Saturday, September 28, 2024

Does Trump really want the job at this point?

 Or is he doing a reappraisal?  Two assassination attempts.  Will this remain some kind of aberration or is it probable there will be more attempts on his life?  Saw recent headlines is Trump suffering from PTSD from the first assassination attempt and has he lost that fighting spirit?  If he does regain the WH will things only get worse?  If he does get assassinated while in office he wouldn't be able to complete the work of MAGA.  Ego versus personal safety is he evaluating that calculus as well?  Maybe his selling $100K watches is really his yearning to go back to the regular business world from which he came and which he's good at and known for.  Under normal circumstances I would not be posting this but we are not living in normal times.  Two attempts on a man's life can seriously interfere with his psyche.  He has the delegates he has the nomination and he has a fighting chance in the polls but the msm seems to be boxing off the two assassination attempts and treating the rest of the campaign with their usual anti-Trump bias putting the two attempts on his life as more of a historical footnote.  This election season is not normal and nothing is normal.  It's not like we can just pause the whole thing but have to go through the wretched motions.

I'm just trying to say something a little off the beaten path.  Let me know in the chat.


  1. Dunno. The political blogs of both stripes seem to have run out of
    'analysis' and their loyal posters just raking through old stuff. I read on one blog (not the usual Geeez/Shaw place) that the CIA and FBI are out to get him and "he better not turn his back on his secret service detail" Good grief, can't we focus on banning Daylight Savings Time?

  2. I'm more open-minded when it comes to conspiracy theorizing than you are. However as I already said the Deep State is not that incompetent. If they wanted Trump dead we'd be having memorial services by now.

  3. Conspiracy theorizing - some guy down in Oklahoma owns the Trump Bible, a couple of Trump gold watches, Trump hats and coffee cups. But he constantly complains about food prices. Or the exploding phones and walkie-talkies in Lebanon were perpetrated by 5th grade science class project at Kingsley Elementary School in Waterloo, Iowa. Or, the Oregon Trail is just a myth started by the Oregon State Travel Agency. Are there more conspiracy theories than actual theories any more?

  4. The moon landing being a hoax first it was supposed to have been directed by Steven Spielberg then it was supposed to have been directed by Stanley Kubrick. At least settle on a director.

    Last Tango on the Moon;)

    1. Filmed in technicolor at Craters of the Moon National Park in
      S. Idaho. Richard Gere as Neil Armstrong, moon lander by Hasbro. Fooled everyone.

  5. He's campaigning like he wants to lose...or maybe he's mentally disabled at this point.

  6. I really can't figure the guy out.

  7. How can you concentrate on politics when you are selling expensive watches, bibles and red hats?

  8. The Trump Bible:

    "The lack of money is the root of all evil." (The Rev. Ike)

  9. "I don't want to make money. I just want to be beautiful" Marylin Monroe.

  10. "People don't go to that restaurant anymore. It's too crowded." Yogi Berra
