Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I was thinking...

...you'd think by now abortion would peter out and become more or less a thing of the Past, we have about a 100 methods of birth control now and even if you're for abortion there's always the annoyance and inconvenience of having to make an appointment and going through with it (myself? I hate having to get haircuts and oil changes, can you take my car in for me please?) and geez, you could've really used that $300 for something else not to mention the off-chance that your God just might be against it in the End.

Some people thrive on chaos.


  1. Can Whoopie give us her thoughts on this one?

  2. I have wondered about this as well.

  3. If you look at our abortion statistics over time they pretty much remain the same, sure they were dipping there for a while but we're still talking about the same ballpark range. Even if I were pro-choice I'd find the whole abortion thing very unpleasant to say the least.

  4. I think you've mentioned it before how making something legal gives it some street cred, so of course how did they think it would make abortions be rare if legal??

  5. This is the Clinton formula, safe legal and rare, but it's really a pipe dream, a fantasy of the fencesitters who can't stake out a firm position.
