Saturday, January 16, 2010

right-wing schtick

Actor Danny Glover says climate change caused the earthquake in Haiti, something to do with Copenhagen, didn't know in addition to his acting credentials he had skills in geophysics. Savage was talking about this last night and noted that Haiti is only 100 miles from the Florida coast and so they're gonna come here in droves for the welfare. Upon first seeing the news footage of the devastation 'twasn't the initial thought that immediately came to my mind but leave it to Savage to boldly explore territory that Beck won't even venture into. Trudging along the frozen tundra in his parka with frozen snot and a chafed a-hole give him a Viking helmut and a harpoon and maybe he can shoot a polar bear on an ice floe. The new quarter, Savage on one side, Danny Glover on the other, you flip it on the table and it just pings differently. Hey there's a political lining to any tragedy, Glover must be bored with no Lethal Weapon movies to do. Patrick M is right I think, Savage's thing is Anger but excuse me I have to go check my Drudge Report.

Free Speech, it's all good.


  1. oh my I see Pat Robertson said something.

  2. The Republican party needs more Scott Browns.
    What this shows is that there is no such thing as a "safe seat". The People are outraged and aren't looking to party leadership to fix the situation. The RNC needs to make sure they encourage Constitutional Conservatives to run in every race. 2010 is about doing the will of the People. If the RNC is smart, they'll make sure their candidates meet and understand this, then stand back and not screw it up.

    Obama's numbers would be a lot worse with an objective media and without his person likability.It's probably what people sense about Obama that's killing him. He always seems to press the wrong button.The slide really started over beer-gate.This was a huge unforced error that defined Obama as a person for a lot of people.The over protection of anything Muslim,isn't doing him any favors. People want a staunch American president,not a world president. He has sold us down the road all around the world. In fact there's so many problems with Obama it's almost impossible to focus on one before another one pops up. If it weren't for his ( predigest) high numbers in the African-American Community who overwhelmingly approve of the job he is doing, he'd be holding a 20 percent approval rating right now. But, if the truth be known, less than 10% of those African Americans could identify Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Arlen Specter or Newt Gingrich, and most believe that *hope and change* means more money or new cars and lottery tickets for welfare recipients.
    The worst part of the legacy of possibly the worst president in history is that, though Americans proved we are overwhelmingly capable of electing an African American president, he's made voters so leery that it's going to be a long time before another black president is elected again.

  3. Mark my word: The Republican party has no intention, and I mean absolutely NO intention of binding the hands of their respective candidates to the Constitution much less their own god-damn platform.

    How do I know thee?? Because provisions to do just this were presented in a number of states by Liberty candidates (i.e., Ron Paul delegates and the like). And do you care to guess how well that was received by the Republican establishment??

    About as well as a colonoscopy that's how well.

    Such a move will only come to fruition once the Liberty/Tea Party/9-12/fuck the two party bullshit can gain enough seats at the local level and then upward that such a feat will ever see the light of day.

  4. Which is why I haven't jumped on the Scott Brown bandwagon. Glenn said today that Scott Brown's first political action was to support John McCain. He also said they like to image themselves as outside the parties when they're really not.
