Wednesday, October 09, 2024

The only problem is Woodward isn't a trash writer

 I'd sooner trust him than Tom Selleck trying to sell me a reverse mortgage.  Woodward's new book War - According to the book Trump and Putin had at least seven private calls since Trump left office.  Also Trump allegedly sent Putin Covid-19 test machines during the peak of the pandemic when there was a shortage.  Trump calls Woodward "a storyteller who has lost his marbles",


Steven Cheung Trump's communications director said Woodward's book is "the work of a truly demented and deranged man" who suffers from TDS.  Did he make up Watergate too?

There's other stuff in the book.  Lindsey Graham calls visiting Mar-a-Lago like visiting N. Korea everybody has to clap when Trump enters the room.  Biden's complicated relationship with Netanyahu and his angry tirades over the Israel/Hamas War yada Yada.

I'm no fan of the media by any stretch but it ain't Maury Povich writing.


  1. OMG - did Woodward find another deep throat? 8 Minutes of blanked out tape? Melania spill the beans? Went in to dentist this AM. 3 cavities and need a crown. $2000, You could get 3 sets of tires and a chicken sandwich for that. Guy walked into my lab one time. He says "You a chemist?". Yep "So what are Col Sanders 11 secret herbs and spices?" No idea - ask a chef.

    1. If you were Diddy you would've gotten a gold crown.

    2. - and run off with the new hygienist. i have more crowns than the Kings of Europe in the middles ages.

    3. You're lucky you still have most of your teeth. My sister lost most of hers.

  2. Wondering how conservatives deal with Woodward. I mean you can't just dismiss him. My advice to Trump is don't do things that Woodward is later going to write about. He's like Stephen King he's always working on a book.

  3. Steve Cheung is doing the dealing -
    “None of these made up stories by Bob Woodward are true and are the work of a truly demented and deranged man who suffers from a debilitating case of Trump Derangement Syndrome,”
    Cheung ended his unhinged remarks by calling Woodward “a total sleazebag who has lost it mentally.”
    Dunno, the best defense is a good offense they say -

  4. Doesn't seem to be the right strategy to go after a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner.

  5. IMO, the Trump strategy is to stay on the offensive and not get involved with lengthy and messy mea culpas.

  6. Never an apology or even a retraction. There are people I've come across in life who feel apologizing is a sign of weakness. I don't keep tabs but we're probably owed a few.

  7. Saw that the Trump Bibles are printed in China and arrive by ship.
    $3 a piece. Big mark up. Heard that in Oklahoma, they may become mandatory in elementary schools. You think they will replace math -
    or social studies?

  8. What's wrong with all the other bibles we've been using? Was there a need? What's next the Trump Classics? Hamlet, Moby Dick, Jules Verne......

  9. C'mon, Dr. Z, you should be his marketing director. How about
    Warren Piece, er I mean War and Peace? Trump classics. checked out a u-tube vid this morning from 2007 WWF wrestling. Trump in the big ring vs Rosie McDonald. He was a little lighter than and had some pretty spectacular moves. It seems back then he was involved with a lot of WWF stuff. He and Jesse Ventura and Trump and some black wrestler shaving Vince McMann's head. Always an expert on staying under the spotlight. His sense of humor was a bit lighter back in the day.

  10. Should have his own TV network. How 'bout Trump University?

  11. Trump says he didn't send Covid machines to Russia. The Kremlin said he did. Who ya gonna believe?

  12. Don't understand the conservatives out there who automatically say Woodward's claims are baseless. I'm seeing this though. The guy didn't win two Pulitzer Prizes for nothing. He's not known for talking smack.

  13. I honestly don't feel the Woodward book will have any effect on the election though.

  14. Me either. Most minds made up for months. Why do they bother?

  15. He's probably working on his next book as we speak.

  16. He mentioned something about Biden cussing out Netanyahu in private. Equal opportunity writer.

  17. True. Kind of dry though. Where is the sex?

  18. Speaking for those over eighty, what the hell is that?

  19. Not tonight dear I have a kidney stone.

  20. Even a minor stone can ruin your evening.
