Tuesday, October 08, 2024

The Democrats and their hurricane-making machines

 Latest conspiracy theory being peddled by Marjorie Taylor Greene.  I'm beginning to think she might be a left-wing plant to make conservatives look bad.  The Democrats can't even make health care affordable for most Americans how are they gonna control the weather?

On to Trump.  The New York Times is taking his latest campaign rambles and rants, lies and misinformation very seriously indeed but they're missing something big time here.  Let me illustrate with an anecdote.  Back in the day we lived close to an older couple.  The elderly husband eventually developed Alzheimer's.  The wife asked my sister for a favor if she could just take him out and walk him around the block.  Nice day and a group of black guys hangin' on the corner.  As my sister and her ward got closer he started using the N-word.  Why this even came out in an Alzheimer's state is itself an interesting question.  I mean why not "look at the pink elephant"?  Anyway he was like "look at the (N-words)" etc. etc. They were naturally getting a little upset, just a tad mind you until my sister explained to them he had Alzheimer's.  They completely understood and let it go.  Last time my sister took him out for a walk btw.  Now my point about the Ole Gray Lady and the mainstream media in general.  IMO Trump has some cognitive issues.  Something is off.  Don't think it's weed.  Might be pre-Alzheimer's, dementia or something else.  DO NOT treat Trump's pronouncements and latest utterances as you would a normal person.  You don't fact-check some old guy in a nursing home say who's rambling on about when are the elves gonna bring in his food.  You let it ride but that's the problem with the msm they're missing the bigger picture.

Having said that I don't know what the problem with MTG is.


  1. No idea of how to make a hurricane. I do recall creating 'weather in a box' with hair sprays, shampoos, ammuntion etc. In a freezer for a few weeks (arctic), at 110 for tropics, high humidities ultra low pressures etc. Shampoos were the most fun - throw the bottles against a brick wall. Set the baseline. Then through the stressed ones. Heck of a bubbly mess. Tip the janitor. Saw Trump this morning explaining Kamala's 60 minutes interview "Absolutely the worst interview I've ever seen (he says that each time she is on the TV). Yesterday he said he would easily prevented the Israeli-Hamas, Hezbollah war. He has a tendency to project. IMO, the deal with him
    is he grew into his nonsense when he found out his base seemed to like it. Alzhiemers - old teacher lady friend, has photos of her two boys in her room. Keeps asking who they are.

  2. Charlton Heston forgot about Planet of the Apes. Ronald Reagan forgot he was president. They say with Alzheimer's you at least won't know you have it.

  3. His base isn't enough though. It's not enough that Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock like you. I know some real Trumpers. He could sell shit on a stick and they'd buy it.

  4. DeSantis won't take calls from Harris. Hillary is pushing for censorship of free speech she doesn't like. Why is everybody so anal?

  5. Elon Musk on stage with Trump. I'm wondering, Musk is all electric car
    guy - Trump wants to ban them. My advice, put him in charge of rockets.

  6. A strange mix in a potential Trump Administration. RFK Jr. in charge of breakfast cereal and Musk in charge of AI. I'm kind of nervous about it.

  7. This thought occurred. Let's say Trump does win and it ruins the next four years of your life and Shaw's. Now let's say he had won against Biden the last time he'd be nearing the end of his second term right now and you and Shaw and everybody else could finally get on with their lives. I know you have more important things going on like your train set and your pipe rotation but it does bother you.

  8. Didn't catch Kamala's interview with "60 Minutes." They say she did poorly and was vague about her economic plans. Maybe her and Walz need to stop courting the media. Walz and his word salads ain't helping.

  9. Been watching the Milton Hurricane approach. Was it named after
    Milton Berle, Uncle Miltie? Millions of cars leaving - where are the Florida mountains?

  10. Downgraded to Category 4. I think they're running out of names. Bernardo or Tabitha might be down the road.

  11. If it turns and misses, gonna be a whole lot of mad people.

  12. I said prayers before. Veer off somewhere or become a tropical storm.

  13. There's always some surfer out there catching a big one.

  14. RFK Jr. seems to have a thing for dead wildlife. If he's in the area he might find something.

  15. I see his mother died today. Not sure if she, like the rest of the family, backed away from his esoteric views.

  16. He's a zealot but he's all over the map. A plus or minus for Trump?

  17. Saw a bit on Kamala in Arizona. She said "In 2016 primaries he and I debated. Got real hot and mean = both of us. When I was elected to the Senate, McCain came down the hall, stopped and motioned with his finger "Come here" With some trepidation, she went over, he poked his finger in her face and said "You're gonna make a great Senator" Politcs used to be pleasant.

  18. When Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill were really the best of friends.

  19. How's the vacation going? They have to replace you with 3 people?

  20. I do the work of 3 people. You always pay the price when you go back.

  21. They will welcome you with open arms.

  22. "How was your vacation? Now clean the deep fryer."

  23. So the vacation wasn't spent looking for a better job?

  24. Last job I worked there 15 years and have a guaranteed pension. This job I'm going on 9 years and also a pension. I have to think of my retirement. Personally I'd like to work in another store so I am exploring my options but don't make snap decisions. I do research. At my age maybe you don't look for a better job at another company but it makes more sense to build my pension here. Also union. My problem or issue is the location I'm in. I have to give a complex answer to your simple question.
