Sunday, October 06, 2024

Cap'n Crunch causes cancer?

 RFK Jr. is making all kinds of claims about the food we eat.  This seems to have caught fire in conservative media which is usually wary of the potential for a nanny state.  Apparently the federal government is still after him for cutting the head off a dead whale back in the day.  Isn't there some kind of statute of limitations for whale head cutting?  Actress Cheryl Hines is reportedly looking to divorce him over an alleged affair he had.  Maybe it has more to do with the lack of junk food in the house.  Personally I will risk cancer for a chocolate Twinkie.  Meanwhile Melania Trump wrote some book and disagrees with her husband over abortion.  Couldn't this wait until after the election?  Hasn't she ever heard of put it in the 'fridge it'll keep?  Melania your husband is trying to run a campaign.  At least I think he's trying to run a campaign.  Raspberry Zingers are to die for.  Is that to be taken literally?


  1. Junk food - the engine that drives America.
    RFK Jr.? Will Trump give him an important post?

  2. Cancer is such a complicated issue. In the majority of cases we probably don't even have a clue as to what caused it. Can Jr. provide peer-reviewed studies showing a Fruit Loops/Cancer connection? Lancet got anything?

    So if Jr. does become health czar or something under Trump do they ban Quisp? Make America Healthy Again. Giving off a big government vibe here.

  3. Yeah, cancer comes in many varieties (as does breakfast cereal). If RFK bans Fruit Loops, I'm OK with it. Now if he starts looking at Christian Brothers....

    1. Even IF you followed EVERYTHING the medical community told you to do how long ya gonna live? Hence choose your poison. I have a thing for apple fritters.

  4. Wonder how Trump will handle the Melania rebellion?

  5. Her timing on this is not respectful to him. I don't know it'd be like if you were running for Mayor of whatever town you live in in Idaho (escapes me) and the campaign is getting heated and your wife decides to spout off about how she disagrees with your positions on XY and Z. For me it's STFU. Plenty of time after the election to rap about it all. Melania should just focus for now on looking fancy.

  6. Wife disagrees with X and Y. She is more liberal than me on Z stuff.
    Trump should say she's welcome to her opinions, but being Trump, he may say STFU. Dunno, the whole Trump thing is SNAFU and FUBAR, if you understand military talk.

  7. Saw him on some recent interview. Came across as totally normal and coherent. It's like he goes in and out of the clear state.

  8. How do you like your new Trump Watch? Impress the fellow workers!

  9. Waiting for the Swift Watch.

  10. I got an old Armitron with a velcro band. Goes good with a sweatshirt when I dress up.

  11. New bragging point for Donald. First and only president to have been married three times. Shows he tries new things, domestic and foreign policy, hurricane diversion, pissing off Europe. Sounds like Melania might be flying the coop, which leaves him another choice -
    Taylor Swift or Marjorie Taylor Green. Oh, the suspense.

  12. Wonder if Steven Cheung will handle the Melania book response?

  13. Will have to get Trump's approval first.

  14. RFK jr, Vance, Elon Musk, Hulk Hogan and M. T. Greene - which cabinet posts?

  15. Hulk - Communications Director. "Scumbags!"

  16. OMG, almost fell off my chair!

  17. I thought it was supposed to be a family convention. Didn't know the RNC now has to have a rating.

  18. RFK Jr. wouldn't approve but about a year ago I had a hankering for a bowl of Lucky Charms. Reminded me of when I was a kid. I had to have it those little marshmallows but haven't had it since. I wonder which supermarket RFK Jr. goes to or is he one of them foragers meandering around in the woods?

  19. Seems like one of those roadkill guys.

  20. I wouldn't wanna have dinner at his house.

  21. "101 Roadkill Recipes" by RFK Jr.

    1. Peel possum off asphalt. Sniff for proper rotteness. Skin carcass, fry to crisp with moderate sea salt and add hot Fancy Feast. Yum

    2. Most people will pass roadkill and go oh that's sad. Jr. has to find a spot to pull over.

  22. Where do brain worms come from?

  23. Gotta ask Bobby. My biggest deal was a couple of kidney stones. My health problems are very mainstream. His are eclectic. Worms ate part of his brain. Young doctor goes I didn't sign up for this.
