Thursday, June 27, 2024

The one thing I don't like about Google is you have no privacy

The other thing I don't like about Google is you have no privacy.  Say you want to post a video from YouTube on a blog or forum your whole video feed comes up but maybe you don't want people seeing you have a recommended video for natural home remedies for hemorrhoids.   I suppose you could go incognito but I don't trust that.  The other day I went to an Urgent Care center for a UTI.  Couple days later I get a link in my email to give a review but I'd be posting publicly under my real name instead of say something like Cyclops 78.  I chose not to post a review as it would then be a matter of the public record I had a UTI.  Google also won't let me create my own lexicon and make up my own words.  Also on more than one occasion it has ruined a text message to a friend with its spelling authoritarianism and now ai influence.  The list goes on.......

Other than that I think it's great;)

Monday, June 24, 2024

One thing has always annoyed me

When people feed stray cats they usually just open up a can of Friskies or 9 Lives and leave it on the sidewalk.  A hungry cat can cut his tongue.licking out the can then people forget about the can and any leftover food dries up in the sun.  Get a decent bowl they're not expensive.  Too much work?  The community cats deserve better.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The aging blogger

 I have a large backyard and every year it gets overrun with weeds.  Large weeds.  Couple weeks back was whacking with one of them manual whackers and later into the day and into the next my left arm became very sore.  Now I get this intense pain in my left elbow to the point I suffer if I even use a spray bottle with my left hand.  I'm partial ambidextrous no matter.  It's a jungle down there could have been a black widow who knows?  I'm older now and Nurse Nancy would probably have one of my feet in the grave.  Bought some Tylenol arthritis power but will wait until a sufficient time has elapsed after imbibing my last adult beverage for the night.  I have my priorities.

Ever have everything go wrong with you AT THE SAME TIME?  You want to go to the doctor's office and present him with a list of at least five ailments and say here fix them.  We can rebuild him we have the technology.  Funny thing is my friend can eat sushi and down it with chocolate milk no problem. 

My cumbersome labeling system.  Gonna file it under health.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

This is what you came for

 I honestly think Taylor Swift only goes out with well-known men for the sheer publicity of it all.  Nothing ever comes of it.  Conspiracy theorists say she hooked up with Travis Kelce because he's pimping for Pfizer.  I don't take it to that level it's simply par for the course for her.  She's 34 now and her biological clock is ticking.  I can't check out groceries at the store without seeing her on most magazine covers.  Dua Lipa or any other artist doesn't get this press.  She's a whole sub-economy now.  What are your Swifty thoughts?

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

It's getting harder to shop these days

My backyard has come to resemble a vacant lot these days with overgrown weeds so went to the Home Depot.  Lots of stuff under look and key now.  Essential garden power tools behind a cage.  I mean is someone really gonna try to leave the store with a giant pole trimmer?  Then the public restrooms have  some sort of a control box on the door with nine numbers and a secret code.  Black guy yelled to the nearest clerk there's people waiting here and I threw in my 10 cent humor and said there's gonna be diarrhea all over the place.  Target too lots of stuff under lock and key now.  I understand the Gillette 5-bladers and items like that but everything you used to just grab and examine first?  Sometimes you just give up and go home.

Went to a Rivertown library today.  They have a new parking system.  Instead of meters (they have no lot) you have to go up to a pay station and get a slip to put on your dashboard.  Ok I can adjust but it took me about a minute to pay and get my stub and I go back to my car and there's a $50 parking ticket on my windshield.  I had to go to the nearby Village Hall to clear this up and the cop at the desk voided it out.  Progress.

Why is everybody so anal these days?

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Would a Judge Judy mask help?

 Personally I've never had an encounter.