Thursday, July 07, 2016

free-floating anxiety or maybe it's the state of the union

Part of def.: "a generalized feeling that something is wrong, to fear something but you don't know what it is"  - - There's the bad choice of Trump vs. Clinton,  ISIS is always in the news.  You'll be in a modern hip mall checking out the wifi at Nordstrom Rack and you do have the random thought some guy is gonna come in, shoot that useless security guy and start yelling "Allahu Akbar."  My Scripps card ain't working, am I gonna have to go on an Obamacare exchange?  What if I'm frying chicken and my heart just stops working?  I mean how many beats can it take?  Colorectal stuff, always the polypic obsession after 50...I think maybe it's not so much a mental disorder, that the free-floaters are plugged into reality and the reality ain't good.  The normal go about their day-to-day totally anxiety free because they really don't know what's going on.  Indian Point......


  1. There is a small percentage of population that are too worried to leave their house at one end of the worry spectrum, and a tiny percentage that would go on shopping
    during a terrorist attack. Since there is a broad range of
    things to worry about, it would seem logical to prioritize,
    like 'worry in the first degree', etc. Probably has a positive side: worrying keeps the brain synapses in shape
    when you are otherwise bored. Had a doctor one time that was
    big on the x hearbeats/person. He overdosed me on thyroid
    pills until I was working 20 yours a day, going to bed at
    llPM and going into work at 3 AM. Had sort of a buzz as well. He came unglued at my next lab test, explaining that
    the endocrine system drives the circulatory system and was
    overworking my heart (which only had so many beats available according to him.) I didn't buy that and got a different doctor who was layed back like me. Indian Point:
    is that the nuclear sieve up river that leaks Cesium-137, Tritium and Strontium-90 as well as electricity?

  2. That be the one and Cuomo wants to close it.

  3. My friend has a partial theory on generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). He said people who don't have it have never been crushed by another person (e.g. emotionally, financially or whatever). Guy I knew grew up in Yonkers and he says folk were never really that friendly, sometimes downright hostile. So he moves to the upstate country town of Carmel and the second morning some neighborly guy goes "good morning!" and he goes "what?"

  4. I see the shooting deaths of black men by the police has started up again and the protests. It's gonna be a long hot angry and anxious summer.

    1. Yeah, ..starting with Dallas. I haven't figured out that one in Minneapolis where the guy sat strapped into his seat and bled to death while the girlfriend
      ranted on a selfie vid. White guy out this way ran from the police and they shot him five times. No riots, just business as usual. (he ran and was wanted on outstanding warrents and survived quite well)

    2. I generally start with the premise your average cop doesn't wake up in the morning and go let me shoot a black guy today. From there it gets complicated.

    3. There was a big black kid with us in basic training
      (Go, delta company, 3rd battalion, 3rd TR RGT) at
      Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. Like George Forman, only twice as big. Sgt with swagger stick and smoky the bear hat, first day says, "any questions?" And this
      kid, whose name matched his features was Butcher, says in sort of a high voice, "Sergeant, would it be
      OK to have a little flower pot in my window?" Sgt.
      growled, "somebody check that guy out!". But it turned out that pvt Butcher was a gentle giant, even
      singing hymns while on KP in the Army kitchen. First impressions, you have to wonder.

  5. Ever work with a boss or manager with the ocd? Everybody goes along with it like it's normal 'cause what else can you do? You know you'd think later in life they'd have a sudden revelation when shaving in the bathroom mirror - "I gotta stop being a dick."

    1. I did. A class A dick. Not only did I do my job, I
      did all his outside research projects. He was always
      scheming, an expert suck up and set a record for having the most union grievances in the entire operation. Later, after a promotion he competed with me, conned a new manager and swapped labs with me.
      That lasted for one day, my coworkers squawked, the CEO stepped in and the guy was escorted from the
      operation by two armed guards. Justice is sometimes
      slow, but it happens.

  6. My brother and his wife had a new kid once so my friend and I go over for a visit. My friend goes "look at him lying in the crib so peaceful. He doesn't have any worries or neuroses yet. He hasn't been shellshocked by Life."

    1. Must have been a good day. Hang around a tiny baby
      for a few days and listen to them scream when they
      want food or their diaper changed. They look just like a tiny Kim Jung-Un. Then they hear Z-Man coming and put on a smile.

  7. My friend had a good point. That pastor we had who sermonized not everyone in this parish is going to make it to heaven so why tithe?

    1. Unless he named names, the Pastor was probably generalizing. I suspect the predestination types assume they are predestined and everyone else is damned. Tithing, IMO, is not that different than
      paying taxes: neither involves faith & good works.

    2. It was a strange homily because he wasn't generalizing about the human race he was generalizing about our parish. Now if Jesus himself were delivering the sermon I'd go ok but the pastor ain't God. Were there gangsters in the audience? 'Bout a year later he was transferred.

    3. It takes 4 years college plus 3-4 years of seminary
      study to become a priest. As I understand, the focus is on biblical study, theology, canon law and
      other priestly stuff. Whether they have a class on
      how to give a sermon and what not to say, I'm not sure.

  8. Btw don't pass on just yet otherwise I'll have hardly any commenters.

    1. Spent the last three days up a ladder with clippers
      mauling (and getting mauled by) a 20 ft mass of thorny
      climbing roses. Got full of holes, but didn't bleed out. On the other hand, I told the Mrs. that a 75 yr
      old should NOT be doing 70 year old work and we should advertise for a Chinese gardener. Other day, I
      did an internet order for some model train stuff and
      had to look in the phone book because I had forgotten
      my own phone number. With the popularity of FB and others, blogging has faded to the extent that even
      Homeland Security doesn't check in, ya know?

    2. Like vinyl records. My thing w/FB is how do you jazz up a fairly boring life and garner a thousand friends?

    3. Facebook friends aren't time consuming. Just dash of a howdy-do and happy icon. Pre-digital, you had to spend time with friends- bowling, fishing, movies, hiking, bar-hopping...but you got to be there, not communicating through some gadget. IMO
      some of the effects of e-communication mimic that of
      drugs. Lose your smartphone and end up cold turkey.
      Knew a kid that fried his smartphone and got depressed because it was his only source of the phone numbers of all his e-friends. He had no idea
      where to find them.

    4. Pondering if you have like a thousand FB e-friends how many of them will help you out in a real pinch? I'm guessing off the top of my head maybe 2%.

  9. Taylor Swift goes through men like an elephant goes through peanuts so how come she never went out with Derek Jeter? I think Jeter knows better.
