Tuesday, January 05, 2016

It's hard to believe the American electorate is this dysfunctional

OK I probably wasn't in my right mind when I said I'd vote for Trump if it came down to that. What's the GOP to do? too bad Jack Kemp weren't in a cryogenic freeze and we could reanimate him. Trump's first tv ad is out calling for an outright ban on all Muslim entry into the US until we can figure out what is going on. On the other side there has to be some on the liberal divide who can't vote for Hillary for various reasons so these are the choices we're usually given every four years. The political menu usually sucks and that goes right back to our two-party system. I hate not to vote but it might be the only viable option this time around.


  1. Not voting is a vote for Trump. Think about that.

    I got carded buying a six of ODouls. It doesn't even have alcohol in it but I was too excited about being carded I didn't care.

    All we can really do is hope that somehow Trump implodes. The Repub party is having a meltdown over him. The monster they've been building for years has finally escaped and the village is in a lot of danger.

  2. Trump presents a unique problem. Even if he leaves the GOP that would pull votes from the eventual GOP candidate.

  3. What about these geniuses in Oregon?

    1. You see even if we put the full Trump plan into effect (the Muslim ban) we'd still have our Oregons.

    2. Domestic terrorism.

      I think they should throw up some caution tape around the whole building and not let anyone in or out. They'll be out soon enough hungry.

    3. I hear the Feds are going to cut power and phone to the building. This is going to be fun.

    4. Imagine if Janet Reno were in charge. She'd roll the tanks in.

    5. Ike would sent in the 101st Airborne. Entrepreneur-
      wise, might be a good place to open your hot dog stand. You know, both sides gotta eat there in the alkali flats of central Oregon.

  4. Any thoughts or assessment about your recent job interview?
    Maybe with all the employer 'snowden scanning' you'd be better off staying mum?

    1. In a nut the interview went well, pay was too low.

  5. Sounds like a good practice run, anyway.

  6. I'm keeping positive thoughts going for you.

  7. Today I was out of sorts with the premature waking at 4AM and a bad day with the tinnitus.

    1. I feel this. It's ten to one AM and I'm sitting up eating oatmeal.

    2. I still wake up early because of the work habit. I wanna sleep later but I can't.

  8. A Jack Kemp re-animation? IMO, he would be "Trumped".
    Consider- "Kemp proudly called himself “a bleeding-heart conservative.” Doing so seriously ticked off a few Republican colleagues back in the 1980s and 1990s. Today his assertion—paired with his views and votes—would elicit aneurysms on the right." from the book by Kondracke & Barnes
    He was all over the political map, for social security and a
    tough safety net; a member of the von Mises "Austrian School",
    he practically invented 'Trickle Down'. But, how many quarterbacks become politicans? Imagine President Terry Bradshaw. ;)

  9. Modern 'cloud technology'-
    Received an e-mail from the clinic stating that since I was going to be 14 years old on my next birthday, I needed to send written authorization to remain in their e-mail system.
    They give no e-mail reply address and their phone system consists of bad music for an hour. I told the Mrs. I'm taking
    a hard copy of the ridiculous document to the clinic until I
    can find the perpetrator and straighten things out. The Mrs.
    wante to know what I would like for my 14th birthday. *sigh*

  10. Replies
    1. On the positive side I feel more hopeful this week. I got alot of job alerts going. On the negative side I'm getting annoyed that some people are overly forceful in their opinions and want to direct you in what to do although they mean well. Some think it all comes down to if something's a dollar more but farther away I should take it. For me there's alot of other factors involved like the car having 100,000 miles on it. Sometimes you can get too much advice ya know?

    2. I was surprised to learn (via Sean Penn) that El Chapo
      started his own 'business' due to unemployment difficulties-
      "And how did you get involved in the drug business?
      Well, from the time I was 15 and after, where I come from, which is the municipality of Badiraguato, I was raised in a ranch named La Tuna, in that area, and up until today, there are no job opportunities."
      -hopefully, Yonkers has more opportunities than Badiraguato!

  11. I never buy lottery tickets, but have briefly pondered what I'd do with $1.4 billion.

  12. I don't usually buy lottery tickets. Gambling is officially verboten for us. However I did get in on this one. I figure we have at least as good a chance as anyone else and we could make a lot of people and organizations very happy with all that money. I can't help thinking that the jackpot is way too large, though, and that something better could be done with all that money...if there are 300 million Americans and 1.3 billion in the jackpot, that's enough money for everyone to get some. I'm just a Socialist through and through.

    I understand the intricacies of the factors involved in the job search. I drive 45 minutes to work and I took a pretty big pay cut when I first started. But my goals were different; I took this job for the hours, for the benefits and especially for the pension. So it wasn't so much about making the money up front. I have a lot of stability in this job, which is what I need in my life, and the hours are great and regular, which they aren't when you work in a hospital. So it's all about your goals. Don't let anyone try to tell you about what's best for you; it's about what works in your big picture, and nothing else.

  13. Went on another interview today. The pay is better, will probably be working soon.

    1. Sounds like things are looking up?

    2. Pretty much next week I'll be working again.

  14. Took my wife to airport for 5AM flight to KC. Went down to
    breakfast (mexiskillet-900 cal-damn) at the only place open before 5AM. Still dark when I left and had to stop for a parade of mule deer crossing the main drag. They seemed to be headed for K-Mart.

  15. Palin endorses Trump, blames her sons' arrest for beating up and threatening his girlfriend with a rifle on Obama. In this age, that should boost the Trumpster another 10 points.
