Monday, December 30, 2024

For your consideration

 Considerable discussion has been given to the Dead Internet Theory.  My own view we're at least halfway there.  As far as conspiracy theories go there are scraps of truth.  This is a real post btw.  I really do have to cut my sidewalk grass in Yonkers.


  1. Another odd ad in my gmail - A dating site for fishermen. Are they fishing for suckers, or is it a catch and release affair?

  2. Don't ever look up Tiny Tim on YouTube. They'll send you the whole album.

  3. What's AI again? Absent intelligence? I'm trying to find a normal year.
    1813 in Point Barrow Alaska looks OK.

  4. Was wondering , were Tiny Tim and Pee Wee Herman brothers?

  5. Dead Internet - "Who Killed The Internet?" Agatha Christie.
    The butler? The pregnant maid? The Yonkers sidewalk committee?
    The Great Google-Microsoft tag-team match? Dave Miller (heh, just kidding, Dave), Grammarly, because it was jealous?
