that the shooter is tied to either the Tea Party or the Occupy movement. I myself think its best to let the dust settle before making assumptions.
ReplyDeleteIt used to be that these types of killers ended up committing suicide, but the shooter of the high school earlier this year and now this guy are trending towards giving themselves up quite easily, not sure what to make of that other than maybe we can find out more about the personality of these types since they are still alive, and will stand trial and quite likely conviction. But innocent until proven guilty of course, for what it's worth.
As an aside, we were vacationing in Colonial Williamsburg this past week, and in the courthouse there they discuss how the legal system worked back then, and the trial and subsequent punishment if there was one were rather swift, nobody sat in jail for too long because you were either set free after trial or hung. And the hangings were quite the entertainment for the citizens (with no TV or Internet, I guess that was the next best thing to watch) and so I would think that public hangings made for quite the deterrent.
I had thought you had the right to a speedy trial, least that's the way I was brought up. How colonial of me! Welcome back Beth, seems like you had a nice vacation. OMG I agree with Saty once again and you'd think we could all agree that assault weapons should be banned once and for all. Even though I think gun control has limited effectiveness it's kind of a no-brainer re weapons that would be overkill even in killing a deer.
ReplyDeleteI posted this thought once before but I'll repeat it. What is the purpose of a gun? Sure it could be for sport but let's say you carry one around with you or keep it in your home, the sole purpose then becomes to maim or kill someone most likely an intruder so that leads to my next point which is sooner or later that gun you own is going to be used. It could be legitimate or it could be you came home early from work and found your spouse in bed with another but to my mind you cannot own an item and never use it for its purpose. You buy a percolator to make coffee in the morning, you buy a condom to prevent pregnancy, you buy a tv to watch shows and you buy a gun and someday you will find a reason to use it. Its sole purpose is built right into the nature of your deadly purchase and you might rationalize it later but it will be used so a guy buys all these rounds on the Internet and red flags don't go off. But oh I heard a guy on Jim Lehrer the other day say but many shooters buy loads of ammo online for target shooting, what are the feds gonna go over everything? That's a fair point but I say yes and far as I know James Holmes wasn't into shooting flying objects sprung in the air so still could have been prevented imo.
ReplyDeleteWell I don't see why I can't have a 90mm anti-tank gun mounted to the front of the Taco.
ReplyDeleteWhat would be the difference, essentially, between that and an assault weapon?
I mean, apart from the fact that I'll be able to take out tollbooths and low flying aircraft.
What's really the difference?
Although I do agree that citizens do not need high powered assault weapons, you do understand the importance of the right to bear arms, do you not, Z-man?
ReplyDeleteThomas Jefferson said "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
"You do understand the importance of the right to bear arms do you not Z-man?"
ReplyDeleteConstitutionally yes but it's often said no right is absolute and I believe that nonabsoluteness applies most in the case of guns. I believe free speech should have less exceptions and is more absolute than the right to bear arms after all words generally don't kill people although in the wake of Sandra Fluke/Rush we act like they do. Guns on the other hand, how do I put this? it's a right known as the 2nd Amendment but imo it's one of the weakest rights there is. People take their own lives with guns, they kill they spouses they catch cheating with guns etc. and I find our country's gun fetish creepy. Again the purpose of a gun in your home or on your person at all times is to maim or kill someone else and sooner or later you'll rationalize a use for it like that FBI agent who shot an intruder in his home IN THE BACK?
Beth notes,"Thomas Jefferson said "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
ReplyDeleteyet the constitution states that
the reason was a 'well-regulated
militia' and further on in Art 3
Sec 3 gives the constituional definition of 'treason against the United States shall consist only
of levying war against them..'
..I agree with Z-man on this one, and would note that a strict constructionist would consider the
militia clause and the muzzle loader sitting in the cabin corner; an AR-15 and 6000 rds of
.223 seems quite evolutionary in
terms of constitutional interpetation...
I thought I read just the other day about a NY cop who was on vacation and accidentally shot/killed his OWN SON, who came into the hotel room and the cop thought it was an intruder..
ReplyDelete..this basically proves the point that the best trained, best prepared, most professional gun handler can just as easily make a tragic mistake they can never take back. If there was no gun no shot could have been fired. I'm not saying take the man's gun away. I'm saying if you don't have a gun, you can't shoot anyone with it.
All these people going on about how if someone had been armed in that theatre; are they crazy? People screaming, smoke filled theatre, children everywhere, you're going to risk taking a shot? Not to mention that the guy was head to toe in ballistics gear. To think that Bobby Ray could have whipped out his .45 and taken him down is ridiculous and I keep waiting for someone in the media to point it out when Uncle Ted or some other idiot like that congressman mentions it. Right. And if said Cletus Everyman had been in the theatre and took out his .45 and killed some six year old in the attempt to kill the gunman, what then? Do we say it's okay cause he had good intentions?
It's all a load of crap. No rational person needs enough of an arsenal in their home to take out a third world country. No rational person needs assault weapons. People who don't have guns, legally or illegally obtained, will never kill themselves or anyone else with them. That's kinda as simple as the math gets right there. And if you want to get all pissy about the second amendment, fine. Make requirements more stringent to own guns. More classes, more licensing, psychological testing, registration, annual recertification that you know wtf you're doing with them, no one with any kind of criminal background allowed.
It just can't be a free for all.
I'm no gun expert, but from things I have read, the guns that the shooter in Aurora are being hyped to be an assault weapon when it was nothing more than a hunting rifle, and that to get an actual machine gun you do need all sorts of background checks and pay a $200 transfer tax if they allow you to buy one, so it's not all that easy.
ReplyDeleteYou can assault someone with your own bare hands. Nuff' said.
ReplyDeletePeople that have little to no understanding of firearms don't know the first thing about them yet are the first ones to claim otherwise.
An "assault" rifle in the context that the media and politrickshuns throw it around is nothing more than a normal everyday rifle with a bunch of flair and cosmetic window dressing.
Hey what happened to that Mexican Lover fr Navarda, did he get caught without a passport and the won't let him back in? Or he working in Mexican soup kitchen?
ReplyDeleteWhen you say machine gun what the hell does that even mean anyway?
ReplyDeleteYou know how hard it is to get a full auto?
A rifle is a rifle is a rifle. The only thing different is the caliber.
What's the difference between the First Amendment and the Second Amendment?
ReplyDeleteEveryone has free speech but not everyone should own a gun.
His first weapon the AR-15 the media classifies as semiautomatic. Apparently it jammed mid-massacre and he switched to the rifle and the handgun. Soap I think Sat's point is you do have people with great knowledge and training in guns and yet make tragic mistakes although you'd be good as a pointman for the NRA.
ReplyDeleteAn AR-15 IS a rifle and a shitty one at that. I could have told ya the thing would jam.
Well I guess that's why he had his backup plan. Sat is right, the guy had on full body armor and don't see how someone else having a gun in that cinema would have helped matters. The loner stereotype which the shrinks always bring up after such a tragedy, well first off he was so intellectual with his neuroscience, on another level from the rest of us, in his own world who would he relate to anyway? Apparently he was into porn too, the egghead thing will only get you so far and then you have to take a break. I had thought that cinemas have some type of minimal security not that that would have done any good but it's like he had free reign to do what he did.
ReplyDeleteIn 2006, the Dixie Chicks were PRAISED by ABC for expressing their "1st Amendment" rights by TRASHING President Bush. http://bit.ly/MME45Y
ReplyDeleteIn 2012, ABC runs a HIT PIECE on Chick-fil-A, for expressing THEIR 1st Amendment rights and SUPPORTING traditional marriage.
The liberal media are a bunch of 1st Amendment HYPOCRITES.
I went to Chic Fil-A yesterday and it was very crowded. Good sandwiches!
ReplyDeleteNever heard of the place, doesn't seem to be around these parts. All I know is that when you drive past a Kennedy Fried Chicken you know you're in the ghetto.
ReplyDeleteChick Fil A has every right to support whomever they like....
ReplyDelete....consumers equally have the right to support whomever they'd like to support...
...if Chick Fil A finds that its bottom line suffers... it's all part of the price of commitment.
OMG I checked my e-mail just now and thought I had accidentally deleted your comment 'cause I just started a whole NEW Chick-fil-A thread and thought you were responding to that. Would you mind repeating that?
ReplyDeleteYou're so lovin on me lately huh?
ReplyDeleteBet you're kickin yourself we didn't do the coffee thing in April.
no, wait, not really jk.