Showing posts with label pro-life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pro-life. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The mouth is the best form of birth control

(get your mind out of the gutter) Within the past few years I've worked with 2 or 3 women, they're not unattractive by any stretch, and I thought to myself why can't I fantasize about them? It all reminds me of that old Henny Youngman quip, "I know you have to be somebody but why do you have to be you?" There are too many nice looking women with bad personalities out there, you're like how the hell did you come to be you? I am now convinced it all has to be part of the Master Plan, the Divine Cosmology, to give less comely women a fighting chance.

Bad sex leads to bad choices, this is my working theory to account for our high abortion rates. It's like when you have too much Scotch on a hot summer evening and then have weird dreams all night and then wake up in the morning all out of sorts or, if you're a man, you break down and rent a porno made by some retard, which pretty much describes over 90% of porn anyway, and so now you're angry at the producer, more angry at the video store manager who buys anything, and most of all you're angry at yourself,

where is the judgement?

For me good sex should not lead to the destruction of a fetus. I cannot separate the two, they are inextricably linked, the idea of potential feticide would just kill the mood for me and I've heard many other men from all shades of the political spectrum on the issue say the same thing. It's just not


now write an article about THAT Cosmo!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The man was definitely controversial, no question about that

The Rev. Jerry Falwell, 1933-2007, RIP

If you're controversial this simply means that not everyone agrees with you so in this sense all of us are controversial to a degree. The late Rev. Jerry Falwell of the Moral Majority made it his business to add his very passionate voice regarding issues of life and death, porn and gay "rights", so it's only logical that many many people would take issue with this just the same way that a person who advocates for the things he was against is also by definition controversial since many people will disagree with him but, for the msm, it's as if controversy only cuts one way. A conservative is always controversial but a liberal never is. Got it now? libs are by nature non-ideological peacemakers and conservatives are polarizing figures. Now I never agreed with everything Falwell stood for, I think boycotts of tv shows smack of censorship and draw needless attention to otherwise worthless products, but he never did anything outside the law here, boycotts are our constitutional right as the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are always calling for them when it suits their own political liberal agendas.

Just my .02 on the Rev. Falwell's passing.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

How to push people right or left, political mind games

Rush bashing liberals, the liberals say we're not like that and so even they get pulled rightward instead of saying everything he says about us is true. The more they insist they are not pro-abortion the more obvious it is they are but they get sucked into Rush's rightward vortex and will say things like abortion is a bad thing, I don't know anyone who is for abortion, do you? never met the guy, must be a psycho or something to be for feticide. So you go against the criticism by moving in the direction of the critic and the same thing happens to the conservatives, the more the libs paint them as rabid anti-abortionists the more reasonable, dare I say, liberal they become, "oh no, even if Roe is overturned tomorrow rest assured most states will still allow the procedure and the whole country was moving in the direction of, em, reform on abortion policy, wait a minute, did I just say reform."

Beth is the only one I understand.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Newt dipped his toe in the lake

and it felt good but for those chilly currents swirling around Giuliani, wade slowly Newt, tuck your tummy in and splash some on your shoulders and then take your dive. The writing is on the wall, Rudy is not resonating with social conservatives, and whether Newt Gingrich's mea culpa the other day on the Rev. James Dobson's radio show was a result of

political calculation or moral epiphany (to use a George Will phrase)

he did what Rudy never did, admit to personal weakness and say, yes, adultery is technically wrong. While leading the charge for Clinton's impeachment then House Speaker Gingrich was cheating on his second wife with a woman who became his third (talk about a Giuliani parallel!) As one analyst said last night this probably won't bother Christian conservatives who are used to forgiving people anyway so long as Newt espouses a political philosophy that is close enough to theirs (I don't think it'll be a problema). You have to have a pair of brass balls (I'm talking about Giuliani here) if you're a Republican your whole life and say things like you'd pay for your daughter's abortion and then, years down the road, expect to get the wholehearted support of your base. Your political compass is in the Bermuda Triangle. Newt is smarter than that, without getting into the abortion quagmire he can simply repeat what he's always said, that Roe was a judicial abomination, a gross usurpation of the principles of federalism and leave it at that. Makes the cut in my book.

I'd vote for the guy.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What exactly is our way of life anyway?

This comes to mind because conservative writer Dinesh D'Souza says that the radical Muslims don't like us for our coarse and pornographic anti-life culture. Leaving aside for the moment how could flying planes into buildings be considered pro-life D'Souza has touched a nerve with other "conservatives" tired of the culture wars, people like Victor Davis Hanson who calls it "one righty writer's terror tantrum." So how does one define our "way of life"? Are our soldiers dying in Iraq to protect legal abortion and hardcore porn? I myself would like to think they're giving up their lives to protect the nobler aspects of the American democratic experiment. Be that as it may why can't we just say Dinesh has the God-given American right to think out loud and leave it at that. Myself? I had a very bad day at work today.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's a vibe thing

Macabre House on the Right

Since you can remember you were always against abortion, euthanasia and the Playboy philosophy at the root of it all and were looking for a nice place to live in a good neighborhood. You fell in love with the House on the Right and it had a good school district that didn't teach kids they came from apes and how to put on a Trojan and so you settled in. You don't know why you didn't notice it before with your walk with the realtor but there it is when you were chilling one night in the living room, an enlarged and framed photo of Saddam hanging from the gallows, next to that is a psychedelic poster of a huge mushroom cloud. On the coffee table are National Review magazine articles in defense of the late right-wing Chilean strongman Augusto Pinochet, he may have tortured people and violated some human rights but he was more congenial to our national interests than other dictators, like say Saddam. On the bookshelf are bound testimonials published by Judie Brown of the American Life League, testimonials from married couples themselves who have divorced each other because they had sex with each other before the wedding day. You look in the stereo cabinet and see CDs like "Sean Hannity's Greatest Radio Hits", #3 track - Nick Berg screaming during his beheading at the hands of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

And that's only the living room, you haven't checked the attic and the cellar yet.People who masturbate your mind

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Obama and the media

Having thought about this Barack Obama thing I think in large part he is a creation of the media but not totally, that would be unfair. That we are even talking about a one-term Democratic Senator from Illinois as being a viable presidential contender shows he has that something extra but, with the exception of Hillary, in a Democratic field as dull as this one you almost become charismatic by default. When he does run, and he will, look for the msm to constantly refer to him as a "moderate" despite having a 100% liberal voting record, even having voted for international funding for groups that provide abortions. In the msm worldview there is no such thing as a liberal anyway, there are just those radical righties and the rest of us, aka moderate folk.

Former Republican Congressman Tom DeLay has said it will be a Hillary/Obama ticket in '08 and I agree although it's possible to flip that one around and play with it a little. DeLay is urging conservative bloggers to find something on Obama, anything, to derail his prospects. With so much to blog about these days, being a fairly conservative blogger myself, yeah Tom, that's what I'll do in my spare time when I'm not putting in 6 days of full-time work myself. Conservatives who do this, who want us to roll around in the pigpen, can't be too confident of their own political philosophy of conservatism, they must not think that pro-life plays in Peoria, so I guess they feel compelled to go this route. Oh well, at least he's honest.

NR's Richard Brookhiser is touting a Giuliani presidency in '08 and is even referring to him as our next wartime president. If you're a rightie and prefer to go this route, all or nothing for the war, then Rudy should be your man. Brookhiser is not overly concerned with his extremely liberal stances on such social issues as abortion and gay marriage. I think he is willing to overlook these because he knows the war is not popular now and Rudy is the only viable Republican candidate with enough of a powerhouse name to make the case for war ad infinitum and get away with it but my prognostication for '08 is that even he will lose to HillObama (or ObamaHill), the country will be so sick of the war by then with so many more casaulties and about a DRAFT don't even go there.

At any rate come November of '08 the sun will continue to rise and I'll be up early every day with my lunchpail runnin' on Dunkin' and blogging about God knows what then in my very meager spare time. If Rudy were smart he'd ask right now if there's any room for him in a Hillary cabinet.People who masturbate your mind

Thursday, November 30, 2006

You read one you read them all

I'm in Borders before and I see this new book by liberal feminist Susan Estrich, Soulless - Ann Coulter and the Right-Wing Church of Hate, a clever play on Ann's own book and this is pretty much the political discourse these days, some rightie or leftie pens a book and then someone else pens a rebuttal to that book. I used to read these books more but then quickly tired of them as I am mostly conservative/libertarian in bent but not overly ideological. The Left has been pretty much dominant in every sphere of modern life the last few decades so how can Estrich blame the Right if they are reacting to the influence of the Left? If the other ball dropped and it was the Right with all the clout the leftie books would pretty much come across as hateful too. Much of my own blogging has been a reaction to the political ideology of feminism and frankly I don't much care how I come across. There are no sacred cows in my book and I think when the Left or the Right has too much influence then some criticism of that movement is called for. I am a reactionary at heart and I remember radio host Jay Diamond applying this to callers when he said "if somebody comes across as too pro-abortion then I become pro-life" (and vice versa) and so while I wouldn't apply this to abortion as my views are pretty much set I do have that yin/yang principle in my makeup that Jay refers to, if a bunch of men banded together and formed a movement to defend getting a woman drunk and then taking advantage of her or what's the big deal with slapping that bitch around a little? she probably deserved it anyway then I'd be a passionate feminist. It's a shame though that today's major political thinkers and writers are so set in their ways, I think the people suffer as a result.

National Review writer Ramesh Ponnuru, whom I agree with most of the time, analyzes the recent election as a "conservative crackup" and even says that conservatives need to drop their opposition to big government. My views are really becoming more outside the mainstream everyday now, the great conservative movers and shakers have spoken, Reagan's notion of limited government may have a nostalgic sense but hey, who really wants to abolish the Department of Education or the National Endowment for the Arts? What were we thinking? How come we never hear of a great liberal crackup? That's because they don't argue their differences in public, they are more united than us and so have become more dominant and accomplish more. We could take a lesson. People who masturbate your mind

Monday, November 20, 2006

"Book 'em Danno"

Liberal mainstream media make a hard turn to the right and elude their conservative media-stalkers.

Dateline NBC - To Catch a Predator series starring new right-wing law and order poster boy, Chris Hansen. In the olde days the liberal msm would have had a problem with the commonly used police tactic of entrapment and liberals in general focused more on the criminal and his rights, if a legal technicality sprung him early on society to prey again so be it. To go after Michael Dukakis' weekend furlough program was deemed impolitic and uncivil and the famous Willie Horton ads were evidence of conservatives' inherent racism, now the new real-life crime shows like 48 Hours Mystery and Dateline highlight the evident failings of our criminal justice system and the insufficiency of our current laws to protect crime victims, Chris Hansen could probably pen the next law and order platform at the next big Republican convention in '08. On the last episode of Internet Predators they nailed a cancer-research specialist, a head of some medical affairs division at a large pharmaceutical company and they showed everything from his interrogation at the hands of a web detective to his painful phone call to his wife, "honey, you have to bail me out, it was a sting operation, I didn't do anything but I did do something stupid." Your life marriage and career have been destroyed in front of a national TV audience, tough shit buddy, that's the way the cookie crumbles pal. OK, so a prosecutor caught in the Internet sting killed himself, it's all in a day's work and society is better off without him. When it comes to issues of crime and punishment methinks many members of the liberal msm secretly vote Republican and have the Dirty Harry box set in their DVD collections.

Of course the Ole Gray Lady, the New York Times herself, is still way out there in the wild blue yonder, beyond being liberal, in some radical stratosphere of their own deranged thinking, defending people like notorious late-term Kansas abortionist George Tiller. Bill O'Reilly recently wrote about this Doctor of Death and the Times' defense of him. I can no longer stomach reading their editorials, they thought Bush's recent very pro-illegal immigration speech was pandering to his extreme right-wing base for cryin' out loud, and so I rely on what others who have stronger stomachs than mine have to say about Times' editorials. I prefer not to read them and so ruin my day, you have to go to work with a clear head and save masturbation of the mind for another day.

The Life Legal Defense Fund is now taking the Ohio chapter of Planned Parenthood to court because they allege they helped a 21 year old male statutory rapist elude the police when he impregnated a girl much younger than him and of course PP did the requisite abortion without telling anyone. LLDF claims there are many such cases that could be made against PP and that protecting statutory rapists by aborting their unborn offspring is standard operating procedure for them and LLDF further says that if this massive scandal of the abortion industry ever came to light it would wipe out PP overnight. Chris Hansen, anyone wanna run with this? The New York Times is out to lunch. People who masturbate your mind

Friday, November 17, 2006

The 3 Co-Equal branches of the government

"Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong." Dennis Miller used to say this after each of his rants but you never hear the opinionated fools known as talking heads ever say this and it comes to mind since there is now a small but growing chorus led by George Will and Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain that the Democrats swept into Congress because the Republicans gave up on their vision of small and limited government (read - Congress' intervention in the Terri Schiavo case). I never knew McCain was the libertarian type what with his campaign-finance reform and all and Will should know that we have or are supposed to have 3 co-equal branches of the government, that the judiciary does not have the final word on matters of life and death, and that many people, even some liberals, can forgive a desperate family for going to the Congress to intervene on behalf of their incapacitated daughter. Conservative Linda Chavez and yours truly seem to be the only ones on the right track here, of course the War was uppermost on voters' minds but as she pointed out the other day in her column 1 in 4 people who voted in this last election were union members even though unions make up only 12% of the workforce and 3/4 of these voters went for the Democrat. Will seems to be reinventing conservatism to mean you can't help cognitively disabled people to escape a painful and agonizing death from starvation and dehydration at the hands of spouses with ambiguous motives. Will is no small intellect but he is hardly the pro-life conservative he was in the past (he recently came out for embryonic stem-cell research for example) and everytime he does this I'm going to check him on it.

I myself opposed the War from the start but have grown more tolerant of it, I never thought Bush deliberately lied about those WMDs to get us into war and so I figured even though it may not be the right war Bush acted in good faith and losing is not an option, once you're in it you have to win it, it's just that I don't see the Sean Hannitys really grasping the message voters sent and if you want to win the White House in '08 you have to get rid of your ostrich politics. The American people are not inherently anti-war but they do want wars fought competently, they re-elected Bush over Kerry mainly to finish the job. That conservatives like Hannity are willing to forfeit the '08 elections because the War is all-consuming is, to put it mildly, somewhat amazing to me. I'm no longer the hardcore Republican I used to be (if I ever was one) and now I'm just floating around in Independence land, tired of the ideological trenches and the lack of moral consensus in this country and most of all TIRED OF ALL THOSE TALKING HEADS. People who masturbate your mind

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Nicky Spano, nice to know you

It was close again here in Westchester County New York. Last time Republican State Senator Nick Spano won by only 18 votes over his black Democratic challenger Andrea Stewart-Cousins and this year it appears he's lost to her by a wider margin. Instead of accepting defeat graciously the way Republican George Allen did in VA he wants the same endless recounting that they did the last time around and right after the election results he took off for a 6 day Florida vacation. Spano was pro-life early in his career but then Polly Rothstein of the Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion got ahold of him and he switched to pro-abortion. This is retarded, whatever you are it's best to stick with your original position because then you can't change back even if you wanted to. Let's say Spano sniffs the air like all politicians do and senses a pro-life swoosh in the other direction, he can't change back because then he'd lose all credibility with both sides and would look like a total asshole. Politicians call themselves "pro-choice" usually not out of sincerely held principles but because they see the public opinion polls going in this direction. If most surveys showed 90% of the population going for pro-life then they'd be pro-life. They are whores, nothing more. They'd sell their own mothers out for votes. People who masturbate your mind

Friday, November 03, 2006

Political 'hos

Hillary was talking again about the importance of religion in society, went to some black church the other day and rapped about the need for parents and rules and discipline (except of course minors who get abortions without their Mom and Dad's knowledge). In my neck of the woods we have Westchester State Senator Nick Spano in NY who used to be pro-life until he sold his soul to Planned Parenthood. In his ads he highlights that he is a steadfast supporter of abortion rights which got me thinking, whatever happened to the Krauthammer Model on abortion? Charles Krauthammer is a mostly conservative commentator who once wrote what I thought was a very seminal piece that, even though politically abortion should remain legal it should have a negative social stigma attached to it and pro-lifers should be given as much latitude as possible to talk women out of it. As I am pro-life I can't fully endorse his views here but what is very worthwhile in my opinion is the stigma part. I could even see a politician saying something along these lines, "I am reluctantly politically pro-choice but in my heart I feel abortion is wrong and so you won't catch me speaking before groups that are very active in enabling women to get abortions...yada yada yada", but we don't get this. It's like Hillary made a pact with the pro-aborts, you can talk your best conservative smack, rap violent video games and sex on tv all you want, just tow the pro-choice line is all we ask. And I would ask Nicky Spano do you ever have anything negative to say about abortion? There is a rebellion in our hearts over what we know to be true and it's this unacknowledged moral tension that has us bewildered and adrift, we don't know why we are so unhappy.

NY State Comptroller Alan Hevesi has an ad running touting the fact that he has been the author of 108 laws. So why is this something to be proud of? I think this is the main way people go about solving their problems today, go to their legislators, but I still make the case that a functioning society needs comparatively few laws. Yeah, as an early civilization evolves (think colonial America) you need your laws against murder and bank robbery, and then plagiarism comes up and libel and slander and yeah, you need some rules governing food establishments mainly along the lines of proper food temps for meats and general cleanliness but beyond this - WHAT? - and so this is the main reason why I'm not voting this year,

WE HAVE ENOUGH LAWS ALREADY! People who masturbate your mind

Friday, October 20, 2006

I'm a pro-choice pro-lifer

Hillary Clinton recently went to Long Island to receive the enthusiastic endorsement of the political arm of Long Island Planned Parenthood even though she and Bill have repeatedly gone on record as saying abortion is a BAD THING. There are now about 1.3 million of those bad things happening in this country every year and Planned Parenthood performs the majority of those bad things so how bad does a thing have to be before you decide to stop speaking to a group that is primarily responsible for those bad things, or maybe for her it's just kinda bad or not bad at all when you need the votes. I thought Bill kinda wanted to make the bad thing a RARE THING so where's all the "informed consent" legislation she should be working on? If this be "moderation" on abortion I'd hate to see what a liberal would do.

People who masturbate your mind

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Life Chain Sunday

Today is 'Life Chain Sunday" when thousands of pro-lifers across the country bear peaceful witness against abortion by forming human chains and carrying posters. Pro-Choice is not at all a consistent political philosophy, most of the choicers seem to be pro-choice only about abortion. This is not a novel observation, George Will once wrote a column about how the pro-aborts are never for your right to smoke a cigarette or own an SUV or carry a gun for your self-preservation or, to update this, to eat french fries that have been dipped in trans fatty acids. In fact most of the time they are Big Government all the way and so I propose that we use the term "pro-abortion" instead. If they were really pro-choice on all these other issues I'd go with it but they haven't earned the moniker in my book. What about the choice of a woman to carry a gun to protect herself, a woman who may be in real danger and has been properly trained in its use? You'll never hear a Democrat talk like this, instead they want to protect the woman from the risque joke in the workplace.

The prevalent legal view that the fetus has the moral status of Hamburger Helper is the imposition of somebody's else's view of things, it is not by any stretch of the imagination a non-view as Mario Cuomo would have us believe and so I would also propose that you have to demonstrate the fetus's non-humanity before you can kill it which of course the pro-aborts cannot do. Also, how does it make sense that the fetus may be fully human at the 5th month or the 6th or the 7th but not two or three days before these whimsical and purely arbitrary cutoff dates? This is masturbation of the mind big-time and that is my thought for this Pro-Life Sunday. On the Right