Monday, September 30, 2024

I seriously can't vote for the man at this point

 I'll have to sit out the most important presidential election of our lifetime.  Don't they say that about every election though?  If Trump wins it'll be without my help.  Trump's reverse strategy of turning off voters - as I'm sure you've heard at a campaign stop in Wisconsin last Saturday he called Kamala Harris mentally disabled from birth because of the admittedly horrible Biden-Harris immigration and border policy.  Talk like this can only throw sympathy in Harris's corner.  I don't expect any presidential campaign to be totally softball but I don't remember any presidential candidate talking like this.  There is something seriously off about Trump.  While there was still time the GOP should have gone with somebody else.  Might be a good time to blog about other stuff.


  1. I'm speechless. You got me. Yes there is other stuff, hopefully normal stuff.

  2. How many times does Lindsey Graham have to tell him to stick to the issues? Every time some celebrity endorses Harris he goes apeshit instead of just ignoring it. He reached a new low in Wisconsin though.

  3. He did a pretty good job of sticking on written script down the hurricane damage today. Kind of mumbled, not comfortable and a couple of Trumpian asides "want to go to the ocean beach and display my wonderful body" Huh?

  4. Lindsey Graham used to be best buddies with John McClain. He must like to hitch on to a star? I swear, politics has gotten more confused than calculus or the philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard. Are you thinking of running for Grass Regulation Commissioner in Yonkers?

  5. Since Trump is such a bright bulb I was wondering which he likes better "Beowulf" or "The Canterbury Tales."

  6. "Unferth—Son of Ecglaf, and seemingly a confidential courtier of Hrothgar." "Bifil that in that seson on a day, In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay, Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage" Ye gads, me thinketh I shall sell wristwatches forthwith?

  7. The Judge Judy model. Don't cultivate any likeable qualities.

  8. Was discussing the mysterious exploding Hezbollah cellphones with the Mrs. "How do you sneak 30,000 phone bombs into Jordan?" She says, "You put them together in a lab and send them to the buyers."
    I says, "Well if the phone guy shows up and he is wearing a

  9. - a Yamuka, don't let him in." If I keep pressing the wrong keys, my
    PC may explode.

  10. The Israel Hamas War is now the Israel Hamas Hezbollah War. Don't they ever run out of weapons in the Middle East? Scratch that off my next vacation.

  11. Have decided to sample tonight's VW Debate. Normally I'd sooner watch paint dry but there might be interesting questions about cat eating and Trump's calling Kamala Harris mentally disabled from birth. Question is how does a retarded person hold their own in a debate? If she's mentally impaired Trump should welcome a second debate no?

  12. I got bored watching all the 'experts' for an hour ahead. Ended up with 'Big Bang' series, check back once in awhile. Debates - don't change many minds, the debaters avoid direct answers and both declare themselves winners. And they are VP just along for the ride. What's next, a debate between spouses, cousins and kids of the candidates? Gaza - I have a copy of the MIL-Spec on insurgencies,
    written by Gen Petreaus. First lesson - for every insurgent or bystander you kill, you make 5 enemies. Israel is OK, Netahahu is
    a big jerk.

  13. Yeah the pre-game show I could do without.

  14. I think the Mrs. and I are getting on in years. We tend to watch old sitcoms and skip all the new offerings. Jeopardy - "Who wrote Paradise Lost?" Wife says, "It got lost? Where?" I say, "John Milton"
    but can't find the remote. Prof Creepy Crawley on Big Bang - can repeat the old 'wife ran of with an ornithologist' routine. Single guy lives next door. Been mowing his lawn 4 times a week. Can't stay off his big John Deere riding mower with cup holders. He would do good in Yonkers.

  15. Over-mowing your lawn does that fall under OCD? Chef at work always talking about cutting his grass like he just did it last week but it grew an inch so he has to do it again.

  16. Before he retired, his boss told him he had an anal personality.
    He was quite proud.

  17. I know people who have it but I never understood OCD. There's so much time and effort you have to put into it. There's people who are retired but who get up at 3 or 4 in the morning and start cleaning.

    I work in a place where some of the people are anal. Everything bothers them and they take their job too seriously. Nurse Nancy.

  18. I know the type. When they get older they get COPD-OCD (and if they
    had been in combat, you can add some more letters)
