Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bam: "You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig"

en espanol: "Usted puede poner lapiz de labios en un puerco pero es todavia un puerco."

i'm lovin' it


  1. It's your classic WTF.

  2. He's digging his grave I tell ya.

  3. I was going to go with that nanosecond of insanity moment we all have, Paula thinking a singer already sang two songs, you know when a neuron or two misfires. You're driving along in the country and for that split second you forget where the hell you are, another one - you're only 1/2 awake at night and you think there's a squirrel in your room and your neighbor's about to call the cops, I was going to apply my WTF Theory! to Bam but like his elitist comments I just think it's his true self coming through.

  4. I totally think he came up with that line thinking himself quite clever and he couldn't wait to use it.

    The true Obama indeed!

  5. Do I detect a little hand of the missus?

  6. Perhaps, but she should know better, I mean isn't Obama trying to attract the woman vote? Well, inferring a woman a pig is pretty low, even for a Democrat.

  7. yeah but if you're a woman who isn't liberal and who happens to be pro-life you ARE a pig in their eyes, it's the Uncle Tom thing applied to conservative women and that he can say it without fearing the wrath of the NOW, now what does that tell you about the NOW? I'm beginning to think Bam has a Jekyll & Hyde Syndrome, I'm waiting for some Trig jokes to start dribbling out.

  8. Funny how he manages to wiggle and spin his way out of everything. I don't know who makes me sicker, the leftards or the media.Usually when I say something stupid, I call it a brain fart. He's had so many of those things that I can't believe how full of hot air he still is!

  9. Of course in the greater scheme of things, Obama making tasteless comments may not be very presidential, but it really shouldn't be swaying voters one way or the other (though you might have to worry that he'll insult a world leader someday inadvertently, lol) but truly Obama offends me most because of things like wanting to kill aborted babies that survive and wanting to teach 5 year old about sex, those are truly offensive issues to me!

  10. Just like an eel Joe. Reminds me of those times I went fishing down Greystone on the Hudson for bullheads on their spring run, a chunk of shad on the end of the line and you come up with an eel and they wriggle and spin and tie themselves into knots and get out of it and slapdash they're back in the water again. Beth I'm libertarian on this sex ed thing which means I don't think the government has any place teaching kids about sex and that goes for conservatives teaching it or even worse the libs. Sex belongs in the home with your Dad yelling at you because he found a Penthouse under your bed.

  11. I like how he goes on Letterman and doesn't even attempt to come clean and really have remorse like it's all just folksy old humor and sayings and the rest of us are just anal for not getting it. He can probably call Condi Rice a ho-bitch and then turn the tables and start bashing the Republican attack machine for making an issue of it, we're all just a bunch of player-haters you know.

  12. I do think he is coming unglued...

  13. i could not believe he said it...such a bad idea, for many reasons


  14. I'm with you on the sex ed thing Z-Man, it belongs in the home. If the schools want to provide some literature for the parents to use--at their discretion, then fine, otherwise---butt out. And since when is it ok for young girls to get birth control and abortions without the parental consent? I'll never understand how that one passed.

  15. So I'm watching Washington Week in Review last night on PBS and the lipstick thing came up of course but it was treated as some mere passing fancy, some guy on the panel dismissed it as some 24 hour distraction for the Obama campaign thought up by Team McCain, a "dustrap" he said.

    {beep beep} Roadrunner

    (PBS on a Friday night? yeah man, I'm getting old!)

  16. If Hillary had made a lipstick joke and McCain said something about pigs wearing lipstick, I would guarantee the PBS guy would think it was the worst thing McCain could ever have said to anyone.

    I went to a Cub Scout meeting last night, equally exciting to PBS.

  17. Wondering, is watching Friends reruns cooler than watching PBS?

  18. Probably but that reminds me of the time I had a wee bit much to drink and zonked out only to wake up at 1:30 in the morning to a Friends rerun. It was scarier in the old days when you'd black out and wake up and Tom Snyder would be staring you in the face.
