Friday, September 21, 2012

Will Obama release the Blind Sheik?

This is really a question to all the Daves and BBs out there, the Satys and Shaws, those 47%ers who are never gonna vote for Romney but is there at least a tipping point where you'll no longer be in Obama's corner? where he crossed the Rubicon, went too far, where a defense is no longer tenable or even logical?  Does the President write our material for us and does he even masturbate from time to time the various anti-Obama conspiracy theorists out there ("let's see if I release the Blind Sheik I'll solidify my rep as a closet Muslim who won the Oval Office").  Have to say this though, that guy the other night on Univision the Spanish station saying to Obama "with all due respect you didn't keep your promise" that there Latin guy should be hosting the NBC Nightly News and not Brian Williams:)


  1. As to your question Z-man... It would depend on the candidate opposing him.

    Personally, I did not vote for Carter the first time and in 1980 it was over before I got to the polls.

    In 1984 I lost with Mondale, but won with Bush in 1988. I was a winner again in 1992 and 1996 with Clinton, as was most of our country.

    In 2000 and 2004 I opted for a third party candidate in California hoping for him to get to 5% to be considered a major candidate in the next election.

    This year, I cannot foresee any reason to vote FOR Romney, and neither apparently many GOP supporters, choosing instead to vote against Obama.

  2. Stop spreading that bull shot Dave, I'd bet that 05 percent of the republicans will be. More than eager to vote for Romney Any one BUT Obama, anyone

    1. Miss typed, I meant 95 percent

  3. If Obama releases that blind schmuck then he is even worse that even I thought And he has no business calling himself an American

  4. As near as I can tell, the 'blind
    sheik' thing is a rw rumor. In any event, why would an administration
    that drones the crap out of terrorists want to do that anyway?

    1. Good question. WHY?
      But it's not just a rumer.

  5. Kind of a startling disconnect:
    the greatest number of folks that
    don't pay taxes live in GOP states.

  6. And BB, no blogging commenters can explain that...

  7. I Think We Should Release Him Too, From a Bomber at 30,000 Feet over the Afghanistan.

    Seriously, If this happens, this will be the ultimate act of treason against Obama.

  8. So Hillary is out there again apologizing saying that she was offended. and this film was "DISGUSTING AND REPREHENSIBLE.". Well I was offended also when they Cut of Daniel Pearl's head and when the crashed those Airplanes into the World Trade Center.

    It’s high time that we stop bowing down, and kissing the ass’s of our enemies.
    Hillary’s apology to the Arab world is offensive and disgusting to me....
    I wish that someone would please tell Hillary and Obama, to shut the hell up.

  9. I can't help noticing how much older and bloated Hillary looks lately, almost didn't recognize her. I actually think it pains her to be Sec'y of State under Obama.

  10. Or maybe it's being married to BJ

  11. He don't look so good either.

  12. Dude, once again you and others have stated that the Obama has apologized when in fact you have no evidence whatsoever of him, or Hillary Clinton ever saying the words we are sorry or we apologize.

    President Ronald Reagan set the standard in 1988 when he signed an official US Government Apology to people of japanese descent who were rounded up and imprisoned by the US Gov't during WWII.

    In it, we clearly see what is necessary for an official government apology.

    Of course Mitt Romney has clearly stated that he believes America should never apologize for anything, so I guess he didn't think much of President Reagan, at least as it applies to this issue.

    Could you possibly provide any link, just one, where President Obama has said the US, or America is sorry or apologizes?

    If you can't, I'll just assume they do not exist.

  13. Sorry Arie, they don't exist or you'd have provided the links.

    Stating facts is hardly tantamount to apologizing.

    The fact is we have fine wrong in the Middle East many times starting way back when we overthrew the democratically govt of Iran in the 50's.

    Acknowledging that we did those things is not an apology do much as stating fact.

    I'll wait for your links, and yes, in diplomacy, you need those words...

  14. A presidential apology is more of a formal thing, like this:
    "(Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush has apologised to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and promised prosecution of a U.S. soldier accused of using a copy of the Koran for target practice, Iraq said on Tuesday.
    Bush apologised in a telephone call on Monday with Maliki, who told him the incident had humiliated and angered Iraq's largely Muslim population, the cabinet said in a statement.
    "The American president apologised on behalf of the United States ... promising to present the soldier to the courts," it said." (2008)
    ...and it is something heads of state sometimes need to do, as
    Micheal Reagan noted, "My father wasn’t afraid to apologize. He apologized for Iran-Contra. He apologized to the Poles and Italians in 1980 after the media made a big stink out of a harmless joke he told on the campaign bus."
    It is either a cognitive disconnect
    or wishful thinking to blame the current administration..which has
    interdicted more El Quaida than the previous ones. The links, Dave
    are all over...except on FoxNews.

  15. Oh the old Bush did it bull shit again!

  16. Darth, people are saying it is horrible that Pres. Obama apologized. All I am asking for from you, Arie or Dude are the links.

    When will you guys either show us the words where Obama has used the words past leaders and presidents have used to apologized?

    Are you guys unable to do that? It would seem so as you've all had numerous opportunities.

  17. I think it's about time we voted for a President with breasts. After all, we already put a Boob in the White House in the last election.

  18. My Dad who's as conservative as they come, served in the Navy during WW2 and drove a truck for almost 50 years he says to me one day and I quote Hillary would have been a better president than Obama.

  19. I'm gonna go along with BB now and say the rumor that Obama is gonna release the Blind Sheik is a rw construct. Even if he had that in mind he'd wait to even bring up the subject after the election.

  20. Z-man said...

    " My Dad who's as conservative as they come, served in the Navy during WW2 and drove a truck for almost 50 years he says to me one day and I quote Hillary would have been a better president than Obama".

    And I say to that, A pox on both their houses.
    There are many reasons for getting rid of those two that I can't begin to number them.
    They would have to fart rainbows, before they could convince me to vote for either one of them.

  21. Z-man... you may be right about that... at this point I can certainly see an argument for Hillary... we may yet get the chance to vote for her in 2016...

    Who knows, stranger things have happened...

    And as you and Saty have noticed in the past, it is once again the folks on the right that have contributed to the coarseness in the discussion...

    Why is that I wonder?

    Is it just the nature of the beast? Like a lot of times on the left sites, the coarseness comes from the left.


  22. I said this once before but back in the day we all remember how most conservatives talked about Bill Clinton. To put it mildly they hated the guy and it ran the gamut from he's a Manchurian candidate to he had something to do with a couple of dead teens on some railroad tracks down South. Lewinsky, Willey, Paula Jones, Broaddrick et al, even impeachment. Well now most conservatives hate Obama and my point is this, if they hadn't hated Bill Clinton so much when he was president their current dislike of Obama would be more valid, respected and taken more seriously. Add their past hatred of Clinton to their current hatred of Obama and it looks to the average person they don't like any person who's a Democrat. I actually think Bill Clinton was a better president than Obama is now, more of a moderate and again I think our dislike for Obama is perfectly valid but again going back to Clinton......

  23. Z-man, that's a startling admission... I think you are correct on the Obama/Clinton angle.

    It is tough to appear as someone who is not a party hater when you have been 100% offensively critical of the last three Dem presidents, regardless of performance.

    The GOP and most of America made gobs of $$$ under Clinton but it still wasn't enough.

    Balanced budget, lower govt spending, peace nothing he did was good enough.

    And now the same is true for Obama... nothing he does, or will do is going to be good enough.

    Even getting bin Laden was somehow wrong.

  24. Here we go again folks

  25. Maybe our liberal friend Dave herw can tell us why President Obama has avoided meeting with Israeli's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but has the time to hang with the ladies on The View!
    What a guy!

    And as for Obama's newest campaign flag is a symbol of the simpletons who makeup 47 percent of the American voting public, and only goes to prove that Romney was right. This has to be amount the worst things that I've ever seen yet.
    And only goes to show the DISGRACE and DISRESPECT that Obama has for this country. It's really unbelievable that an American President (if you can call him that) would make such a mockery of our flag

  26. Since we're like a bubbling mountain spring I should tell you that since I work with a nurse from Sierra Leone I decided it would be fun to learn to speak Krio (which is what they speak there).

    So when I left work today I said: ah de go na os! and the reply was: tek yu tem!

    I love languages. I know at least one or two phrases in probably a dozen languages. I am very visual so my reading/writing skills are always better than my speaking skills. I can read Cyrillic out loud but I can't translate what I read. There are 3-4 Chinese phrases and 3-4 Japanese phrases (this is getting better the longer my husband works for AW) I can read. I used to be quite good with Latin but now I'm relegated more or less to Christmas carols, prayers, medical terms and taxonomics. If I'd practice I'd do better. In Spanish, though, I can read the newspaper and if I go slow I can write well enough to translate a hepatitis vaccine consent form from English to Spanish. I know just a few words of Hindi, Sanskrit and Bengali outside of prayers/songs but I did learn how to write my name in Devanagari script :)

    Languages are so much fun.

  27. And I'm sure that veterans who have been disabled in service to their country, who comprise a good bit of that 47%, will appreciate you calling them 'simpletons'. I'm also sure they will have their own ideas about who's a disgrace, and who's showing disrespect, to those who went and gave their limbs and lives without accusing anyone of being 'entitled'.

  28. I'd love to learn Welsh. So many L's, so little time.

  29. oops... one more thing. My Facebook language is set to 'Pirate'. So instead of a 'like' button, I have an 'Arrr!' button. And instead of 'Look for Friends', I 'Scour For Mateys'. And so on...

    It rocks. I set it that way a few years ago and I wouldn't change it for the world.

  30. Aries... Was it a disgrace and disrespectful when Presidents Lincoln, Grant, Reagan and of course Bush Aldo changed the look of our flag to promote their campaigns for office too?

    Or only for Obama. Go ahead, I dare you to answer the question instead of changing the subject or bringing something else up...

  31. Can Davy boy ever comment without using Bush or Reagan as an excuse? Naw, it just ain't possable .

  32. Dave, just in case you were asleep when this post was written and the above comments were made, let me enlighten you here just a bit, if you please.
    1) we are not speaking about Presidents Lincoln, Grant, Reagan and of course the former president George W.Bush.. That stuff is getting old and boring.
    Obama cannot even get along with the Republicans or anybody else who disagrees with him about something - yet he imagines he is going to become a pal of foreign enemies of the U.S. This is a characteristic of Leftism that never changes. Leftists fear and loathe domestic political critics, fellow Americans, infinitely more than they do foreign enemies of America, with whom they are always trying to negotiate and work something out. They are willing to jeopardize national security and honor to appease and placate foreign enemies - but toward Americans who merely differ with them on points of politics they are ruthless and intransigent. They often seem to hate America and Americans as much if not more than the foreign enemies they always try to befriend. And when will this president and the Vice president stop spiking the ba;; over the event that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden and give the credit where it is due, to the US. Navy Seals. OK, so I will grant you that Obama did one thing right in the FOUR years of his reign. . Well, truthfully only because the MSM would never have allowed a Republican to do so. He shot rather than captured OBL. Of course the SEALS did the work. He didn't build that. Did he? And perhaps being that you are so well informed when it come to making excuses for Obama, maybe you can or ‘will” tell us why Obama has so much time for Barbara Walters, Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg but No time for the Israeli Prime Minister? I know that Whoop is a lot of fun and Bibi Netanyahu isn’t. But what the hell!
    Obama has been campaign since he first became a senator and he has not stopped yet, even though the whole world is on fire, Obama is still fiddling. When will the United States wake up and get rid of this narcissist!!

  33. You know, Israel is more than supremely capable of taking care of itself.

    I assure you of this.

    I continue to wonder why Americans feel it's absolutely, positively necessary to be giving billions of dollars to a country that has mandatory military service for every citizen (women included) and whose flight attendants have been carrying automatic weapons for decades.

  34. Do you also wonder why we continue to give billions of dollars to a nation that sets fire to our embassies , kills our ambassador , burns our flag, shoots our service men, has mobs in their streets shouting "death to American's, and so on....,
    That is the real question, not your anti-sormitic question!!!!!

  35. Darth, thinking that it was the nation of Libya that attacked our consulate is just wrong and exactly the kind of GOP saber rattling that gets us into wars.

    Do you wonder why there are few, if any GOP Senators who are advocating the cut off of aid to Libya? It's because they know this was a group of terrorists, not the government or general people of Libya.

    After the attack, we saw thousands of Libyans take to the street in support of the US, exactly the type of action we all wanted from Muslim countries after 9/11.

    Now when we get it, the most partisan of which you seem to belong refuse to consider those actions.

    By the way, how is my question anti sormitic? What ever that is...

  36. The anti- Semitic remark was too Saty

  37. Aries, this post was mainly about a blind shiek, a rumor that has been discredited.

    You brought up a campaign poster that Obama is using that is a stylized flag, being critical of him for using our flag in a political manner.

    Since neither you, Darth, or many other conservatives seem to be able to answer a question if it has any other names in it, in response to your post, I'll try it another way.

    Is it always disgraceful when presidents use images of our flag for political purposes?

    I'll wait for your answer.

  38. And Dave, I guess you still believe that it was the. Movie that caused the riots.... Pretty lame excuse

  39. Aries, I do not know why Obama is choosing not to meet with the PM of Israel. But it must not be that big of a deal as the majority, some 65% I believe, are supporting Obama for president.

  40. It's a big deal if you are Israeli but not if you are an Arab supporter

  41. Dave asks "is it always disgraceful
    when presidents use images of our flag?" ..apparently not ...

  42. It all aster oh opinion , a guy like me thinks is disgraceful

  43. Dave getting back to Clinton this Ken Starr character has always bothered me. Here was a guy charged with delving into Whitewater and somehow veered off into blowjob territory.

  44. I agree with Aries on some points. Personally speaking I think if Obama had met with Bibi and other world leaders at the UN General Assembly it would have appeared more presidential so you could make the case that by meeting with world leaders instead of gabbing on The View it would have helped his campaign. In other words he could have his cake and eat it too, meeting with Bibi would have been part of his overall campaign. Kinda dumb:)

  45. There is nothing anti-Semitic in criticizing our support of Israel.

    Israel is wholly and completely capable of taking care of itself.

    It is not a religious issue, simply a political one.

    I realize, though, that it's a lot more inflammatory, distracting, and divisive to scream about anti-Semitism rather than face the issue honestly.

    1. Because you showed your true colors, the subject of sending aid to Isreal was never mentioned.

  46. But you have to admit it was the wrong time for him to go on The View.

  47. Z... It was certainly political...

    Darth and others... is there a way to be critical of the political leadership of Israel and not be anti Semitic?

    By the way, I hardly believe the Jewish people supporting Obama are anti Semitic Arab lovers...

    And nice to see you believe it is disgraceful when a president uses our flag for political purposes... Or did I misunderstand your answer...

    1. Even I won't dignify that remark with an answer.

  48. Because I showed my true colors? WTF is that supposed to mean?

    And honestly, Darth, no answer you've ever given EVER has dignified ANY remark. EVER.

    Stop flattering yourself. Honestly, I believe you know you're an idiot and you do it on purpose.

  49. Look, I am not Jewish. I'm Catholic but I support Israel, and heaven knows that us Catholic’s have enough haters, and bashes of our own.
    With the obscene “art works aka as “PISS CHRIST” and “ELEPHANT DONG MADONNA”. But I know a anti-Semitic remark when I hear one. And Saty AKA as Tokyo Rose, sue is one. When they talk about their problems with America giving aide to Israel, that sure is suspicion of hatred or discrimination against Jews for reasons of anti-Semitism. Just as Obama’s long history of associating with antiSemitic radicals like Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, Al-Waleed bin Talal, and the Black Panthers shows his colors as well. He's not only a Jew hater, he's anti-Israel, and anti-America. Judging by the people he has surrounded himself with. And as for the Jewish people who are supporting Obama. I can’t for the life of me answer that one , except that maybe they are so Hell bent on voting Democratic that they would vote for Mickey Mouse if he ran on the Democratic ticket. But as I read on the internet recently, “No one who is pro-Israel will support Obama unless they‘ve been in a coma for 3 Years . And by the way, you don't have to be a Jew to see the bigotry from this community organizer. Hopefully, there will be enough Jewish people who voted for him in 2008 have come to understand the truth about who Barack Obama really is. There is no question that this President has done every thing but come out and state he's anti-Semitic. I stand with Israel and Bibi Netanyahu, and I wish that the USA had a leader like him. .


  50. Saty Hanoi Jane said...
    And honestly, Darth, no answer you've ever given EVER has dignified ANY remark. EVER.

    Stop flattering yourself. Honestly, I believe you know you're an idiot and you do it on purpose.

    LMAO, sounds like I hit a nerve. Or do you always go around that!
    The truth need s to be heard.

  51. You love to accuse me of anti-Semitism... but how do you know I'm not Jewish?

    And if the President is anti-Semitic how come he's carried such a large percentage of the Jewish vote?


    The only truth you speak, Darth, is the truth of your own illusions.

  52. No President of the United States should kow-tow to the Jews! They have done nothing over the past years but continue to encroach on the Palestinian's land!

  53. Satyavati devi dasi said...

    You love to accuse me of anti-Semitism... but how do you know I'm not Jewish?

    I don't know and I don't care either!.

    Oh look who fell out of the cess-pool our old friend EZ-does it.
    I see that you're still alive you old goat ... Isn't that a pity

  54. And this is why the low-grade Progressive's minds still hold up Obama as being a "brilliant" president? Just .look where Obama's idea of governance has gotten us to today.. Can you please list just one or possibly two factual reasons why you still support him. And please do me a favor, I do not want to hear about that Osama being dead and GM is still alive CRAP!.

  55. "low grade progressive's minds"?
    Get with the program, Darth, don't you follow Santorum? ....
    "Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum attacked the media and "smart people" for not being on the side of conservatives in a speech to the Values Voter Summit on Saturday. "We will never have the media on our side, ever, in this country," Santorum said. "We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." (Drudge)
    (+ a few dozen others)

  56. Should we be concerned that Netanyahu interferes with US policy? How about a country that
    actually put troops in the field,
    Korea, VN, Iraq, Afghanistan to fight along side us..the Aussies?
    "“Let's be blunt and acknowledge the biggest threat to the world's biggest economy are the cranks and crazies and that have taken over a part of the Republican Party.”
    -Wayne Swan, Treasury Secretary,
    ...ya gonna take it from both, or
    just one....or ignore the stuff?

  57. Darth, we can acknowledge your service, and I assume Aries' too. Americans can also disagree, both on policy and the direction of our country.

    My question is why, when I comment, or when Saty or BB do, are we constantly met with answers that include profanity and personal insults?

    Z-man and I have been able to have civil disagreements for years and we able to do so with Soapy when he was here too.

    I just do not understand why adults cannot choose to remain civil, even though they disagree.

    This tendency, prevelent from both the left, and the right is, IMHO, destroying political dialogue in America.

    A few week ago, I had a wonderful two hour discussion with a very conservative guy over a cup of coffee in Montana.

    Since we are both the type of people that are not prone to hurling insults, we found that we were both open to hearing the other side and even learning some from each other.

    We came not to score points, but to understand.

    It was a fantastic time that ended way too soon.

    I wish we could do that as we blog and comment.

  58. I'm sticking with 'Darth is an idiot and knows it and just does this crap to piss people off.'

    For all you know, I could be Jewish, but you sit there and slam me for anti Semitism?

    And when I say the President has carried the Jewish vote (which would mean that the Jews don't find him as anti Semitic as you do), you ignore it.

    Actually you ignore most things, Darth, because you have no viable or intelligent response.

    You prefer to simply sit there and spew insults and nonsense, and take up lots of time that could otherwise be expended in intelligent dicussion.

    You're a picture of today's Republican Party, you know that?

  59. You and call be an "Idiot" or anything else you want to, even if Dave thinks that it's not nice. But, I believe that you are anti Semitic and I'm sticking with it. ..You can go on and on telling your lies, and shifty spinning your yarn, but the proof in right there in your previous posts.
    Your soapbox rant about you being against Israel's receiving foreign aid was the nail in the coffin. ALL anti-Semites speak that way, You never mentioned the fact that we send tons of money to places like Egypt and Libya did you.. Even after the latest out break of violence against America! I guess that you have no problem with that and that strikes me as being very strange.

    Did you know that most of the money that America sends to to Egypt goes to their military who also uses our tanks and rifles, and our planes and drops our bombs in their battles. Look, if you want to be anti-Semitic, go right ahead, it’s your right as an American. We still have free speech here. And by the way, the Muslims believe in freedom of speech also. You can hear them express it when they shout kill the infidels, kill the Jews, the Christians, the Hindus , the Buddhist and even the non jihad Sharia Muslims.

    So the bottom line here is that I for one welcome Bibi Netanyahu.,even if Obama doesn`t. And I also believe that America should close its Embassies in all of those nations that are hostel towards us, and declare the Muslim Brotherhood enemies of America.,

  60. I'm getting sick of my own fucking blog.

  61. Z-man... it's that stream of consciousness stuff... just kidding actually...

    I know the feeling...

    I've often wondered if the "blogging phase' in life has already reached its zenith and is now on the downward slope.

    I am more of a discussion guy. No matter the topic, if I know something about it.

    In the case of hunger games, like Sgt. Schulz, I know nothing.

    As you know I see myself as pretty middle of the road, albeit left leaning. You i see as pretty middle of the road, albeit right leaning.

    While we might never agree on much politically, i think we both hold similar values. The God, country, work set of things. Work hard, keep your nose clean, etc.

    All of that is to say Z-man, I appreciate your blog. But don't write for us. Write for you and what inspires, or pisses you off.

    Blessings Z-man...

  62. Sometimes I feel that these little and known by few blogs are meaningless..
    Basically the left say the stupid things that they do and the Right contradicts them and then each side gets uptight anf the name calling starts and they often resu;t to verbal wars and nothing more.
    I think that kind of describes all of these blogs.
    As a relatively new blogger and by reading this blog as well as many others, I can see where this blogging thing leads....
    So as you say Z-man... it gets you sick and bored..
    Good luck.

  63. It's like these people think and breathe and talk politics 24/7. I myself can't talk politics early in the morning after I just woke up and there are times during the day say when I'm smoking a cigar in the late afternoon resting my mind it ain't a good time to discuss the topic either. From my POV blogs like Shaw's are depressing because in her universe she breaks everything down into Democrats are on the side of light and Republicans are the dark forces. Romney says something not particularly articulate and the topic has to go on for days or Rush says something or somebody else says something. It's all so damned predictable.

  64. So Z-man, lets talk fishing...

    I just got back from Montana... a bunch of the people who I visited want me to come back and fish next year.

    But a lot of them are fly fishermen. I've never done that and don't want to look like a fool.

    I grew up and have always been a lure and bait kind of guy, so that other pole, reel and style just intimidates me.

    But because the fishing is supposedly so good there, I'll probably give it a try.

    Anyways, yes... politics is very predictable... fishing, not so much...


  65. And here I was blogging about being bald.

    Nothing predictable about me I tell you.

  66. Flyfishing: the two hazards are wind...and whatever is behind you.
    I once cast with a strong tail wind
    and caught the seat of my pants. In
    small streams, any bushes behind you are fair game for snagging your Royal Coachman. My flyrod is
    covered with dust in the garage these days, but over the years, I
    used both wet and dryflies to take
    sunfish, perch, bass, walleye and trout....and one time set some sort of dufus record on Wisconsin's
    Red Cedar River...for catching a
    freshwater clam. *&%#*

  67. Do you really smoke cigars?

    I smoked cigarettes for 22 years but I gave it up in 2001.

    I wonder how much of whatever you're smoking got grown down the road from here. I'm made to understand that a lot of local tobacco goes to places like Argentina and Thailand. For what I don't know.

  68. Jamaican chef I once worked with found out I like cigars and he said he doesn't get it, why not just put a bowl of tobacco in the middle of the yard and light it? everyone needs a habit though and for me puffing on a fine cigar (Nat Shermans lately) helps me to think, to relax, to just look out at the sky and philosophize and it kills a block of time when you wouldn't be doing anything else of importance. Cigars you don't inhale of course so I feel more comfortable but old Surgeon General had to slap a warning sticker on saying they're not a safe alternative to the cigs like you're gonna live forever if you jog everyday and make crazy motions with your arms and you almost hit the passing cyclist with your elbow which I saw the other day. Cigars & fishing, great topics...

  69. Fly-fishing, back in the day got out and bought the gear and read up on it. Got out in my johnboat on the Muscoot Reservoir one day and put a small bass bug on in a weedy cove and on the first cast the lure hit me in the back of the noggin' so kinda concluded not for me. Looks classy and great but I have more luck spinning as I was casting a Mighty Minnow one day into a nice waterfall along the Amamalk Outlet and got a nice brown so I'd rather do that and be a little successful rather than look cultured standing in the stream with my pipe and the apple tobacco wafting downstream and have an empty basket. McClain's Standard Fishing Encyclopedia which practically covers the globe, this huge book is fascinating Dave and I could browse through it for hours on end and you learn things too. Did you know there's a fish out there called a Slippery Dick?

  70. I didn't know that. Spotted Dick I have heard of which is not a fish but a dish.

  71. Imagine your buddy calls you up at work and you're taking a fishing trip for some slippery dicks how awkward that discussion would be. You'd have to talk in code. Getting back to fly fishing if a subject's too complicated it loses my interest. I gotta spend years studying this stuff just so I can look good and cultured in a stream?

  72. Nah.

    You could just get on out there and do your thing and not give a shit.

    That'd be more fun anyway.

  73. "Getting back to fly fishing if a subject's too complicated it loses my interest." Got some friends that tie all their own flies; it is a matter of throwing the line
    rather than the lure. Have ya tried the dynamite route?

  74. I've caught more and nicer trout with my spinning and Mighty Minnow over the years than many a fly-fisherman. Yeah that's the secret throwing the line rather than the lure then there's the matter of how long a leader you should use since you don't wanna spook the fish. While you're still figuring that out and how to match the hatch I got my brown and brookie gutted already on ice and am headed home on 684 conjuring up recipes in my head.

  75. You are right about flyfishermen being aloof in their tweed jackets, $1000 bamboo rods and looking down on spinners, fisheggs and worms. As I understand it, the
    idea is of the genre 'it's not whether you win or lose.." and these guys generally return their
    catch. In fact there are flyfish
    only sections of streams, catch and
    return sections and other stretches
    where only barbless hooks can be used. Z-man, you are the buffalo
    hunter of the salmonids, a regular
    meat hunter type. Nuttin wrong with that, but some folks just like
    getting out in nature. BTW, my
    neighbor bagged a 3 yr elk bull with a 7 foot rack last week. Bow
    at 17 yards. Got recipes for a freezer full of elk?

  76. No but I did see a recipe for Moose Nose Stew in a camping book once. You're right about those regs and that's why you have to have that handy little booklet in your backpocket at all times. Fly-fishing, then there's the false casting and you have to let a little out in your other hand with each false cast and I believe the norm is three false casts and then let it go. Looks pretty, could never really do it and the other thing is if you do decide to become a full-time fly-fisherman it's almost like you have to become an entomologist too. If you have the time and the patience then rock but I think it helps if you're retired. I know the trend was catch 'n' release, probably still is but I feel like the Japanese, you eat a fish and that fish gets elevated to a higher plane and becomes a part of you. It's philosophical.

  77. Flyfishing is a little less formal
    further west , Z-Man. I think you would like it...

  78. BB that was the best hyperlink you ever did. Looks like the beginning of a bad porno, is Ron Jeremy also fly-fishing from shore? Jenna is the bait-and-tackle dealer:)

  79. C'mon now, Z-Man...she was just another fly fisher...wasn't she?
