Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Here's hoping that 2013 sucks less than 2012

The Fiscal Cliff - what I want to know is why did everyone wait until the last minute to resolve the Crisis?  The only explanation I can get out of it is like the teen who deliberately masturbates right before his parents come home from food shopping.  The metal gate's clanging, oh here we go...must be the excitement of it all, some just like to look over the precipice.
Hillary has a blood clot near the brain - and no she didn't fake it to get out of Benghazi.
Can we go a whole year without a mass shooting?  I don't know, is that asking too much? maybe it is.  We just got these new uniforms at work, nice new black aprons with a big red bullseye-type dot with the company logo smack dab in the middle and the produce guy and I both agreed, with all the violence in society our new dress code is making us somewhat uncomfortable.
Which celebrities will be arrested in 2013? the same ones or some new surprises?  Why is Jessica Simpson famous?  Judge Judy annoys me.
50 Shades of Grey the Movie - at least Hunger Games had something to say, a point.  So the movie will come out and eventually the DVD version with 10 minutes or so of extra uncensored director's cut footage and you go out to the nearest FYE store and buy it 'cause you think someone's gonna be trussed up like a turkey with an apple in the mouth or someone goes to the bathroom in a litter box.  I mean you don't have to be psychic.
How many days out of the new year am I not going to get any? (get the marker out).  While we're on the subject Jefferson Valley Mall in Yorktown Hgts. has these new massage chairs with a whole anal routine.  Bad day at the office, hit the mall.  I'm just sayin'
Subway pushers - the new normal.  A-Train's a-comin'
A whole entire new year of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh complaining about Barack Obama, God help us!


  1. What's with pushing people in front of the subway? ...over population or sumpin?
    Jessica Simpson-sang a little, did some TV and movies..a bit more talent than Kardashian?
    A black apron with a target is better than a frilly white one and you can quote me to the produce guy.
    A whole year without a crazed assault-nah. It's so American.
    Hannity & Limbagh..those tap dancing acts thrive forever, ya know?
    Blood clots can be faked..just ask
    Fox News. 2013 good start-I got the treadmill out..then brought an
    apple pie home.

  2. Tellin you, you heard it here first: the Dem ticket in 16 is gonna be Hillary, with Christie as her VP.

    I spent three hours tonight learning to play eight measures of Judas Priest Before the Dawn on electric guitar. I've been playing bass for several years now and I play with kickass heavy HEAVY weight (75-110) Rotosound flatwound strings that resemble aircraft carrier anchor line that even a lot of guys couldn't handle.. but I am here to tell you that those itty bitty guitar strings just tear me up.

    Tried to make a vegie corn pudding tonight, it needs substantial adjustment.

    Thought I was all over this flu... it's coming back. On this time tract I have 64 (just added some) hours OT and I can see I'm going to be a hot mess before it's all over.

    I expect you to take back some of what you said about the President not being willing to compromise, Z.. he compromised FAR MORE than I would have, I assure you.. do I have to keep telling you he's a centrist or will you believe me now?

  3. The President is far more ideological than Bill Clinton was. I think the Republicans who voted yes on the fiscal deal are the real heroes here, the grownups. They saw the obstreperousness of the President, how he wouldn't yield on taxing the rich and then went along with it for the good of the country, to get it behind us. That's not abandoning your position, down the road they'll take back some of what they lost. Now I can make a very eloquent case why the rich, the successful shouldn't be punished through confiscatory taxation, how what Obama did amounts to class-warfare but the public doesn't understand that argument right now, it doesn't resonate so sometimes you have to leave it. Bill Clinton would've wrapped up the fiscal deal far more earlier than Obama did but then again he was a triangulator and Obama is the ideologue.

  4. However eloquent your defense of
    the rich, Z-Man, we note that the
    top marginal rates under Clinton
    were 39.2%-exactly where the fiscal
    cliff dudes agreed to place them.
    When I was born that rate was 81%,
    in 7th grade it was 92%, when I
    graduated college it was 91%. Nixon had it at it has just been since the temporary Bush
    tax break.
    Not eloquent, but if you dig the data, you will see that we had huge growth during those times of
    high marginal rate: in jobs, in wages and in business. 'Job creators' are not rich investors.
    Consider Carly Fiorina, CEO genius
    who destroyed Bell Labs, then Hewlitt Packard (both by firing
    technical folk and hiring finance
    gurus). Some 'job creator', she of
    the $20 million golden parachute.
    ..and she is typical. Turn off the Orwellian chant and dig, guy.
    Hey, on a kinder, gentler note,
    your payroll SS tax will go from
    4.2% to 6.2% starting next paycheck. Obama caved.

  5. Happy New Year…or whatever! You Righty’s don’t seem to see it that way! And no wonder, it’s because you all are a bunch of whinnying, complaining little racist FOOLS..
    Anyway, it’s no surprise that the racist right can’t start the new year without smearing and demeaning the thing they hate the most. A Minority whose leader of a Majority..In other words, a Black Man as President.
    Last year, I admitted that Obama can’t always be correct. He’s a politician, and he can’t please everyone. … But if theses one thing that I won’t stand is that he is called a liar by the exact same hypocrites who lie about the President on a daily basis. Lies about his ideology, his birth place, his birth certificate, his religion, his loyalty. And love to America, and now he has shown you how much he is really appreciated by the way he beat Romney in the 2012 election.
    Obama…He is as honest as the next man. Unfortunately they way we see truth differs, Only you Righties, want things you way or not at all.
    Is Barrack Obama a Communist? A Socialist? A Marxist?, A Kenyan?
    No, If he were that would mean every republican is a communist as well, Is John Boehner also a communist? If President Obama were a Communist he wouldn’t have worried so much about re-election He’d most likely be running unopposed. He is not a communist
    Is Barack Obama a Marxist?
    No, I’m pretty sure he’s never read the “Communist Manifesto” Either.
    Is Barack Obama destroying America? That is the most ridiculous think I have ever heard!
    The answer is No, but the potential for danger is there with all the Bush Policies and people he kept in place! Obama isn’t destroying America as fast as Bush did or Romney would have.
    Another CRAZY thing that the Right keeps throwing out there is that Barack Obama a Traitor to America!
    Nope, if you want traitors, you should look to Reagan (Iranian hostages) and Nixon (Paris peace) Or even those Palestinian haters out there.
    Is Barack Obama an evil man? No he is a good man with good intentions who may not be going about things in the right way, besides .No one can truly judge what’s in a mans heart! Obama is NOT evil.. Or incompetent jackass
    Is Barack Obama a Dictator?
    No he isn’t. Is Barack Obama a Muslim? His father and his mother is Muslim but Obama is Not.
    Obama described his own beliefs in relation to the religious upbringing of his parents:

  6. My father was from Kenya and a lot of people in his village were Muslim. He didn’t practice Islam. Truth is he wasn’t very religious. My mother was a Christian from Kansas, and they married and then divorced. I was raised by my mother. So, I’ve always been a Christian. The only connection I’ve had to Islam is that my grandfather on my father’s side came from that country. But I’ve never practiced Islam

    Does Barack Obama hate America? No, He doesn’t even hate the people who lodge these asinine claims against him repeatedly.
    In the past 13 months, Obama’s enacted $1.7T in cuts and now $0.6T in revenues. And Republicans are demanding yet more cuts . . . except to defense contractors since government spending can’t create jobs unless it’s laundered through the DoD.

    This is ludicrous. Republicans are evil, mendacious, mind-boggingly stupid, or some combination thereof. And Obama is a fool nearly beyond reckoning for trying to be the “adult in the room” by negotiating with himself.
    There’s nothing to cut except for Military at this point. And yet, you hear about “spending problems,” but never revenue problems. You people don’t live in reality. And hey what is so wrong with Our First Lady taking vacations? NOTHING!
    Bush took more days off as President than anyone…ever.
    Sounds to me like you’re just jealous…
    I’m sick to death of you idiots and your hateful bitching and moaning over every single goddamned thing this President does. He could sigh at your petulant screeching and you’d flip out that he’s using more than his fair share of oxygen. Do me a favor and please PLEASE go see if you can get brain implants to fill the voids between your ears. Perhaps then the intelligent Republicans you’ve been so busy purging from your ranks can step in and take control of your party back.
    Some political commentators claim that George W. Bush will go down in history as the worst president ever. It would be more accurate to describe him as the second-worst president of the postwar era.
    Climbing to the nation’s highest office after overseeing more lethal injections than any other Texas governor in history, before or since, Bush soon made a name for himself by using the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives to reward his political friends, using the Department of Justice to punish his political enemies, and using the fear of international terrorism to radically expand executive power.

  7. the worst president by far was George W. Bush. He started 2 wars, allowed us to be attacked on 9/11, set international relations back 50 years, tortured prisoners, the Patriot Act, cut taxes on the wealthy and corporations that deregulated markets that helped lead to a great Republican recession. In fact in 8 years in office, I can’t think of anything positive to come out of his presidency. And add to all that the fact that he was a Black Hater as well. Remember the sentence that the guy from Texas go when he daggered a Black man to death from his truck! He did not get the Death sentence as he deserved to get.
    All the Republicans Governors try to steal this elections by trying to suppress the voters from coming out to vote, it back fired that made people come out even more. Obama won Romney lost, don’t try taking peoples rights away from them, they the people will fight……………….. get over it and don’t lose sleep over it Obama won, people stood in lines for three or more hours just so there voices could to be heard thats the America’s way of doing things, and there was no way Romney would have won this elections wishful thinking, go back to sleep and when you wake up put on Fox (Hannity) and laugh because he’s a joke, that will make your day.
    Comparing the worst man in history who committed mass murders to the President is hugely offensive and disgusting, but then again, that’s what you racists are!
    Republicans have grown to habitually blame everything on Barack Obama. The economy? Barack Obama. The deficit? Barack Obama. The fact that it’s 2013 and we still don’t have flying cars? Barack Obama, well, and maybe Bill Gates. They have grown so used to doing this that they cannot stop. Republicans: We screwed you all, but thanks for blaming it on the black guy!

  8. As expected like all Klansmen you all blame EVERYTHING wrong on the black man, just like the head racist Limbaugh taught them!
    The wing nuts right wing never stops attacking Barack Obama!
    They claim that Obama is a Muslim President, despite the fact that the President has been responsible for the killing of more Muslims than George W. Bush. Obama has utilized the drone program in Afghanistan effectively, and has been able to end the lives of many terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden and other Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders, but it is never enough!
    No. No. No! Obama isn’t a Piece Of Sh*t. No, he isn’t destroying America. No, he isn’t a traitor. No, he isn’t evil– at least not compared to other legitimately evil men like Dick Cheney and Karl Rove. Yes, he can be impeached– if you can prove that he’s committed an impeachable offense. No, he’s not a Muslim– and if 22 years in Rev Wright’s church can’t convince you, you’re a frickin’ moron. No, he doesn’t hate America. Yes, he is a liar. He’s a professional politician; lying is in his job description. No, he’s not a usurper; he was legitimately elected BOTH times.
    Does Barack Obama hate America?
    No he doesn’t, you couldn’t be the president of the USA and hate america, it would be physically impossible, the amount of work that a president does for the USA just wouldn’t allow that.
    Is Barack Obama a Dictator?
    No he is not!
    No, he didn’t win through voter fraud– and anyone who says that he did clearly doesn’t know ANYTHING about elections. And no, he’s not a fraud.
    It is clear the right-wing lunatics will stop at nothing to attack and destroy Barack Obama, but while they make money off gullible and stupid people, it does not change the reality that Barack Obama is the choice of the American people, has accomplished a lot in his first term, and despite constant barriers, will achieve a lot in his second term, and go down as one of our better Presidents in American history!
    The racist right doesn’t get it! America HASN’T rejected what makes America great!
    America HASN’T rejected Freedom!
    America HASN’T rejected Prosperity!
    America HASN’T rejected Liberty!
    America HAS rejected Hatred!
    America HAS rejected bigotry!
    America HAS rejected RACISM!
    America HAS rejected right-wing fear-mongering! America HAS rejected right-wing hate-mongering! America HAS rejected the far-right brain-dead belief of Americans can ONLY be White and Christian!
    We rejected that when we (Not Me, I couldn’t vote..too busy!) Re-elected Barack Obama as President, and the racist right can’t expect the fact that a majority of Americans DON’T hate having a Black Man, or as they would call it, “Minority”, leading the country!
    Republicans have grown to habitually blame everything on Barack Obama. The economy? Barack Obama. The deficit? Barack Obama. The fact that it’s 2013 and we still don’t have flying cars? Barack Obama, well, and maybe Bill Gates.

  9. They have grown so used to doing this that they cannot stop.
    Republicans: We screwed you all, but thanks for blaming it on the black guy!
    Republicans are the biggest threat to America since the Constitution was created because they let themselves be undermined and taken over by the billionaire Koch brothers:
    That’s contrary to what America’s Founders wanted:
    “I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”
    -Thomas Jefferson
    Obama is not a fraud. Obama has not damaged America, he has helped her. And no, the tea party morons are the biggest threat to our country since its creation!
    You disgusting asshole racists have called this man Saboteur in Chief, filthy Muslim, communist, socialist, dictator, gay, anti-America, un-American, evil man, (since when did we start referring to our President in this manner?) yet he has been re-elected by majority electoral votes as well as popular vote. He was dealt a very difficult hand in 2008 but fulfilled many promises — Bin Laden is dead, creation of jobs, our troops are coming home and his greatest promise fulfilled — health care for all Americans. And he accomplished this while having to listen to constant doubts about his birthplace and his religion.
    I don’t know what all the hate is towards Obama but I think we are in a much better state than if Romney would have won this election. In my personal opinion i think alot of the heat Obama takes is more or less what Bush left for him. Bush was far worse than Obama is and will be and I feel like if you let Obama ride the next four years out you will see many of his plans take effect and then you will be able to see what Obama was really about. And im not much of a politics person at all but was I the only one looking at Romney and seeing the crook he would have been I mean seriously just look at him.
    No wonder why you lost!

  10. BB re the Rich do you think they're a bigger problem, a bigger threat than the prevalence of guns in society? I know I know liberals want everything on the plate but there are priorities and I recently blogged about this. Sometimes I take this nice long walk on the North County Trail in Yorktown Hgts. and occasionally you pass an area where there are literally mansions or quite grand estates but I enjoy my walk nonetheless, I don't boil over with hatred or dislike for the wealthy for the rest of the day. Obama seems to have this very strong nonsocialistic of course dislike for the rich, seems a basic core component of his psychological makeup in fact.

  11. Have to say too it was a strange election. It's almost as if people voted for the bad economy.

  12. Reading the Question Man it sounds alot like Bill Moyers, should go on his show.

  13. Personally, Z-Man, I like rich people; tossing a few beers with
    Ted Turner and Warren Buffet would be great (I'd probably have to buy)
    It is a tenet of society that wealth tends to unequal distribution for many reasons. It only becomes problematic when a
    population consists of a few dozen
    multi zillionaires and a hundred
    million scrounging for food. You know the process..either fascism
    or communism arise...or total anarchy occurs. That is the pragmatic view. Of course liberals
    pull for the underdog, which is different than hating the rich
    (and why I am pulling for Notre Dame to destroy Alabama in the Bowl game)


  14. In addition to racists, bigots, extremists, homophobes. I'd like to add another title to you assholes… SORE LOSERS


  15. Letting Republicans-Conservatives run the Country is like putting Atheists in charge of a church!

    And by the way, that fat pig Rush Limbaugh also said that if Obama won, he would move to Costa Rica. Well Obama not only won but he beat the hell out of Romney and Piggy Limbaugh is still here.

  16. Ok look I don't care what side of the fence you play on, name calling destroys your cred.

    And Z no Obama does not hate the rich, he is himself quite well off. It is not 'hating the rich' to dislike the fact that a select few get insanely wealthy while the vast majority are in dire straits.

  17. Yes, Virginia the bankrupting of America does continue!
    And herés the deal and this is just the tip of the iceberg. O’Bamboozer want us to give more and more money to the, should i put it nicely and say the “Have Not’s” Well just read on my good friends and look at where our hard earned money is going. More proof that Bamboozler really hates Americans, ans is determined to bring us to our knees. Once again that poor excuse for a man sets forth more regulations and rules are implemented there needs to be more enforcement entities to catch the perps who have learned how to game the systems already in place. The enforcement folks will see the futility in busting only a couple of crooks while the rest run wild and they will eventually give up trying to catch them. See Detroit. See Chicago. The cops have surrendered. The crooks won. And it only gets worse.
    A investigation just exposed a database of 200 million Electronic Benefit Transfer records from January 2011 to July 2012, obtained by the New York Post, through a Freedom of Information request, that showed welfare recipients using their electronic benefit transfer cards to make dozens of cash withdrawals at ATMs, souds pretty reasonable so far doesn’t it.\/ But wait, these “Poor” Welfare recipients have been spending cash at bars, liquor stores, X-rated video shops, in hookers, and strip clubs — where they presumably spent their taxpayer money on lap dances rather than food, and diapers, and other necessities. Yeah, spending our money on sex, lottery tickets, and booze,, Those are the Obama voters folks! The liberal way...we work....they play!
    I ask you, Is anyone actually surprised? These parasites and thugs have been using the system for decades. This what Democrats and liberals have done to this country. But you know what? This of us without a political agenda have warned for years, that once Democrats got enough people on the dole and receiving financial assistance from the governmental agencies, such as a welfare. Guaranteeing a Democrat election win, we as a country were done! Did you listen? NOPE! You voted ideology and entitlements, you wanted to “share the wealth” you wanted to stick it ti the rich! and you've got exactly what you wanted and what you deserve. Put a fork in us! We're done!

  18. You work and we play?

    I put in 56 hours this week, and last week, and the week before that, and this week I'm going to put in 64.


    Is that what you call it?

  19. Satyavati devi dasi said...
    " I put in 56 hours this week, and last week, and the week before that, and this week I'm going to put in 64."


  20. Point being that I work just as hard and probably harder than people who like to claim that we liberals just sit around on the dole.

    Don't be an idiot, Darth, you're better than that.

  21. " just as hard and probably harder than people who like to claim that we liberals just sit around on the dole." Reminds me of the two local idiots than run the
    area Tea Party...both are on full disability.

  22. Pretty funny, pretty stupid, and yet very funny.
    Stupid can be very dangerous, just look at your Messiah Obama, Stupid, Funny and very Dangerous

  23. The Democrats have given no indication that they will compromise on any thing and that tax hikes were not even available for discussion.

    In the next few days as the "fiscal cliff" sinks in and the people realize that they have been duped again, with threats of economic recession due to “Republican's unwillingness to compromise” No spending cuts are going to be made and us Americans are screwed once again. I can't believe people didn’t understand this was going to happen when they voted for this lying bastard. And the sheeple pulled the lever with a D after it anyway. When politicians do not respond to their constituent needs that we should vote them out–whether Republican or Democrat. If things don’t improve, But how can you teach idiots logic?

  24. For Your Eyes Only said "yeah, spending our money on sex, lottery tickets and booze".

    We've had this discussion before, both BB and Satyavati somehow feel that having sex is a medically necessary act.

  25. spending our money on sex, lottery tickets and booze

    I love how people make this assumption.

    I guess those people just live a nonstop party, eh? They don't ever eat, or anything like that?

    Last person I saw using EBT in the store was buying ramen noodles, Cheerios, American cheese, bread and milk.

    They didn't LOOK like they had been at a party, but oh, I'm sure you're right.

    It feels so much better to demonize and dehumanize people, doesn't it? Doesn't it like totally make you feel superior and validate that superiority? Doesn't it feel really good to look down on people and claim that somehow they're not as good as you, not as deserving as you, and even better, that it's their own fault?

    It does, doesn't it?

  26. "assumption."

    It's a documented fact!

    Use your God given brains and look it up!

  27. Documented facts, gotta love 'em:
    "In December 2009, the New York Times published a series of related articles showing that poor whites across Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta and through the Midwest, Deep South and Texas borderlands were the highest percentage of Americans relying on the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), or food stamp, program."

    "To that end, nearly 70 percent of all benefits of these programs(Aid to single mothers) go to white people."

    But like cult leader convincing them the end of the world(USA) is coming poor whites votes FOR the people who keep them poor. Amazing !"

  28. BB I've always noted the point that when it comes to welfare there's plenty of poor whites on the dole, it's not just some black guy renting Mocha Chicks. Sat doesn't seem to get the basic reality of human nature that every gov't program begins good, starts with the noblest of intentions and then gets abused. In other words poor folk can't be immoral simply by virtue of being poor, it shields them from vice somehow and notches them up to higher virtue. Poor Charlie can never suck as a person and abuse his welfare bennies, it's existentially impossible.

  29. I guess the intent is to provide the basic, shelter & clothing. Since I don't have a cellphone, i-pad, kindle, GPS or Sirius radio, those are probably some sort of luxuries.
    FDR tried to provide make-work jobs
    and some excoriated him for it, but
    count me in the school that if the
    gov pays ya..ya work for the gov.
    IMO, the trickle down works like this: these hundred dudes have a million gallons of urine. They keep 900,000 gallons for themselves
    and the remaining 100,000 gallons
    trickles down to 250 million folk.
    Put it another way..trickle down is
    like a slow leak.

  30. I understand very well that for every system there's a player. I also understand that those with money can afford better accountants and lawyers and thus have the ability to play the system far better than someone like I ever will. If there are poor people who play the system for $100 in EBT there are equally rich people who play the system for hundreds of thousands and more.

    What I dislike is this general attitude that EVERYONE who benefits from a social service program is somehow abusing it or otherwise undeserving. It reeks of someone who just wants to feel superior to those who are not in as secure a position.

  31. On that note I once heard Hannity say on the radio that there is no reason for a person to be homeless in America. That's such a broad statement and I beg to differ but it is typical of conservatism.

  32. A statement like Hannity's implies that those people who are homeless are somehow at personal fault for being so, and thus undeserving of help.

    That, in turn, makes the moral compass relax, because if it's someone's own fault, then you don't have to feel sorry for them, or help them.. you can actually feel perfectly justified passing laws that prevent other people from helping them too.

    And meanwhile, the person can congratulate themselves on how wonderful they personally are, because they have a home, unlike the person who is homeless, obviously through their own fault (and as many supposed reasons for said fault can be inserted at this point; drug use, crime, being coddled by a welfare state, it goes on and on).

    It's like a win-win situation: you get to feel superior and at the same time you get to deny help to people ("fiscal conservatism").

  33. I don't share Hannity's view at all. Mine is more along the lines of I'm not homeless but there for the grace of God.

  34. And that would be the rational, reasonable, and reality-based approach.

  35. New Flash!! The Clown who is currently occupying the White House nominates Pro-Islam, Jew Hating, Chuck Hagel to Be Secretary of Defense!
    Obama Appoints Islam’s Apologists. Obama is about to appoint three regime members who are as naive about the Arab/Israeli relations who have ever walked.
    Hagel, John Kerry, and Brennan. All of these candidates are pro-Islam, pro-Arab, and anti Israel. How about Jack Lew who served under Hillary Clinton. It was Lew’s failed foreign policy toward Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya during their upheaval, and the the Arab Spring. How did that work out for our interests ? This has been Obama’s plan all along.
    All are apologists for Arab causes. All are strong proponents of Obama’s vision of a more sympathetic approach to Islam….Brennan for example has been against Iranian sanctions from day one. Obama’s piss poor pick for secretary of Defense, Charles Hagel, an apologist for the Palestinian suicide bombings against Israel, his explanation for this was that desperate people resort to desperate measures, Israel, well Golly gosh darn it, I guess that explains it!

    And this surprises who?? For an administration that has made “diversity” an important issue, he has surely picked a bunch of pro-Islam, pro-Arab, radicals and haters, or pro- both.
    This is what you should expect from people who worship at the Church of Hitler’s Dick.
    But Obama killed Osama Bin Laden and GM is alive!

    Question, did we have people like "The Question Man" (above) making these radical comments prior to Obama's presidency? I don't think so. Obama has empowered these racist clowns to come out of the woodwork.

  36. RE: "All of these candidates are pro-Islam, pro-Arab, and anti Israel. How about Jack Lew.."
    Between VN combat vets Kerry, Hagel and Shinsecki, we count 7 purple hearts, 4 bronze stars and a silver star. Jack Lew?..the highest ranking orthodox Jew to
    serve in an administration? I
    suppose Spidey prefers 5 time draft dodger Dick Cheney and
    Bibi Netanyahu to run our country?
    ..wonder why the GOP lost.

  37. I'm too through with these people who don't have a cogent thought and instead just string together lots of name calling.

    Henceforth I'm just not going to respond to these people. They are neither rational nor reasonable, and if they had an actual viewpoint or statement worth anything they wouldn't have to resort to name calling and hyperbole.

    If it's nonsubstantive, it's a nonstarter.

  38. And I'm through with the people who are like the likes of you, and that lunatic who authors that blog, "Helloooo...... Mr. President, are you listening?" and all those "Progressive" blogs Who as YOU say call my party names like Teabaggers,
    When did you or anyone else ever see a tea party or any conservative group for that matter turn over police cars, defecate on police cars, destroy private and or public property, throw rocks at police, burn down buildings, take over banks, colleges and universities they attend, kill people for the fun of killing, loot the stores, suggest assignations of politicians and presidents, make movies with disgusting, talk about tearing out people's hearts, living in public parks, and the list goes on and on. All the violence I have seen in my many years, have been committed by the left, yes the RADICAL LEFT. One example would be a close friend of Obama's, a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. It's simple! The shouts “We want freedom of speech” is nothing but pure BS , what the left REALLY wants is free-bees, something for nothing, hand outs, etc, etc, etc.... And what I I want is what I work for, but the left wants what I worked for also.

  39. It's nonsubstantive.

    It's a nonstarter.

  40. Personally I just think Obama likes to piss off Bibi.

  41. conspiracy theory #340876 Category 7A
    -its all Obama's fault-

  42. There was a similar conspiracy theory about another mass shooting, what was it again? Tucson I think and that would mean all these people really didn't die. So where did they all go? Is there some sort of conspiracy theory resort/hotel/beach somewhere where the allegedly dead go to hide out?

  43. I have this conspiracy theory that
    there is a guy someplace that thinks them up and sells them to
    innocent customers.

  44. Conspiracy Theory B98746-
    Manti T-eo's imaginary girlfried was killed when a drugged-up Lance Armstrong ran over her on the bicycle he bought from Wayne Lapierre. All three blame Obama.

  45. You know it's funny after Newtown everyone's worried about some imaginary girlfriend.

  46. Reason for owning a firearm #12547 ya kin kidnap a kid and hole up in a bunker.

  47. Now the NRA in concert with the Tea Party has some ad out to stop Washington from passing any kind of assault weapons ban. Um again I'm not getting why banning assault weapons is on the road to Tyranny. I'm told that it is but so far nobody's 'splained.
