Monday, October 07, 2024

Why doesn't Oprah fund Planned Parenthood?

 Planned Parenthood is not a self-reliant organization.  They suck heavily from the teat of government.   I mention this because I see on my newsfeed that Vance said Trump would take a chainsaw to PP if elected.  Oh the humanity!  Nobody is saying PP would cease to exist however and it's almost as if the headlines are conflating the two.  St. Jude doesn't suck from the teat of government but relies heavily on private donations.  But PP is a public health group you say.  OK but a mainstay of their business is performing abortions.  Abortion is arguably the taking of a human life etc.  Maybe Taylor Swift can run the whole operation.  Not understanding why it's axiomatic and morally obligatory for taxpayers to fund them in the first place.  Just my view.


  1. The Hyde Amendment prohibits Federal funds for abortions, which comprise less than 3% of what they do-

  2. Looking at clips from "The Godfather" the other night. Don Corleone says "we're not murderers." He was saying maybe it's a small percentage of what we do but it's not what we're all about.

    Yeah BB I know pap smears and stuff. The dark small percentage of what they do is done only with the greatest reluctance.

  3. Can't wait for you to take on the NRA.

  4. Oh you thought that was a Gotcha moment didn't ya?!

    No prob Mr. BB. Not a member and don't agree with their stance on assault weapons. Don't need an AR-15 to shoot a mallard.

  5. BTW I'm on vacation. You're feisty this morning.

    1. Vacation? Good for you - enjoy and ignore me!

    2. Taking a hit with Yonkers Property Tax. Talk to Tom Selleck?

  6. I'm glad that you brought up the NRA. Others have made the point that the NRA and PP are alike in this one respect. Both take absolutist positions. So I may not get duck hunting NRA members posting here. I'll take the loss.

  7. I guess anti-abortion isn't absolutist, given that it is still legal in some states. Idaho - absolutely banned, we chase down raped pregnant girls and old lady librarians - be we can't find slippery Amon B. i suspect Diddy would like it here.

  8. Even Roe acknowledged in a footnote that if we're dealing with a human life the abortion case collapses. My own view is the whole abortion argument is built around cognitive dissonance. Pro-choicers skirt the very issue of when human life begins. Not to get into a philosophical dissertation but you normally wouldn't say choice trumps life.

  9. How's the vacation coming? Big plans?

  10. No. Just relaxing. Got 4 new tires for the car this morning. $600. Got a thing in the mail from Yonkers City Hall. They're upgrading everyone's water meter and every homeowner has 30 days to comply. Yonkers a bit authoritarian imo. Made an appointment for the tech to come by later this month. Thus far vacation not too relaxing.

  11. That's a pretty good deal on 4 tires. Did that include all the balancing
    and taking old tires? Or were those for the cat herd? A bit authoritarian? Shades of King George III- time for another Tea Party.

  12. A 30 day window of compliance for the third largest city in the state.

    Included the balancing and taking the old tires. He's my go to guy. You go to the dealer and they start changing filters and fluids. Just the tires man.

  13. You gonna do any traveling on vacation? Hawaii, Paris? Please avoid
    Tampa Bay.

  14. Florida always in the path of hurricanes. Not on my retirement list.

  15. I guess if one lives in Yonkers their entire life they get used to it?

  16. Like you and Idaho I guess.

  17. Glad I turned on comment moderation btw. Snarky.

    1. Hark, hark-did I get a snark mark? Or did Diddy post here?

    2. The unexpurgated BB. Political caricaturist. You say you're a global affairs analyst?

    3. Don't remember the comment. Was it my cure for the Albanian
      Parliament, or Laotian road construction?. Probably Diddy stole my blogger handle

  18. I'll try harder to pre-comment moderation my flying fingers.

  19. I only moderate. Geeez went hard-core with you.

  20. Not sure, but from what I've seen, her banned list is longer than her follower list. We go back quite a way, still have some e-mails. Must have hit a nerve. (yes- it was accidental)

  21. Everybody has a different threshold. I'm just lucky enough to have commenters.

  22. Google apparently doesn't allow bloggers to outright ban people. WordPress has a Blacklist option. You're on the blacklist.

  23. Dang - there goes my future as a Hollywood actor.

  24. You're not quite a troll imo but you roil the waters.

  25. We have a troll statue in the flower garden - Gned the Gnarden Gnome.
    You ever been banned? Is it some sort of honor or a total disgace?

  26. Back in the day forums might ban you. They treat people like total criminals and they have to grovel their way back to get reinstated. Mods are mainly unpaid volunteers. Probably the only slice of real power they have in their own life.
