Saturday, July 09, 2011

A Simple Experiment

There is only way to ultimately prove the political validity and viability of either liberalism or conservatism as a way of correct governance for Society. Now in Science tests are done, experiments are repeated endlessly and new ones thought up to winnow through the various theories that sprout up to help explain this or that so as to ferret out better conclusions and so Politics should be no different. The Eternal Political Debate, Shaw, Dave, BB, Saty et al making their respective points, passionately argued of course and so what I propose is simply that we have fifty years of pure liberalism and fifty years of pure conservatism. Liberalism can go first if it wants. Of course this is a long time, real political epochs spanning generations but a Study of this magnitude and import takes time and you don't want various conservative pockets like Reaganism and fig Newtons let's say to offset the results, to give false positive readings spawn from a quirky kind of giddiness that doesn't prove anything anyway one way or the other. These things take time and since we'll all be long gone and dead by then it will be up to posthumous generations to study and collate the results and infuse the wisdom found therein to political systems in the future and so we'll all be more enlightened by then to know what to do and how to proceed...Oh wait, we've already had 50+ years of liberalism:)

Friday, July 08, 2011

Is Wealth evil?

Obama in the so-called budget talks with Republicans says we have to end tax breaks and close the loopholes for wealthy Americans and oil companies and corporate jet owners. He's had philosophical issues with The Problem of Wealth his whole life, it bothers him and animates him and inspires him and it's not just him, it's the whole Democratic Party. Wealth is evil is a kind of unspoken Democratic Party platform. The constant engagement in the rhetoric and tools of class warfare, now it'll be dressed up as practical and responsible measures to lower the debt and reduce the deficit but what is the real motive here? I would submit they have a philosophical problem with wealth as does the president and on a psychological level it's really all about punishing the rich who when you get right down to it create jobs for the rest of us. Though I cannot relate to the rich, they are out of my orbit but if a person comes by his wealth honestly and through sheer dint of hard work why should they be punished in the form of confiscatory taxation? I can come up with no valid reason except for the psychological one, you resent them. This doesn't make me pro-the wealthy just being honest. C'mon admit it all you liberals, you hate the rich!

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The Casey Anthony verdict - NOT GUILTY!

There is alot of public outrage over this. Here are my thoughts -- The only charges she was convicted on were four misdemeanor charges having to do with lying to investigators which begs the obvious question if you're innocent why all the lying? If she really is not guilty then that means the murderer is still out there yet nobody seems to be looking for him or her (O.J. Redux?). Casey's mother Cindy looking up the subject "chloroform" on the house computer, consensus is she lied to protect her daughter from the death penalty about which more in a minute. Now it's a free country and God knows what topics I've googled over the years, they sure as hell ain't your more popular Yahoo trenders but chloroform out of the blue? It's an unusual topic to search on the Web, it's free speech and it's your right but I could be bored out of my skull and I'd sooner look up muskrat or the Eastern King Snake. It took this jury just under 11 hours, yes hours and not days to render a verdict from a 36 day trial and that in and of itself shows a lack of respect imo. I guess what was obvious to them ain't so obvious to the rest of us. Clearly to many people the defense team fogged the jury here with tales of family dysfunction and the father molesting his daughter which even if the judge deleted that so to speak it still plants the seed and that's all you need. Could 2-year old Caylee have accidentally drowned in the family swimming pool? Sure but people don't usually cover these things up but grieve like mad the rest of their haunted days. I'm not comfortable with totally circumstantial cases especially involving the death penalty, it's far preferable to have evidence. Reasonable Doubt - those two former NYC police officers who were acquitted in that rape case involving a drunken female Manhattan executive, despite feminist excoriation of the jury it had reasonable doubt written all over it so I understand perfectly well how the system is supposed to work. In this case one of the alternate jurors was talking to Matt Lauer this morning. Let me put it this way, I respect the fact that in our system a jury can reach a conclusion that might be different from mine ("thank you for your work") but what I absolutely hate are pinheads:)

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Coyotes in Westchester County NY

So I'm driving to work yesterday in the wee hours and see a coyote crossing North Broadway just past Executive Blvd. in Yonkers and enter the woods of Lenoir Preserve. Silvery fur, nice canid and told a few people at work what I saw. Now I didn't make the official phone call, report a sighting. I didn't want to be kind of a dick because folks get excited and I mean real excited over these things. Actually there's woods there, they were here first so I figure they have every right to dwell and they come down from the Old Croton Aqueduct but there was another reason I didn't want to involve my local government bureaucracy. Last summer a couple coyotes showed up on Park Ave. by Roberts at about 2 in the morning, people called of course and since it was their jurisdiction a couple Yonkers cops, one a sergeant, showed up. So the sarge encounters one of the critters and takes out his pistol and fires off some shots. WTG!!! I got some issues here: first he ain't part of Animal Control and hasn't been trained as such, two an errant shot could have hit some innocent bystander, say some guy dropping a girl off and three he could have mistaken somebody's pet for the wild canid as there can be some confusion here with certain breeds (maybe BB here can link us up with the rare coydog). Now they say you're supposed to scream at the top of your lungs if you encounter one and as my friend goes it's all part of the Pussification of America. Later that night nothing on the tv so I hit the Audubon Field Guide to the Mammals, second time I read it: cruising speed from 20-30 MPH (can I jog that fast?), top speed 40 MPH for short distances, can make 14 foot springing leaps, they weigh anywhere from 20-40 lbs. (kinda a light dog so what's all the fuss about? it's not like a feral Sasquatch), average lifespan in the wild 6-8 yrs. This was right before the Hastings-on-Hudson border but more Yonkers so I know how these things play out. Did see a couple of dead coyotes recently on the side of the Saw Mill Pkwy. in the Hastings/Ardsley corridor which runs parallel to the much-used South County Trail butcha wanna know something? My exercise and my health comes first, went for my powerwalk this morning and I'll be damned if I'm walking there with my murse slung over my shoulder and start screaming at the top of my lungs like some little bitch:)

Friday, July 01, 2011

I don't have a position because I think all of your positions are stupid

My take on politics.

The Government Conundrum

BB-Idaho used a most interesting example of what happens or what can happen when a country, in this case Somalia, has absolutely no government ( It's obvious why BB being a liberal used this example and it strongly buttresses his case. The man is not wrong and yet on the other side of the coin soapie seems to have been advocating lately no government whatsoever, anarchy if you will and he has a point, not about the anarchy but about the government (it fucks things up). So why does Government exist in the first place? I would submit human nature being corrupt it exists to rein in our baser instincts. You can get into a whole discussion here if you want that most people are good by nature, the Rousseau version but Christianity says otherwise and basically government exists because we know that people left unto themselves being inherently sinful if you want to get all theological about it will do Bad Things. So that's the premise here and that's the real reason government, any government exists (I know I know there have been legions of corrupt governments from the getgo down through the ages whose sole purpose seems to be to pillage from the people but I'm talking on a theoretical level here). Now the following point I can't take total credit for, I think Beth made it back in the day BUT the government is made up of human beings, not perfect automatons, not computers, not cyborgs (although I realize Mayor Bloomberg looks and acts like a cyborg). Human beings are corrupt hence the government will be corrupt (think JFK coverup or any other example that tickles your ivory). It's a circular argument but we still need government even though that government will tend to be corrupt over time. Without any form of government you get Somalia, it desperately NEEDS an official government and yet you can wind up with an Idi Amin or a Robert Mugabe or a Charles Taylor which leads me to my next blog and that is my distillation of what I've seen and read here and elsewhere since Oct. the 23rd, 2006......

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Radical social change doesn't sell so well in the Heartland

Though he says he has no interest it's NY Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo's presidential prospects in 2016. New York is a kind of world unto itself, one big vast political Amusement Park. You might come out from an orgy where everyone thinks alike (Sexual Hero) but don't expect everyone to understand. What plays in New York doesn't always play in Peoria. I think Obama understands this which is why he's still "evolving." Gay marriage means bigger and more expansive government and for an excellent commentary go to As for those GOP presidential wannabes I generally avoid the subject. You'll read this conservative blogger likes this one, that conservative blogger likes that one but we're all scattered. No one is emerging as THE ONE but that's what primaries and conventions are for. Knock yourself out in the meantime but I'll wait.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Gay marriage in the Empire State

New York State has legalized gay marriage. I knew this already but popped on my local newscast last night anyway to get the latest on the pharmacy murders, whatever fire in Brooklyn and what it's gonna do tomorrow but after about two minutes, no make that 30 seconds I channel-surfed back to Globetrekker. It wasn't my local pornographic violent news I've come to expect, it was the Gay News. It's like sometimes I'll be watching Ch. 25 here and they have some good stuff but some nights it's just the whole gay theme and you're like why can't they just have some good cooking show on instead? Social Liberalism as a Way to Placate the Annoying - maybe folks just wanted to pass the gay marriage just to move onto more pressing matters like the economy and jobs, you know we don't endorse what you do but shut up already, we'll give it to you is there anything else? Look people don't get along. I don't care if you're Man & Woman, Man & Man or Woman & Woman, have two people live alongside each other for years and years and they'll get on each other's nerves. Today Gay Marriage, tomorrow Gay Divorce. Obama's stance is still evolving because of the ickiness factor, perfectly understandable. There will always be that residual societal disgust that gays just need to accept and get over. My deliberately provocative title poses a conundrum, what to do when PETA and gay rights clash:)

You're killing me

How do people annoy you? For me listening to David Brooks on the Friday evening political roundup with Mark Shields on the Jim Lehrer Newshour falls into this category. Maybe it's a sign of age but lately for me it's everything but I have to remember not to top it off with analysis from Shields and Brooks:)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Do you want Obama picking the next Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court in a recent and narrow 5-4 decision ( has ruled that the State of California must release about 40,000 prisoners in two years. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority decision. The usual liberal and ACLU-inspired drivel, prison overcrowding, lack of full medical attention, constitutional violations but it was really a cruel and unusual decision for the people of California. Point I'm getting to is new justices and Obama appointees Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan BOTH joined in the majority. Remember them? they were supposed to be centrists, not scary at all. Well the decision merits a blog unto itself but IF the GOP nominees were smart and that's a big if they'd run with this front and center. I'm expecting alot I know.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sex before jobs

New York State under the liberal stewardship of Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo seems poised to become the sixth and largest state in the Union to legalize same-sex marriage. Some key Repubs in the State Senate have shifted position and so it's closer to becoming a reality but I hearken back to Michael Kinsley's position of not too long ago that maybe it would be a good deal for the government to not get involved in the marriage business on any level hetero or homo. So WHY do you need the government to recognize and validate your special relationships anyway? Is this the time to push for radical social change? Aren't jobs and the economy more important and who has time to worry about this stuff in this day and age? Last time I brought up the Kinsley Proposal folks seemed to miss the point but it's a good time to revisit it. Couple gay jokes: when Liberace died they scattered his ashes in San Francisco Bay and killed all the blowfish. Bunch of gay men in a pool and some white thing comes floating by and one guy goes "ok who farted?" Not too long ago I lamented the fact that we have another Cuomo in office and it won't be long before we revisit the Social Issues annoying as that is and I just think Kinsley's idea makes alot of sense. Just take this stuff off the table:)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Weiner pulls out

Now the Democrats can go about the unfinished business of implementing liberalism for the American people. I liked it better when it was a distraction:)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Pearl Harbor Bias

For purposes of the following discussion Asian means Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai and all the rest (folks don't know the difference) but the thesis of the thread is the existence of what I call the Pearl Harbor Bias. Anyways so I'm watching an episode from the second season of Masterchef a few nights ago. This is kinda the American Idol of amateur chefs from around the country who get to show judges Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot and Joe Bastianich their culinary skills. So early on in the competition you have to present one of your signature dishes and so it's the young Asian guy's turn and even the judges agreed his crab dish was absolutely delectable, light and the purity of it all but only Joe thought he had potential and the other two simply eliminated him. Some picayune, nitpicking criticism that it wasn't a main dish or something. OK so in the wake of the tragic Japanese tsunami my parish never even took up a collection for the victims unless I missed something or even mentioned it in their prayer intentions at Mass. Now on the workfront we usually have some type of trendy collection box going especially when such an apocalyptic disaster occurs but with this thing straight out of the Bible absolutely NOTHING and I mean nothing. Yeah the usual cancer and Jerry's Kids stuff, pink ribbons and March of Dimes, oh that's K-Mart. Oh yeah some bakery manager who I haven't seen in quite some time came in yesterday and I said hi and she said "what happened to you, are you anorexic?" Always a plain-spoken bitch but mathematically at 195 lbs. and exercising regulary with the chest pull resister I bought at Modell's her theory doesn't work out and I said my doctor gave me my ideal weight range and I reached it, I mean take it up with him. I'm digressing but the point is a bunch of Japs can be swept out to sea and folks express more concern that I'm healthier now (funny how they don't seem to notice it when you're overweight). I've long ago come to the conclusion Society is irretrievably weird. Getting back to the Asian crab guy on Masterchef he was standing there all proud and sure of himself but then it was like he was relegated to culinary eternal damnation or something. Joe said the other two were making a mistake but it was like Gordon and Graham saw absolutely no potential in the guy and it was only his first signature dish and yet they'll pass in some black mama from Georgia or Mississippi who talked sweet and threw something together. You know they've had a bad run of it lately what with the tour bus full of Asian gamblers coming back from Mohegan Sun in Connecticut overturning when it reached the Bronx, one half-expects to turn on CNN only to find a jetliner full of Koreans flying into some erupting volcano somewhere but you'd think they could get a little respect in the culinary world:)

Monday, June 13, 2011

The guy has a first name you know

The weird part about the Anthony Weiner scandal is he didn't actually have sex with any of these women so it's like a kind of pseudo-scandal, it'd be like going to hell for masturbation and where in hell does Bill Clinton get off being mad at him? Now if you're name is Weiner and you do decide to engage in this type of behavior wouldn't you go with a legal name change first? You know there's a side street over by Cross County in Yonkers called "Hiscock Place" and it'd be like if Mr. Hiscock ran for office and got embroiled in some big gay sex scandal you might wanna dot your i's and cross your t's first is all I'm sayin'. The existential coldness of Anthony Weiner's situation, even his own party wants to throw him overboard. Maybe he didn't push abortion enough, dunno but Slick Willie got away with more, far more and it made him stronger. Been meaning to pose this: so who do conservatives hate more, Bill Clinton or Barack Obama? You remember back in the day you couldn't live through 24 hours without hearing of Paula Jones or Kathleen Willey or even Juanita Broaddrick, dead teenagers on the Arkansas train tracks and drug-running at the Mena Airport, Whitewater, Lewinsky, those 500 or was it 900 FBI files? Ken Starr, Chinagate, impeachment, last-minute pardons......we don't even talk about that anymore, that's like a Three's Company or Sanford and Son rerun but the void has been filled by one Barack Hussein Obama. I must caution the Republicans if they're buying tickets to board the big old PhallusShip into the next election. An overindulgence in Weiner minutiae is not gonna get you there but with Huma being pregnant and all this throws a curve into normal conservative thinking. Mr. Weiner doesn't even have a business or law degree to fall back on like some of the others, what's he gonna be a deli clerk? and you wouldn't want those economic pressures to lead to a bad decision here. BTW some rich guy is gonna scuba-dive for bin Laden's corpse in the North Arabian Sea next month and our corporate media is wasting no time in calling him an eccentric.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

FREE SPEECH - abortion, gay jokes, the works

Beth thought this important enough to discuss and I agree. The link:
Since I subscribe to the principle that in the vast majority of cases free speech should win at the end of the day it didn't take me long to reach my conclusion. I read the article twice and it doesn't say if the ex's name was used on the billboard but it clearly falls under free speech even if he shouldn't have done it. Of course you could make the argument that since it's a specific guy on the ad people in the local area can easily put 2&2 together and deduce who the ex probably is but it's a very interesting case and I love this stuff. Now Tracy Morgan of 30 Rock has said some stuff, some antigay jokes down in some nightclub and well it didn't take long for the almost immediate pro-forma apology from Mr. Morgan (maybe in the future it can come right after the joke, saves time) but the thing about these cases is I absolutely HATE political correctness. Now I'm not antigay by any stretch but when the obligatory gay spokesman from some group issues the mandatory official statement that everyone's feelings got hurt you just wanna call him a faggot. You see the thing about humor is it's entirely subjective, it's in the eye of the beholder. There's no objective norm to humor in the first place and so some people in the club, the ones who weren't offended did find his comments hilarious but that doesn't prove exactly they hate gays. The best gay jokes I ever heard in my life came from liberals btw. Here's the other thing, how does censorship solve the Problem? Why not let Tracy Morgan make his jokes and the gay guy can call him a dick? Works for me and why if he's such a big star on 30 Rock is he doing standup in the first place?:)

Monday, June 06, 2011

Essential Truths

Most people don't read your blog. Letters-to-the-Editor are probably more widely read although the blog offers far more creative freedom of course so I prefer them (not really into cyberforums anymore either, always the moderators with their corrective measures). My sitemeter is like my weight, it keeps going down. Actually my weight's being maintained but my hits keep going down. Keeping this essential truth in mind why do we blog? For me it's a kind of hobby, something to relax to after work. There are those who say to increase your hitmeter you have to visit quite a few other blogs on a regular basis, you know you scratch my balls I'll scratch yours. Too much work to do on a consistent basis imo so I only visit those that interest me on any given day and I tend to visit the same ones. If it ain't fun don't do it. Essential Truths -- a kind of continuing series:)

AIDS - 30+ years later

Read a big writeup about AIDS in my Sunday paper yesterday, how despite initial pessimism they're making progress after all these years. Many of the harsher earlier drugs like AZT have been replaced by kindler, gentler and more efficient and less toxic medicines and there is definite hope on the horizon but I got to thinking back to what the Jamaican chef (a character who occasionally pops up in these blogpages) told me once. Now if you met the guy you'd say he's quite intelligent, articulate and not your broadbased wildeyed conspiracy theorist, you can rap with him and since I'm on the subject I've been meaning to pose the question for BB and the others is there at least one conspiracy theory that you believe in, that you subscribe to? (what is this overtrust of government anyway?) Anyway he opined to me one day that he thinks AIDS was invented by the U.S. Government as a form of genocide against black people. Now I don't subscribe to this but it should be apparent by now that the darker-hued folks do see alot of subjects quite differently but I will say the key here and something I cannot answer and that doesn't sit well is why should there be a new disease? We've had your basic classic diseases down through the centuries. Mentions of syphilus have been woven into some of Shakespeare's plays and breast tumors have been around since the time of Cleopatra but AIDS??? Was this invented by some weird masturbator in a CIA lab somewhere, some Mengeleian prodigy? a form of biological warfare as it was maybe initially designed that somehow found its way into the general population? So how would you respond to the Jamaican chef? The argument from intimidation won't work, the man wants anwers.

Saturday, June 04, 2011



Politics is alot like cooking

Everyone thinks their way is the way.