Monday, June 24, 2024

One thing has always annoyed me

When people feed stray cats they usually just open up a can of Friskies or 9 Lives and leave it on the sidewalk.  A hungry cat can cut his tongue.licking out the can then people forget about the can and any leftover food dries up in the sun.  Get a decent bowl they're not expensive.  Too much work?  The community cats deserve better.


  1. Good point. I cut my finger on one of those cans one time, just spooning some out in a dish. People trying to be nice and not thinking it through. Jackson Nebula approves.

  2. Not only that in the city of Yonkers it's probably a code violation.

  3. Jackson should do a brief PSA on this. He could cut his guitar finger.

  4. Still trying to figure out Scotus and bump stocks. Those who know say-
    "Bump fire stocks are gun stocks designed to assist in bump firing by allowing the firearm's recoil and forward pressure to actuate the trigger rapidly. Essentially, bump stocks help achieve rapid fire by "bumping" the trigger against one's finger, enabling continuous firing without the need for multiple trigger pulls." eg. you just hold the trigger down and it goes full tommy gun. Clarence Thomas writing for the majority SCOTUS explained-
    "Thomas adopted a highly technical interpretation of the statute that does not align with its text. A “single function of the trigger,” he wrote, does not mean a single pull of the trigger, but rather a complete “cycle” of the spring-loaded hammer inside the gun. Because the hammer (rapidly) resets to its original position between shots, Thomas concluded, “bump firing” involves more than “a single function of the trigger.” And because the shooter must “actively maintain” a particular stance to put pressure on certain parts of the weapon, the justice wrote, the resulting fire is not truly “automatic.”
    So, one holds the trigger and fires 800 rounds a minute.
    C'mon Clarence, gimmee a break.

  5. Gave the cat a bit of Fancy Feast Tuna Florentine. He went nuts.
    Is he Italian?

  6. I had to read that twice. The parsing of the language. Maybe Thomas was trained by Bill Clinton.

  7. Lemee parse it. bump stocks bad.

  8. Inheritance - some give their fortune to family, some to the church,
    some to Public TV, some to a college, etc. Have you considered a will
    establishing the Z-Man Feral Feline Rescue Organization of Yonkers?

  9. Excellent idea. I'm not Rockefeller but that's a good one.

  10. Yonkers feral cats would be very appreciative. Given Yonkers
    many laws, you would need a lawyer or a couple buddies on the
    City Council.

  11. That was kind of you. Ever wonder why boy cats are called 'Tom' ?
    It's not like the females are called Ellie May or Taylor.

  12. He came in the living room before, rolled around in some catnip, played with some toys and went downstairs. Kitchen door open and one of my female cats chased him up the alley. Doesn't want his type around,.

  13. You got a Judge Judy cat?

  14. Spunky for a female. Got him right off the property.

  15. You go Spunky. Everyone should have a guard cat.

  16. Our old cat is chowing down more than ever and still turning into skin and bones. About 13-15 years old. Normal?

  17. Exactly Sparky's situation although he's seemed to have gotten better. First thought was tapeworm so I got some food grade diatomaceous earth online and mixed it in his food for awhile. Didn't seem to have much effect one way or the other. I got a ton of the stuff and use it for a persistent roach problem. My sister used to work for a vet and simply chalks it up to old age. Salmon and chicken helped and I now use the DE only rarely except for roaches. I've drank it mixed with water and it's supposed to be good for constipation so it actually has three uses (cats, roaches and stomach). Chalky taste though and have gone back to the CB.

  18. I had to Wiki DE. Weird stuff, used in everything from toothpaste to cat litter to dynamite and causes fatal dehydration in insects. Straight out of Harry Potter.

  19. Yep. Keeps the roaches at bay though.

  20. Could it be a weed killer too?

    1. Doesn't appear to be the case. I wouldn't want to do that as you'd be killing beneficial bugs too. I have a thing for ladybugs.

  21. Got a cat question, can't get ahold of Jackson Jewelry. So you are the go - expert. Wife has been back east (well midwest) for a couple weeks, and Mikey is seemingly concerned. He sits on her lab, but
    refuses to sit on mine. The thing though, is the old guy has taken to
    pooping in the bedrooms, the hallway the kitchen, and being a bit of
    a problem. BUT now that she is away, he has been using his litter box. What in cat psyche is going on?

  22. Never really having that problem I have to google. I have so many things I still have to google. After I finish Taylor Swift's dating timeline maybe.

  23. Google would have it that they're very finicky about the cat box, the litter, its placement etc. I don't have that problem but it's important to keep the box clean otherwise they'll find another location. I recall reading in a cat book somewhere when they go where they're not supposed to go they may be getting back at you for something or sending you a message.

  24. He has been weird since the Mrs. left. She is due back and things will return to the abnormal normal, I hopel.

  25. I have to say don't ever do this. Cats like to scoop the litter and cover the mess and it often goes on the floor or carpet. Accept this. My sister corrected a new cat over this and has been having problems ever since. I don't get flustered. When I feel like it I sweep up or vacuum the litter overrun. I'm chill about it.

  26. How many brothers an sisters you got? Are they all cat experts?
    I swear, cats are as mysterious as women.

  27. Two sisters and one bro. Both sisters have multiple cats. Bro is more like a Bob Vila type.

  28. Saw a dead rat this morning in the front of my neighbor's building only thing is the rat was missing his head. Probably one of my cats. A little overkill no?

  29. Rats get pretty big. They are a bit slow though.

  30. Years ago I saw one as big as a cat. Literally. What are they eating? Are they on steroids?

  31. During the pandemic, a lot of restaurants closed and the garbage rats spread out. We had a couple of biggies that would look in the kitchen deck door. Had to call the exterminator. They put up some fancy rat traps. Didn't catch any, they just left for elsewhere. Cost me $250. Mice I can handle. Had one that liked to play on the model railroad at night. Tipped over boxcars and ate a railroad crossing sign. Old railroad guy got him on one of those sticky traps.

  32. Centipedes used to give me the willies until I found out they prey on roaches.

  33. On a canoe trip in HS. Going west on the little Eau Claire River, a big storm came at us. Thunder, lightning, wind. We stopped in a lee just above the river but below the terrain. Good spot. Hauled the canoe on shore and up the bank and huddled under. We were joined by
    a very large black and yellow water snake. We weathered the storm
    standing outside.

  34. They're known to have a cranky disposition and their saliva contains an anticoagulant. Not much of a choice.

  35. Did you get that from watching Jefferson Gallery? 'My Snake From Hell'

  36. Another tip. The harmless garter snake the smaller ones you can handle the bigger ones will bite. The king snake on the other hand is supposed to be docile. An amateur herpetologist as a kid.

  37. My canoeing buddy was sort of an amateur herpetologist. He found a 7 ft. Bull Snake in the brush. Wanted to wrestle it. Another time we laughed at what he said was a Hog nosed snake. About 3 ft. They
    mimic rattlers, coil up make fake strikes and if you stay long enough,
    the roll over an play dead. Dunno, kind of like those fainting goats.

  38. As a kid I learned the little limericks. The harmless milk snake and the venomous coral snake both similarly patterned.

    Red touch yellow kill a fellow.

    Red touch black good for Jack.

    Kind of sticks in your head.

  39. We suppose the color blind should avoid both?

  40. Good point. Hadn't thought of that.

  41. Idaho has state liquor stores - thanks to Mormon influence. We have two in town, one downtown and one up by me. The close one has been closed for three weeks (lack of trained employees. So went down to the other for CB resupply. (Went to the levee and the levee was dry) all they had was some little bottles of CB. So I took a fifth of Seagram's 7. The old 7&7 with 7Up. Supply chain- hope they don't run out o Prince Albert.

  42. Sounds rough there in Idaho.

    My preferred method of drinking and generally I go with brandy, rum, vodka or on occasion Jose Cuervo so I get a small-medium tumbler, one ice cube, half fill it usually with ginger ale or could be Sprite then up to the brim with the adult liquid. Usually after the second tumbler I get a little sleepy. Might go a wee bit more but not always. Chef at work is more hard-core. Straight up Jack in shots or some other whiskey like at a saloon in the Old West.

  43. I never heard of a state running a liquor store before. What else do they run? Do they sell cigarettes?

  44. If times turn rough you can always get some Ammon Bundy moonshine.

  45. AI progess- I see Google tried an AI chatbox. As it discussed things with callers, it was supposed to learn to be more and more human.
    They pulled it after 24 hours when it grew more and more profane, racist and anti-semitic. McDonalds tried some AI at their drive-throughs, one lady got an icecream cone with bacon on top and another received $211 worth of chicken nuggets - suspended the
    experiment. Singularity?

  46. I'd take the nuggets. Whatever I can't finish freeze the rest.

  47. So hot here that my consumption of cold Coors had doubled. There is a Christian Brothers shortage in town, an am substituting Seagrams 7
    and Canadian Mist, both half and half with 7 Up. When the Mrs. is looking a have a glass of milk to impress the old farm girl.

  48. I have tried Mount Gay Barbados Rum and it's good. Could work on the name a little.

  49. 2" behind on annual rainfall and a month around 100 and 0 rain.
    Whole west is drying rapidly. Wildfire season.

  50. Every year always on the news. Lost count.

  51. My cat is problematic. Is there a secret to managing several?

  52. Mine go out which helps. They disperse and do their thing. Several indoor cats call Jackson.
