Friday, October 11, 2024

The feral cat that liked people but hated his own kind


Many years back.  Would come around come in the house and sit on my father's lap while they were watching Judge Judy.  Loved people but hated other cats.  I don't recall him meeting another cat and liking him or at least tolerating him.  He felt the whole property belonged to him.  Did he pay the mortgage?  We named him Smokey.  He always had some sort of digestive problem and eventually passed away.  We never took him to the vet because of his anti-social attitude towards the other cats but took care of him as best we could.

A quick tip regarding cat rescues.  Another cat was trapped up a neighbor's tree once for a couple of days.  Maybe chased up there by a stray dog.  Called the Yonkers Fire Department and explained the situation to the lady.  She said just open up a can of cat food and leave it at the bottom of the tree and he'll eventually come down.   Nope.  I guess fire departments don't do cat rescues anymore.  At a loss I said to Dad I have an idea.  I got their big comforter from upstairs and we went next door into our neighbor's yard and we stretched out the blanket good and wide and held it right there underneath where the cat was sitting on a branch and we gradually coaxed him to fall into the blanket like a trampoline.  He was slightly bloodied from being scratched by some twigs on his way down but not the worse for wear.  We never officially adopted him but named him Lucky.  Would've been a nice YouTube video but nobody was around to record it.

From the Cat Diaries.


  1. I heard that cats will come down from a tree eventually, which maybe close to the truth - you never see a dead one up there. What goes up, must come down - Newton. But you have a lot of related material, maybe more than Jackson Jewelry and could do a novel. And names for each one, heck more than hurricane names. Have a feral here, lives in a horse barn I think. Beautiful cat, gray and white, nicer than some house cats. Extremely shy. Is it my demeanor?

  2. We adopted a stray once. Kind of an orange tabby. Came up from the backyard one day as a kitten and had an eye infection so we called him Winky. Took him to the vet. As he grew he had very long hind legs. Might have been part Savannah. Remember what I said about the cat population changing with hybrid cats. Superior hunters. I was amazed how far he could jump at least three times farther than the average cat. One day he climbed quite far up a big mulberry tree in the back. I became concerned and shouted "Winky!". He began backing himself down the tree like some wildcat and came down. Since then I noticed a few other cats doing that who went up small trees. Maybe they had a meeting over this.

  3. Nice rustic photograph from my Gallery.

  4. Kind of worried about our cat. 17-18 yrs. Lost a lot of weight this year, but ate good. This morning, he skipped breakfast, lurked around and hacked up little puddles of white bubbles. Vet doesn't open until Monday. Suspect maybe teeth, but can't get his mouth open. I don't dare google it - their advice is always morbid (like the side effects of all the drugs they advertise on TV)

  5. Of course if there's any 24/7 emergency vet clinics you could go there. My sister says however it's like $200 or something just for entering the place. Circling the parking lot trying to make up your mind might be $50 dunno.

  6. He seems to have recovered. Cats are tough creatures.

  7. My cat Sparky the same. Elder cat. I'd have to go through my files for his exact age but he has to be at least 16. Lost a lot of weight to the point he's bony when you pet him but real chow hound. Overuses the litter box. First I thought kidneys but otherwise and in general seems healthy and active. Old age I guess.

  8. I have this problem. Two of my cats are gluttons. I'm trying to feed the other cats and they're eating all the food. No cat etiquette.

  9. Gus will come over. Maybe separate rooms.

  10. Mrs. worried he lost half his weight this year, going to take him to the vet.

  11. I agree. Took Gus to the vet recently. Had pretty bad skin allergies. He gave him a cortisone shot and an antibiotic shot and I gave him an anti-inflammatory medicine for two weeks. I always do what I can first.

  12. Wife is taking Mikey to vet Friday afternoon. Shhh - we don't want him
    go into hiding.

  13. Does he go into the cat carrier easily or is it a challenge?
