Saturday, October 12, 2024

If Trump wins on Nov. 5

 It would have been better off if he had won the last time around against Joe Biden.  He would have been nearing the end of his full presidency by now and the era of MAGA would be coming to an end.  We could all be talking about other subjects.  The trend lately has been to give most recent presidents two terms.  Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama.  This is why at the time I thought the American people would reelect Trump.  This gives the president the opportunity to finish the work he started  and gives his foreign policy a certain stability.  World leaders are used to dealing with him.  Instead we got Sleepy Joe.  IF Trump wins now there's talk of riots.  Why I don't know.  If he had won against Biden we wouldn't be going through this.  I make no case that the election was bad just that the American voters should have reelected him the last time for practical reasons.  Not voting for him this time because his personality has reached a critical mass for me.  Other conservative bloggers have said this is not the way to go but to each his own.

This was a tentative blogpost of mine since if Kamala Harris wins on Nov. 5 this thread will have little to no value.  However if I'm reading the polls right she just might come out on the losing end.  IF Trump wins but the election is close he clearly has no mandate and will govern a divided country.


  1. Whoever wins will be president of a divided country. May take generations to get back to normal.

  2. I don't like very close presidential elections. Makes for a stressful election night for everyone. At least when someone has a clear lead in the polls you can kind of get acclimated to someone losing. I really don't know why we're THIS divided. As I said if Trump had won a second term the first time the era of MAGA would be coming to a close instead of maybe beginning again.

  3. Kamala Harris appearing on Stern. Here's a guy who used to talk about lesbians a lot. He also once said the cops should've beaten Rodney King MORE. That in itself would have tanked most careers. Now he's a serious interviewer? Presidential candidates seek him out? Who is Harris aiming for here guys with arrested development?

  4. My guess some sort of target audience. Not that familiar with H. Stern.
    Is he the Tucker Carson of Sirius XM?

  5. He lost his edge. Now he just says things like get the vaccine.

  6. Got mine. Be sure to inform nurse Nancy.

  7. How many you up to now 17?

  8. So many the street corner dealer downtown is sending me ads

  9. So when does the real immunity kick in around the 11th booster shot?

  10. Dunno, never had Covid. They say like flu, it keeps mutating and they keep the latest variety on hand. You may be correct, the coronavirus of the pandemic IS mutating to milder infections. Just back from dentist. Lower lip and jaw still deadened. Smoking a pipe sort of makes me drool. Blame the needles - this time Lidocaine

  11. They say with the covid shot it's a process. You're never fully vaccinated. Maybe with five shots they let you visit someone in a hospital. Dunno.

  12. I think you've made arrangements to be buried with your pipe.

  13. Just taps, folded flag. I hate bagpipes. RIP

  14. With favorite pipe sticking out of mouth. Prince Albert color guard.
